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AdobeHouse (ADOBE) Token Smart Contract

AdobeHouse is designed to revolutionize education by empowering young minds through engaging activities and rewards. This repository contains the Solidity code for the AdobeHouse token.

Table of Contents

Token Specifications
Token Contract Functions
    Basic Token Operations
    Staking Integration
    Contract Upgrade Management
How to Interact with the Contract
Important Note
Contact Information

Token Specifications

Name: AdobeHouse
Symbol: ADOBE
Decimals: 18
Max Supply: 1,000,000,000 ADOBE
Presale Supply: 100,000,000 ADOBE

Token Contract Functions

Basic Token Operations

balanceOf(account): Returns the balance of a specified account.
transfer(recipient, amount): Transfers tokens from the caller's account to the recipient's account.
allowance(ownerAddr, spender): Returns the remaining allowance for a spender to spend on behalf of an owner.
approve(spender, amount): Approves a spender to spend a specified amount of tokens on behalf of the caller.
transferFrom(sender, recipient, amount): Transfers tokens from the sender to the recipient using the allowance mechanism.

Staking Integration

setStakingContract(_stakingContract): Sets the address of the staking contract.
stakeTokens(amount): Stakes a specified amount of tokens.
unstakeTokens(): Unstakes tokens from the staking contract.
generateReward(amount): Generates reward tokens for the caller.

Contract Upgrade Management

AdobeHouse has designed its token smart contract with the ability to be upgraded. The decision to update the smart contract is to ensure that we can incorporate new features, enhance security measures, and improve the overall efficiency of the token ecosystem. As we progress with our educational platform and community, we may identify areas for refinement or additions to the contract that can better support our mission.

The upgrade process will be thoroughly tested and audited to maintain the highest level of security and transparency. We are committed to keeping our community informed about any updates to the smart contract.

How to Interact with the Contract

To interact with the AdobeHouse smart contract, use digital wallets like MetaMask or directly interact with the contract address. For staking and unstaking tokens, refer to the specific functions detailed above.

Important Note

Please note that the AdobeHouse token smart contract is designed with the ability to be upgraded. We may release new versions to enhance security, efficiency, and functionality, which will be communicated to the community.

Always verify the contract address and functions before interacting with it, as it may be subject to audits and ongoing updates.

Thank you for being a part of AdobeHouse's journey!

Entity Information & Contact:

Entity Name: Association Casa din Chirpici (NGO Adobe House)

Incorporation Details:
Registered in Romania, County Bihor, Town: Oradea
Registration No: 1874/A/2021
TAX Number: 44437199

Physical Address:
Oradea, County Bihor, Romania

Contact Information:
📧 Email:

Social Media & Online Presence:
🌐 Official Website:
🐦 Twitter: NGOAdobeHouse
💬 Discord: AdobeHouse Discord
🔗 GitHub: NGOAdobeHouse
📹 YouTube: AdobeHouseNGO
📸 Instagram: ngoadobehouse
🔗 LinkedIn: NGO Adobe House


Adobe House smart contract







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