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name: "Copy Release to Public RAP CoP Repo"
# This github action is used to copy our latest release from our private RAP_CoP_Dev repo to the pubic rap_community_of_practice repo
# This happens when a release is published, and it will result in a new branch being made in the pubic repo for this release, containing
# the changes since the last release.
release: # we want this job to run automatically when a release is published
types: [published]
workflow_dispatch: # This means we can run the action manually if we want
runs-on: "ubuntu-latest"
if: github.repository == 'NHSDigital/RAP_CoP_dev'
- name: Checkout private
uses: actions/checkout@v3
token: ${{ secrets.EXTERNAL_REPO_TOKEN }}
path: private
- name: Checkout public
uses: actions/checkout@v3
token: ${{ secrets.EXTERNAL_REPO_TOKEN }}
repository: NHSDigital/rap-community-of-practice
path: public
- name: Read the release name and save it to the environment
run: |
cd private
echo RELEASE_NAME=$(gh release view --json name | jq -r '.name') >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Create a RELEASE_BRANCH name and save to env
run: echo RELEASE_BRANCH=release/${{ env.RELEASE_NAME }} >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Create release branch and push changes to private
run: |
cd private
git branch ${{ env.RELEASE_BRANCH }}
git push -u origin ${{ env.RELEASE_BRANCH }}
- name: Delete .git folder from private
run: |
cd private
rm -rf .git
- name: Delete contents of public (apart from .git folder)
run: |
cd public
find . -maxdepth 1 \( ! -name . -a ! -name .git \) -exec rm -fr {} +
- name: Copy contents of private to public
run: |
cp -r private/. public/
- name: Create release branch, commit changes to it, and push to public
run: |
cd public
git config --global "${GITHUB_ACTOR}"
git config --global "${GITHUB_ACTOR_ID}+${GITHUB_ACTOR}"
git checkout -b ${{ env.RELEASE_BRANCH }}
git add .
git commit -m "Release ${{ env.RELEASE_NAME }}"
git push -u origin ${{ env.RELEASE_BRANCH }}