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Add upgrade section (work in progress).
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Tim Bruijnzeels committed Apr 22, 2021
1 parent 7d59c1c commit cc387b1
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Showing 2 changed files with 99 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions source/index.rst
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Expand Up @@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ line and through an API.
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98 changes: 98 additions & 0 deletions source/upgrade.rst
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@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
.. _doc_krill_upgrade:

Upgrading to this Version

API Changes in v0.9.0

There are a number of API changes between v0.9.0 and previous versions. The main reasons for these
changes are:

1. Krill no longer has the concept of embedded CA parent-child or repo-ca relations. If you have
multiple CAs in a single Krill instance and/or a Publication Server, then Krill will now always
use the official RFC protocol - even if both entities live in the same Krill instance.
2. We wanted to make the API consistent.

But most importantly: **We wanted to make the API stable so we can work towards Krill 1.0**

Here we will list all CLI commands and API calls that were changed between Krill 0.8.2 and this
version. Commands which are not listed here can be assumed to be unchanged.

krillc parents update

The 'update' command has been removed and is now folded in to `krillc parents add`.

krillc parents add

If you add a parent which already exists for your CA, then this will act as an 'update' instead. I.e.
the previously known :rfc:`8183` Parent Response for the parent will be replaced.

The CLI command is unchanged:

.. code-block:: text
$ krillc parents add --ca newca --parent testbed --response ./parent-response.xml
But there were changes to the API.

Adding a parent can be done by posting XML or JSON to: /api/v1/cas/<ca>/parents in which case the
parent name will be extracted from the XML, or by posting to /api/v1/cas/<ca>/parents/<parent-name>
in which case the parent name in the path will override the name in the submitted JSON or XML.

The server will verify in all cases that the parent can be reached. If there was no parent for the
name a parent will be added, otherwise the parent contact details will be updated.

When posting the LOCAL parent name can be included in the path, in which case it overrides the parent
handle in submitted XML. If the parent name is included in the path and JSON is submitted, then an error
will be returned if the names in the path and the JSON do not match.

The JSON body has to include the local name by which the CA will refer to its parent, this is also the
name shown to the user in the UI. The local name maps to the handle field in the JSON below. The second
component is the contact. Krill used to support an embedded type, but this is no longer supported.

Instead of a JSON member under `contact` we now have "type": "rfc6492" here. We still have this type
because this allows for the notion of Trust Anchor - which we use in test setups - and it keeps the
door open to future additions (eg if there ever is an RFC 6492 bis). The remainder of the structure
is unchanged, and maps to the RFC 8183 Parent Response XML, but then in JSON format. Note that the
parent_handle is the handle that the parent wants the CA to use in messages sent to it - and it may be
different from the local name stored in handle.


.. code-block:: json
"handle": "testbed",
"contact": {
"rfc6492": {
"tag": null,
"id_cert": "MIIDNDCCAhygAwIBAgIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADAzMTEwLwYDVQQDEyg5N0VEOUFCMUQ4Q0JBNzFBMTJEQjE2MTU4OTA3Njk4QUI0QTAzMUQ5MB4XDTIwMDkxNjA5MTAxMloXDTM1MDkxNjA5MTUxMlowMzExMC8GA1UEAxMoOTdFRDlBQjFEOENCQTcxQTEyREIxNjE1ODkwNzY5OEFCNEEwMzFEOTCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAMnEJkDvrR7iY0VoRGvajDWxo2krplOnZynM1kgXtN8L3StS6YE7/sXvoG1C1pRPs/SBZ7gK6WvFlqdScZ6kbTVH51e+pLUV9Q7Uxqm4lSzWTmnjT/CmRRXqmcPlcPcAm8rhUW6GrZQ2mllil4pkZ+JNGugSQUJJb1bGg5+Et/YdIEDEO1stAIsNkfkAyELAeFULLhs0MuXpSKp/ZKu+IgMSt+Z/7is+qFt4cgMuiZRuADw8hTDoMuZpoxIqXeh4Nf3bUU06MXGgrpabVzArs11UVyXDC4ZG4oOsYDTNgIL5VYaBjiHtw+s+FWHYI3iTzwV8th2C1JI6LOOBkxZdxQUCAwEAAaNTMFEwDwYDVR0TAQH/BAUwAwEB/zAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUl+2asdjLpxoS2xYViQdpirSgMdkwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUl+2asdjLpxoS2xYViQdpirSgMdkwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBAB34RLGHufEpypzvDFzffkS7Oet9TUZSV1nB7EPGA7BJLvUnJt2SAv+0LhFRup518oQMpeM8HxA7vcRMt6JNTWydW/bYp/NnAk+u+Hw5AIwxuoGWgwyHXZh1xJFhwD35SqjMhxbo15J090+22zwAa8t6aqQAZhvACs2Jst1aHnnJEduQzGVZYLIYvGv5/K0t0i0eE5hINhtAy0hFGwteXms8/qA/mExsrjubC69SudPlMA3q8p2RmuwqmjSlwDjU1XrJ1j5wMCqeBoh8EnaMe+HVduQGHm0nHJbF3klz9mz3Tc6CILT4XA5mJq1g0LXypJ9c6KxZFoC10ce/enulLYw=",
"parent_handle": "testbed",
"child_handle": "newca",
"service_uri": ""
Was changed to:

.. code-block:: json
"handle": "my_parent",
"contact": {
"type": "rfc6492",
"tag": null,
"id_cert": "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",
"parent_handle": "testbed",
"child_handle": "newca",
"service_uri": "https://localhost:3000/rfc6492/testbed"

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