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Add ObjectStoreDataset, ObjectStoreDatasetManager.
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robertbartel committed Mar 16, 2022
1 parent 37c034a commit 08bbfe8
Showing 1 changed file with 369 additions and 0 deletions.
369 changes: 369 additions & 0 deletions python/lib/modeldata/dmod/modeldata/data/
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@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
from .meta_data import DataCategory, DataDomain, DataFormat, TimeRange
from .dataset import Dataset, DatasetManager
from datetime import datetime
from minio import Minio
from minio.api import ObjectWriteResult
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
from uuid import UUID

class ObjectStoreDataset(Dataset):

""" Separator for individual parts (e.g., corresponding to directories) of an object name. """

def additional_init_param_deserialized(cls, json_obj: dict) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Deserialize any other params needed for this type's init function, returning in a map for ``kwargs`` use.
The main ::method:`factory_init_from_deserialized_json` class method for the base ::class:`Dataset` type handles
a large amount of the work for deserialization. However, subtypes could have additional params they require
in their ::method:`__init__`. This function should do this deserialization work for any subtype, and return a
deserialized dictionary. The keys should be the names of the relevant ::method:`__init__` parameters.
In the event a type's ::method:`__init__` method takes no additional params beyond the base type, its
implementation of this function should return an empty dictionary.
Any types with an init that does not have one or more of the params of the base type's init should fully
override ::method:`factory_init_from_deserialized_json`.
json_obj : dict
The serialized form of the object that is a subtype of ::class:`Dataset`.
Dict[str, Any]
A dictionary of ``kwargs`` for those init params and values beyond what the base type uses.
# TODO: update docstring a bit for this once finalized nothing is needed
return dict()

def __init__(self, name: str, category: DataCategory, data_domain: DataDomain, access_location: str,
uuid: Optional[UUID] = None, manager: Optional[DatasetManager] = None,
manager_uuid: Optional[UUID] = None, is_read_only: bool = True, expires: Optional[datetime] = None,
derived_from: Optional[str] = None, derivations: Optional[List[str]] = None,
created_on: Optional[datetime] = None, last_updated: Optional[datetime] = None):
super(ObjectStoreDataset, self).__init__(name, category, data_domain, access_location, uuid, manager,
manager_uuid, is_read_only, expires, derived_from, derivations,
created_on, last_updated)
# TODO: remove this if there ends up being no use for it

def add_file(self, file: Path, add_relative_to: Optional[Path] = None) -> bool:
Whether the file was added successfully
bucket_root = file.parent if add_relative_to is None else add_relative_to
return self.manager.add_data(, file=file, bucket_root=bucket_root)

def add_files(self, directory: Path, add_relative_to: Optional[Path] = None) -> bool:
Add all files in the given directory to this existing object store.
files : List[Path]
The files to be added
bucket_root = directory if add_relative_to is None else add_relative_to
return self.manager.add_data(, directory=directory, bucket_root=bucket_root)

def files(self) -> List[str]:
List of files in this dataset, relative to dataset root.
List of files in this dataset, relative to dataset root.
return self.manager.list_files(,

class ObjectStoreDatasetManager(DatasetManager):
Implementation specifically for ::class:`ObjectStore` instances.

""" Separator for individual parts (e.g., corresponding to directories) of an object name. """

def __init__(self, minio_host_str: str, access_key: Optional[str] = None, secret_key: Optional[str] = None,
datasets: Optional[Dict[str, Dataset]] = None):
super(ObjectStoreDatasetManager, self).__init__(datasets)
# TODO: add checks to ensure all datasets passed to this type are ObjectStoreDataset
self._minio_host_str = minio_host_str
self._client = Minio(minio_host_str, access_key=access_key, secret_key=secret_key)

def _decode_object_name_to_file_path(self, object_name: str) -> str:
Reverse the object name encoding of nested file names.
This essentially just decodes the encoding performed by ::method:`_push_file`.
object_name : str
The name of the object storing some previously uploaded file data.
The decoded file name that reflects any subdirectory structure.
See Also
return "/".join(object_name.split(self._OBJECT_NAME_SEPARATOR))

# TODO: add stuff for threading
def _push_file(self, bucket_name: str, file: Path, bucket_root: Path, do_checks: bool = True) -> ObjectWriteResult:
Push a file to a bucket.
Buckets simulate subdirectories by encoding relative directory structure into object names. This relative
structure is based on a bucket "root" directory, corresponding to the directory used to create this dataset.
E.g. perhaps there existing the ``dataset_1/`` directory, which needs to be uploaded to a dataset, with
Assume ``dataset_1/`` is the "root", and there already exists a ``file_1`` object in the bucket for
``dataset_1/file_1``. When it is time to for this method to push ``dataset_1/subdir_a/file_a_1``, the file is
associated with an object name that encodes the subdirectory structure: ``subdir_a___file_a_1``. The separator
comes from the class variable ::attribute:`_OBJECT_NAME_SEPARATOR`.
bucket_name : str
The name of the existing bucket to push to.
file : Path
The path to a non-directory file to push to the bucket.
bucket_root : Path
The directory level that corresponds to the bucket's root level, for object naming purposes.
do_checks : bool
Whether to do sanity checks on the local file and bucket root (``True`` by default).
if do_checks:
if not file.exists():
raise RuntimeError("Cannot push non-existing file {} to bucket {}".format(str(file), bucket_name))
elif not file.is_file():
raise RuntimeError("Cannot push non-regular file {} to bucket {}".format(str(file), bucket_name))
elif not file.is_relative_to(bucket_root):
msg = "Cannot push {} to bucket {} when provided bad or non-relative bucket root {}"
raise RuntimeError(msg.format(str(file), bucket_name, str(bucket_root)))
file_rel_root = file.relative_to(bucket_root)
object_name = self._OBJECT_NAME_SEPARATOR.join(
return self._client.fput_object(bucket_name=bucket_name, object_name=object_name, file_path=str(file))

# TODO: might need to add the threading stuff in this function when ready to add it
def _push_files(self, bucket_name: str, dir_path: Path, recursive: bool = True, bucket_root: Optional[Path] = None,
do_checks: bool = True):
Push the file contents of the given directory to the provided bucket.
bucket_name : str
The name of the existing bucket to push to.
dir_path : Path
The name of the existing directory containing files to push to the bucket.
recursive : bool
Whether contents of nested directories, their inner directory contents, etc., should all be pushed, as
opposed to only regular files that are immediate children of ``dir_path`` (``True`` by default)
bucket_root : Optional[Path]
The directory level that corresponds to the bucket's root level, for object naming purposes.
do_checks : bool
Whether to do sanity checks on the local file and bucket root (``True`` by default).
if do_checks:
if not dir_path.exists():
msg = "Cannot push files from non-existing directory {} to bucket {}"
raise RuntimeError(msg.format(str(dir_path), bucket_name))
elif not dir_path.is_dir():
msg = "Cannot push directory contents from non-directory {} to bucket {}"
raise RuntimeError(msg.format(str(dir_path), bucket_name))
if bucket_root is None:
bucket_root = dir_path
# First take care of immediate
for file in [f for f in dir_path.iterdir() if f.is_file()]:
self._push_file(bucket_name, file, bucket_root, do_checks=False)
if recursive:
for directory in [d for d in dir_path.iterdir() if d.is_dir()]:
self._push_files(bucket_name, directory, recursive, bucket_root, do_checks=False)

def add_data(self, dataset_name: str, **kwargs) -> bool:
Add data in some format to the dataset.
Implementations must be responsible for managing (via their use of ``kwargs``) the way data is accepted, what
kinds of data can be accepted, and whether what data has been passed is supported.
dataset_name : str
The dataset to which to add data.
Implementation-specific params for representing the data and details of how it should be added.
Keyword Args
file : Path
When present, path to a file to be added (either ``file`` or ``directory`` must be present).
directory : Path
When present, path to a directory of files to be added.
bucket_root : Path
The directory level that corresponds to the bucket's root level, for object naming purposes (defaults to the
parent of ``file`` if used, or to ``directory`` itself if used).
Whether the data was added successfully.
if dataset_name not in self.datasets:
return False
elif 'file' in kwargs:
bucket_root = kwargs['bucket_root'] if 'bucket_root' in kwargs else kwargs['file'].parent
result = self._push_file(bucket_name=dataset_name, file=kwargs['file'], bucket_root=bucket_root)
# TODO: test
return isinstance(result.object_name, str)
elif 'directory' in kwargs:
bucket_root = kwargs['bucket_root'] if 'bucket_root' in kwargs else kwargs['directory']
self._push_files(bucket_name=dataset_name, dir_path=kwargs['directory'], bucket_root=bucket_root)
# TODO: probably need something better than just always returning True if this gets executed
return True
return False

def create(self, name: str, category: DataCategory, data_format: DataFormat, is_read_only: bool,
files_dir: Optional[Path] = None, time_range: Optional[TimeRange] = None,
expect_bucket_exists: bool = False, recurse_dir: bool = True, **kwargs) -> ObjectStoreDataset:
Create a new ::class:`ObjectStoreDataset` instance.
name : str
The name for the new dataset.
category : DataCategory
The data category for the new dataset.
data_format : DataFormat
The data format for the new dataset.
is_read_only : bool
Whether the new dataset is read-only.
files_dir : Optional[Path]
Optional path to a directory containing initial data for the dataset (essential for read-only datasets).
time_range : Optional[TimeRange]
Optional time range over which the created dataset has data.
expect_bucket_exists : bool
Whether it is expected that the associated object store bucket is already created (default: ``False``).
recurse_dir : bool
Whether subdirectories under ``files_dir`` and their contents should also be added as initial data.
Implementation specific args.
A newly created dataset instance ready for use.
if name in self.datasets:
raise RuntimeError("Cannot create new dataset with name {}: name already in use".format(name))
does_bucket_exist = self._client.bucket_exists(name)
if not expect_bucket_exists and does_bucket_exist:
raise RuntimeError("Unexpected existing bucket when creating dataset {}".format(name))
elif expect_bucket_exists and not does_bucket_exist:
raise RuntimeError("Expected bucket to exist when creating dataset {}".format(name))
elif not expect_bucket_exists:

if files_dir is not None:
if not files_dir.is_dir():
raise RuntimeError("Invalid non-directory path {} passed for dataset files directory".format(files_dir))
self._push_files(bucket_name=name, dir_path=files_dir, recursive=recurse_dir)

if is_read_only and len(list(self._client.list_objects(name, recursive=True))) == 0:
msg = "Attempting to create read-only dataset {} without supplying it with any initial data"
raise RuntimeError(msg.format(name))

created_on =
return ObjectStoreDataset(name=name, category=category, data_format=data_format, manager=self,
access_location=self._minio_host_str, is_read_only=is_read_only,
created_on=created_on, last_updated=created_on)

def list_buckets(self) -> List[str]:
List currently existing object store buckets.
A list of the names of currently existing object store buckets
return [ for bucket in self._client.list_buckets()]

def list_files(self, dataset_name: str, **kwargs) -> List[str]:
List the files in the dataset of the provided name, with names decoded relative to dataset "root".
dataset_name : str
The dataset name.
List of files in dataset of the provided name, relative to dataset root.
See Also
if dataset_name not in self.datasets:
raise RuntimeError("Unrecognized dataset name {} given to request to list files".format(dataset_name))
objects = self._client.list_objects(dataset_name, recursive=True)
return [self._decode_object_name_to_file_path(object_name=str(obj)) for obj in objects]

def get_bucket_creation_times(self) -> Dict[str, datetime]:
Get a dictionary of the creation times for existing buckets, keyed by bucket name.
Dict[str, datetime]
A dictionary of the creation times for existing buckets, keyed by bucket name.
values = dict()
for bucket in self._client.list_buckets():
values[] = bucket.creation_date
return values

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