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Releases: NPException/Dimensional-Pockets

Pockets now useable in the End

09 Sep 16:15
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  • Fixed
    • #107 - Dimensional Pockets finally work in the End. (I'm surprised this wasn't reported earlier. It never worked until now.)

Removed unneeded OpenComputers API classes

03 Dec 11:56
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  • Fixed
    • Removed OpenComputers Api classes. They aren't needed at runtime and caused issues in at least one modpack.

1.0.2 - /dptweak command, ingame link to Wiki

13 Mar 18:58
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  • Added
    • Showing link to Wiki when Guide book is first held in hand
    • /dptweak save will save the current graphics options
  • Changed
    • renamed /dimptweak command to /dptweak
    • made the /dptweak command easier to understand
    • when force_fancy_rendering is 0 (default), and Minecrafts graphics are set to "Fast", a low particle plane count (3) will be used instead of the static texture. (which is still available when force_fance_rendering is set to 1)

Final release - 1.0.1

11 Mar 19:44
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So this is it. It's been a nice journey to this point. I hope DP2 will turn out just as fun. :)

  • Added
    • Alternative "peaceful" recipes for the Nether Crystal and End Crystal
  • Fixed
    • Duplicate "Pocket Crafted" GA event
    • Possible crash when trying to retrieve fluid from a DP that was connected to an empty fluid container
    • Nether/EndCrystal dupe bug
  • Changed
    • Updated for GameAnalyticsAPI 1.3
    • Pulled required parts of Omnis Core into DP (OC is no longer required) - fix for a rare crash

30 Jul 22:11
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There was a rare crash happening due to the GameAnalyticsAPI, so I removed all dependencies except the Gson library from the GA API. This release contains the updated version.

0.11.4 Torches, Levers, Beds + filtered crash report sending by analytics

29 Jul 21:33
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  • Changed
    • You can now place torches levers and beds directly on and in Dimensional Pockets. But you should still not try to sleep in there man...
    • Analytics: preprocessing of crash-reports improved. I now strip all the data from the transmitted reports that I'd never need for tracking down bugs anyway.

0.11.3 - New particles and more bugfixes

28 Jul 21:07
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  • Changed
    • Recipe. (again. sorry.) The crystals will now no longer last forever, but will get damaged with each crafted pocket. By default you can craft 4 Dimensional Pockets with a set of crystals, but that value is configurable.
    • Stupid template particles are now proper ones from here:
    • Made static (fast graphics) and item pocket texture more pleasing to the eye (imho)
    • Crash reports will now be transmitted to GA (if activated) with different severity levels, to distinguish the probability of DP beeing the reason for the crash
    • Crash reports will be compressed before transmitted them, to save time and bandwith while sending
    • Temporarily removed configurable themes
  • Fixed
    • Spawning of random particles when running over or falling onto a DP/DP-Wall
    • Made theme init thread safe. Should prevent a crash in the ItemRenderer

0.11.2 - Fix for first auto transmitted crashes

23 Jul 20:03
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  • Fixed
    • MC should now start up and complain properly if OmnisCore is not on version 0.0.6 (and not just crash)
    • Fixed a crash with an NPE in the TileRenderer
  • Changed
    • Analytics: GA does not want to display large crash logs, so now I just extract the proper date/time, stack trace and involved mods before sending that to GA

0.11.1 - Better Analytics

22 Jul 18:23
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  • Added
    • Crash log check: DP grabs the latest crash log (when the crash just happend and on startup) and checks if DP might be involved in the crash. If that's the case, it transmits the crashlog to the GameAnalytics service. (That way I can hopefully get my hands on critical bugs even if users don't tell me about them, but just delete DP straight away instead.)
    • Analytic events for crafting of all other DP items
  • Changed
    • Recipe: Crystals now do not get consumed when crafting a DP, but the recipe only yields one item. (can be changed back to the old way via the config)

0.11.0 - Fluids, OpenComputers and Analytics

19 Jul 22:24
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  • Added
    • Fluid transfer support (finally :D)
    • OpenComputers support
    • Anonymous usage statistics (only if snooper is activated. Can be deactivated in config.) Data collected include mainly:
      • Number of Pockets crafted/placed/broken
      • Amount of RF/Fluids transfered
      • Language, OS, and Java version of users
    • New alternative particle field rendering using a shader (must be activated in config. can also be set temporarily by using the /dimptweak command)
  • Changed
    • Changed B:use_fancy_rendering to I:force_fancy_rendering in config. Particle field fancyness can thereby be forced independent of Minecraft's graphics settings.
    • Made resistance of DP configurable
  • Fixed
    • Screen going blank when EnderIO configuration GUI was opened with an adjacent DP
    • Dimensional Pocket did not drop propper item if broken by a BC quarry