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Commonsense Knowledge Graph Completion Via Contrastive Pretraining and Node Clustering

Codes for the paper Commonsense Knowledge Graph Completion Via Contrastive Pretraining and Node Clustering.


  • Python 3.10.6
  • Cuda 11.6
  • conda install -c dglteam dgl-cuda11.6
  • Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install the required packages.


You can download CPNC-S-data here: CPNC-S-data-baidu-disk, CPNC-S-data-google-driven.

And you can download CPNC-I-data here: CPNC-I-data-baidu-disk , CPNC-I-data-google-driven.

Plese download it and unzip the file under ./CSKGCompletion/CPNC-S/ and ./CSKGCompletion/CPNC-I/, respectively.


There are three parts in this repo:

  • Constrastive Pretraining
  • Nodes Clustering
  • CSKG Completion

Constrastive Pretraining

To train the CP model , enter the following directory:

cd ContrastivePretraining/

Train Constrastive Pretraining Model for ATOMIC and CN-100K datasets:

python  # training CP model for ATOMIC  datasets
python  # training CP model for CN-100K datasets

The trained model are saved under the ./CP_model/ATOMIC/ and ./CP_model/ConceptNet/ directory. Use the trained model to get the semantic embeddings of nodes :

python  # get the semantic embeddings of nodes in ATOMIC 
python  # get the semantic embeddings of nodes in CN-100K

the semantic embeddings of nodes are saved in ./bert_model_embeddings/nodes-lm-atomic/ and ./bert_model_embeddings/nodes-lm-conceptnet/ directory.

The CPNC-I model need the extra fasttext embeddings of nodes.

You can download the semantic embeddings of nodes and fasttext embeddings of nodes baidu_disk, google_driven.

Nodes Clustering

To train the CP model , enter the following directory:

cd NodesClustering/

Then, perform nodes clustering:

python  # get the nodes clustering results in ATOMIC
python  # get the nodes clustering results in CN-100K

The nodes clustering results are saved in ./Concept_Centre/atomic/ and ./Concept_Centre/ConceptNet/.

You can download the nodes clustering baidu_disk, google_driven.

CSKG Completion

For reproducing the results in our paper, please download the semantic embeddings of nodes and nodes clustering result data and unzip it under CPNC-S and CPNC-I, respectively.

CPNC-S Model

To train the CPNC-S model , enter the following directory:

cd CPNC/CSKGCompletion/CPNC-S

Finally, in order to train the CPNC-S model on CN-100K, run the following command:

python -u src/ --dataset conceptnet --evaluate-every 10 --n-layers 2 --graph-batch-size 60000  --bert_concat --Concept_center_path '../../Concept_Centre/ConceptNet/'

In order to train the CPNC-S model on ATOMIC, run the following command:

python -u src/ --dataset atomic  --evaluate-every 10 --n-layers 2 --graph-batch-size 20000  --bert_concat --Concept_center_path '../../Concept_Centre/atomic/'

This trains the model and saves the model under the./saved_models/.

CPNC-I Model

To train the CPNC-I model , enter the following directory:

cd CPNC/CSKGCompletion/CPNC-I

Then, in order to train the CPNC-I model on CN-100K, run the following command:

bash conceptnet-100k 15 saved/saved_ckg_model saved_entity_embedding/conceptnet/cn_bert_emb_dict.pkl 500 256 100 ConvTransE 10 1234 1e-20 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.0003 1024 Adam 5 300 RWGCN_NET 50000 1324 ../../bert_model_embeddings/nodes-lm-conceptnet/cn_fasttext_dict.pkl 300 0.2 5 100 50 0.1 ../../Concept_Centre/ConceptNet/

In order to train the CPNC-S model on ATOMIC, run the following command:

bash atomic 500 saved/saved_ckg_model saved_entity_embedding/atomic/at_bert_emb_dict.pkl 500 256 100 ConvTransE 10 1234 1e-20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.0001 1024 Adam 5 300 RWGCN_NET 50000 1324 ../../bert_model_embeddings/nodes-lm-atomic/at_fasttext_dict.pkl 300 0.2 3 100 50 0.1 ../../Concept_Centre/atomic/

This trains the model and saves the model under the ./saved/saved_ckg_model/ directory.


  author       = {Siwei Wu and
                  Xiangqing Shen and
                  Rui Xia},
  title        = {Commonsense Knowledge Graph Completion Via Contrastive Pretraining
                  and Node Clustering},
  journal      = {CoRR},
  volume       = {abs/2305.17019},
  year         = {2023},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.48550/arXiv.2305.17019},
  eprinttype    = {arXiv},
  eprint       = {2305.17019},
  timestamp    = {Wed, 07 Jun 2023 14:31:13 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}


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