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* INSTALL.txt: Rename to...

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* SOLR-INSTALL.txt: Rename to...

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kfogel committed Jun 5, 2013
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Checkbook NYC Installation

Table of contents:

* Requirements
* Optional configuration for scalability and performance
* Installation


Please note that unlike most Drupal-based applications, Checkbook uses
two separate databases simultaneously:

* MySQL for the application itself (essentially Drupal + some modules)
* PostgreSQL for the financial data (usually much larger than the app)

The full list of dependencies is:

* GNU/Linux or similar operating system
* Drupal 7.x _(Note: Checkbook includes Drupal, so don't download Drupal separately.)_
* PHP 5.3 or higher
* MySQL 5.0.15 or higher ( -- we have not tested
with a drop-in replacement such as MariaDB <>
but would be interested to know if it works)
* PostgreSQL 8.3 or higher ( -- any
database that supports PostgresSQL is compatible for storing
Checkbook data (e.g., PostgreSQL, Greenplum)
* psql client (PostgreSQL command line interface)
* Apache HTTPD with following PHP extensions
- PHP Intl extension (
- PHP PostgreSQL extension (
* Solr 4.* search platform (
* Drush version 5.0 (Drupal command-line scripting tool)

The Checkbook distribution includes the Drupal source tree, along with
additional (non-core) custom and contributed Drupal modules used by
Checkbook. The distribution also includes some SQL data required for
setup: a Drupal database that is loaded into MySQL as part of
installation, which is described in more detail later in this file.

Optional configuration for scalability and performance

* A load balancer for distributing requests across multiple instances.
* Varnish or any other reverse proxy cache for caching last access pages.
* PGPool for distributing load across multiple PostgreSQL or
Greenplum databases.


It is assumed that a GNU/Linux server with LAMP stack is installed.

The following assumptions are made about the installation:

* Webroot is `/var/www/html`.
(Actually it could be anywhere; it's always just referred to as
"&lt;Webroot>" in these instructions. However, `/var/www/html` is
a typical value for the webroot.)
* The Drupal database is named "checkbook_drupal".
* The PostgreSQL database is named "checkbook".

Steps to install:

1. Download and install the code (basically like any Drupal install).

* Download the latest version of checkbook code

* Copy the contents of the folder `source/webapp/` to the webroot
directory, such that the top level inside &lt;Webroot> looks like
the top level inside `source/webapp/` (i.e., looks like the top of
a Drupal tree).

* Copy `<Webroot>/sites/default/default.settings.php` to
`<Webroot>/sites/default/settings.php` -- we will customize it at
the latter location.

2. Bring over some external third-party libraries.

* Highcharts
- Download version 3.0.1 from
- Unpack and copy into `<Webroot>/sites/all/modules/dashboard_platform/widget_highcharts/highcharts/3.0.1`
- Verify that the path to `highcharts.src.js` is `<Webroot>/sites/all/modules/dashboard_platform/widget_highcharts/highcharts/3.0.1/js/highcharts.src.js`

* Highstock
- Download version 1.2.4 from
- Unpack and copy into `<Webroot>/sites/all/modules/dashboard_platform/widget_highcharts/highstock/1.2.4`
- Verify that the path to `highstock.src.js` is `<Webroot>/sites/all/modules/dashboard_platform/widget_highcharts/highstock/1.2.4/js/highstock.src.js`

Note that these Highcharts and Highstock downloads are available at
no charge, but they are not licensed under open source licenses.
We are actively seeking open source replacements to recommend in
these installation instructions, and welcome suggestions. Ideally
such replacements would be drop-in compatible, but if they are not we
will consider the necessary code adjustments.

3. Install the Drupal database.

Create and import the database into MySQL using the following commands:

$ mysql -u<username> -p<password>
mysql> create database checkbook_drupal
mysql> use checkbook_drupal
mysql> source data/checkbook_drupal.sql

(The path `data/checkbook_drupal.sql` is relative to the top of this
source tree; you may need to give an absolute path or a different
relative path when you issue the MySQL `source` command above,
depending on where you invoked mysql.)

4. Install PostgreSQL database.

Create and import the database into PostgreSQL using the following commands:

$ psql -Upostgres
_(enter the password for "postgres" user)_
postgres=# create database checkbook ;
postgres=# \q
_(to exit from the database interactive prompt)_
$ psql -Upostgres checkbook -f data/
_(enter the password for the "postgres" user)_

Use this command to verify that one can connect to the PostgreSQL DB:

$ PGPASSWORD=password psql -h ip -U username db

*Note: The data set loaded above by psql contains sanitized sample
data for testing Checkbook -- you would not load it into a production
instance. We plan to better document the process for loading real
data into production instances. In the meantime, see these files:*

documentation/Creating new Database and running ETL Job.docx
documentation/Data Mapping 4_29_2013.xlsx
documentation/NYC Checkbook2 ETL Implementation Approach_2013_29_01.docx

5. Install Solr and configure its settings.

Installing Apache Solr can be complex if you've never done it before.
Please refer to for Solr installation instructions.

Configuring Solr:

* Reindex Solr by using the following command:

http://<solr-host>:<solr-port>/<solr webapp name>/dataimport?command=full-import&clean=true&jobID=0

* Update the following settings in `<Webroot>/sites/default/settings.php`:

- URL of Solr instance:

//Solr URL
$conf['check_book']['solr']['url'] = 'http://<solr server ip>:<solr server port>/<solr instance name>/';

- Make sure this setting points to a directory that is writable by
the user Apache HTTPD runs as:

$conf['check_book']['data_feeds']['db_file_dir'] = '/data/datafeeds';

- Adjust this setting if you want the files generated by datafeeds
be in a different directory than the default:

//relative directory path to 'sites/default/files' to store generated files
$conf['check_book']['data_feeds']['output_file_dir'] = 'datafeeds';

- URL of the site (this is included in email notifications):

$conf['check_book']['data_feeds']['site_url'] = 'http://<site url>';

- Adjust location of reference data text files. (TODO: this could
probably use some more explanation!)

//Reference data outputDirectory
$conf['check_book']['ref_data_dir'] = 'refdata';

- Optionally adjust where temporary files are written when doing an
export through the application:

//Export data outputDirectory
$conf['check_book']['export_data_dir'] = 'exportdata';

- This setting is used to limit the number of records for the
export file:

//no of records to limit for datatables
$conf['check_book']['datatables']['iTotalDisplayRecords'] = 200000;

- Update the psql command in the obvious ways. There is no actual
backslash or linebreak here -- the quoted linebreak is just in
these instructions to avoid an overly long line:

// update the command for psql.
$conf['check_book']['data_feeds']['command'] = \
'PGPASSWORD=<password> psql -h <postgres-db-ip> -U <postgres-db-user> <postgresdb-name>'

6. Install or Modify Fonts.

On its New York City production instance at,
Checkbook uses Novecento Wide Normal font. This font can be
downloaded from
Once downloaded, the following font files


should be copied into


Fonts on the site can be changed by editing these files:


*There is no requirement to use the Novecento fonts. They are used
on New York City's production instance of Checkbook NYC, but other
instances of Checkbook can use other fonts. As we learn what other
fonts look good, we will update this section.*

7. Set up cron jobs.

Add the following entries to crontab (there are no line breaks or
backslashes below -- long lines are just wrapped for readability):

*/15 * * * * root /usr/bin/php <path to drush>/drush.php \
--root="<Webroot>" scr processQueueJob \
--script-path="sites/all/modules/custom/checkbook_api/script/" \
>> /dev/null 2>&1

*/5 * * * * root /usr/bin/php <path to drush>/drush.php \
--root="<Webroot>" scr sendFeedCompletionEmails \
--script-path="sites/all/modules/custom/checkbook_datafeeds/script/" \
>> /dev/null 2>&1

8. Verify that the site is working.

* Test the site by accessing the root URL.
The default page should be the spending transactions page for
current fiscal year.

* Click on search button and should see the search results page.

* Start typing any name in the search box and autocomplete results
should appear.

* Click on advanced search and click on submit. results page should appear.

* Click on export in advances search results page to verfiy that
export is working.
135 changes: 0 additions & 135 deletions INSTALL.txt

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