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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 13, 2023. It is now read-only.
SPTKL edited this page Jul 8, 2020 · 3 revisions


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Please note that we're still working on this repo as we optimize the build processes, update the sources for the raw data inputs, and implement better technologies. We're excited that PLUTO users can now look under the hood and begin exploring how PLUTO is built and each of its individual fields are calculated. If you have suggestions or find any problems, please open an issue, or if you have questions please reach out to us directly.

Main files

Type Shapefile FileGDB CSV
Clipped Mappluto Mappluto.gdb NA 
Unclipped (Water Included) Mappluto_unclipped Mappluto_unclipped.gdb  NA
No Geometry  NA NA  Pluto.csv

Additional resources

Please go to NYC Planning's Bytes of the Big Apple to download the offical versions of PLUTO and MapPLUTO


The Primary Land Use Tax Lot Output (PLUTO™) data file contains extensive land use and geographic data at the tax lot level in a comma-delimited file. The PLUTO tax lot data files contain over seventy data fields derived from data files maintained by the Department of City Planning (DCP), Department of Finance (DOF), Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS), and Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC). DCP has created additional fields based on data obtained from one or more of the major data sources. PLUTO data files contain three basic types of data:

  • Tax Lot Characteristics;
  • Building Characteristics; and
  • Geographic/Political/Administrative Districts.

There are two idiosyncrasies regarding the tax lot data

  1. The PLUTO data contain one record per tax lot except for condominiums. PLUTO data contain one record per condominium complex instead of records for each condominium unit tax lot. A tax lot is usually a parcel of real property. The parcel can be under water, vacant, or contain one or more buildings or structures.

!> The Department of Finance (DOF) assigns a tax lot number to each condominium unit and a billing tax lot number to the Condominium Complex (a Condo BBL). A Condominium Complex is defined as one or more structures or properties under the auspices of the same condominium association. DCP summarizes DOF's condominium unit tax lot data so that each Condominium Complex within a tax block is represented by only one record. The Condominium Complex record is assigned the billing tax lot number when one exists. When the billing tax lot number has not yet been assigned by DOF, the lowest tax lot number within the tax block of the Condominium Complex is assigned.

  1. The second idiosyncrasy is related to borough and community district geography. Two portions of the City, Marble Hill and Rikers Island, are legally located in one borough but are serviced by another borough. Specifically, Marble Hill is legally located in Manhattan but is serviced by The Bronx, while Rikers Island is legally part of The Bronx but is serviced by Queens. Therefore, Marble Hill tax lots are located in the Manhattan borough file and Rikers Island tax lots are in The Bronx borough file.


Department of City Planning – E-Designations: 03/31/20
Department of City Planning – Georeferenced NYC Zoning Maps: 08/30/19
Department of City Planning – NYC City Owned and Leased Properties: 08/27/19
Department of City Planning – NYC GIS Zoning Features: 03/26/20
Department of City Planning – Political and Administrative Districts: 20a
Department of City Planning – Geosupport version: 20a
Department of Finance – Digital Tax Map (DTM): 03/31/20
Department of Finance – Mass Appraisal System (CAMA): 04/06/20
Department of Finance – Property Tax System (PTS): 04/06/20
Landmarks Preservation Commission – Historic Districts: 08/27/19
Landmarks Preservation Commission – Individual Landmarks: 08/27/19

!> City Planning also merges the PLUTO data with the DCP modified version of the DOF’s Digital tax map to create MapPLUTO for use with various geographic information systems. For more information on MapPLUTO see the DCP web site