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Portfolio template

Build a SEO-friendly blog/portfolio in less than 10 minutes with this template.

Built with Next.js, TypeScript and TailwindCSS. Live Demo deployed on Vercel.

Please star this project if it was helpful!

Template made from my website

Inspired by Lee Robinson.


Use this template

in your terminal, run this to clone the template:

git clone

To launch the development server, cd in the portfolio-template repository and run yarn dev

Edit content

In /components/Layouts/BaseContainer.tsx and edit:

  1. Your base meta data in const meta, line 10
  2. Replace your name in lines 25, 31, 37.

Write your name in :

  1. /pages/index.tsx : Line 13
  2. /pages/blog/[slug].tsx: Line 26

Change GitHub, Twitter, Linkedin links in:

  1. /components/Blocks/HomePage/Presentation.tsx: Lines 10 to 20
  2. /data/posts/about.mdx: At the end of the file

For blog and projects:

  1. Complete your about page by editing /data/posts/about.mdx
  2. Complete your first blog post by editing /data/posts/my-first-article.mdx
  3. To add more articles, add another mdx file in /data/posts/ with same formatting as my-first-article.mdx. The name of the file must be identical to the slug key with .mdx at the end.
  4. Add projects data by editing /data/projects/projectsData.ts with same formatting as the two first projects.

Change styles and images

  • To change the font, you can import another font at the top of /styles/globals.css and add it /tailwind.config.js
  • To change colors, edit them in /tailwind.config.js
  • To change nav menu icon, replace /public/static/icon.jpg with another file with the same name or change the image source in /components/UI/Pictures/ProfilePicture.tsx
  • To change blog or project illustration, replace the files in /public/static or the sources in /components/UI/Pictures/ just like nav menu icon
  • To change code style in articles, replace /styles/prism-theme.css content with any of the prism themes here

For projects and articles, use images with a width/height ratio of 2/1


  • components/* - Contains reusable components and page layouts.
  • data/blog - Contains MDX files for each blog article and the about me page.
  • data/projects - Contains all projects data in an array.
  • libs/* - Short for "library", utilities functions to fetch posts and display MDX using next-mdx-remote.
  • pages/blog/* - Contains the blog home page and the layout to generate static article pages at build time.
  • pages/* - All other static pages.
  • public/* - Static assets including favicon and images.
  • styles/* - Global styles and Prism theme for code highligthing.
  • types/* - Custom types and interfaces, mostly for typing component props.