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Nacsez edited this page Jun 2, 2024 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the Visualizationizer wiki! Will fill this out more if needed but for now..

Here is a summary of how to use the program:

Move the Mouse to Left Edge of the Screen: Open control sidebar menu

Esc: Quit the application.

F11: Toggle full screen vs windowed mode.

Del: Removes the loaded image from the view screen

Sidebar buttons:

Top Left Button closes the sidebar menu.

Top Right Button loads SVG files into the view space -Holding SHIFT while pressing this button will allow you to change the file which loads up at startup

First Slider is Amplitude Sensitivity. Lower values will result in smaller rectangles or wedges and larger values will increase the size until it reaches the limit for that mode.

Second Slider is Cutoff Frequency. This effectively sets the total length of the equalizer output. Behaves differently in different modes.

Third Slider is FFT Bin Number. This is an exponent of 2^(n) (16, 32, 64, 128, or 256). This is the number of sections which are used to represent the whole spectrum of input sound. If you increase this slider, it will increase the amount of math your computer has to do.

Fourth Slider adjusts the size of the loaded SVG file in the view space.

Fifth Slider adjusts the Perturbation Factor for the loaded SVG file. This can be set at Zero to stop the image from moving. Larger values will have the image get bigger as it reacts to the sound.

Color Toggle Buttons control the available colors to assign to the visualization panel. Only colors which are activated will appear in the rendered panel. This is a good way to control the vibe or match with an imported file.

Mode Selection Buttons below the color grid toggle between the different visual modes of the equalizer display. Available Visual Modes:

Standard - This mode is similar to the classic linear graphic equalizer while still giving you control over the slider inputs and colors

MirroredCenter - This mode mirrors the equalizer bars above and below the centerline but adds a gap on the bottom rectangles to create a shadow or reflection effect

MirroredCorners - This mode mirrors the equalizer to start from each corner of the view screen and render inward toward the center. This has the effect of surrounding the outer perimeter of the screen with a color reaction that tends to fill in more on the edges. Scaling works somewhat differently in this mode

Radial - This mode takes the linear equalizer and instead projects it radially around the center. It is mirrored by 180 degrees and will overlap upon itself with the cutoff slider pulled past half way by design. Some neat effects are possible by adjusting the color and slider values in this mode. It is also probably the most resource heavy mode in the program.

CenterColumn - This mode is similar to mirrored corners except it reverses the bottom of the spectrum to be in the center of the screen. This has the effect of connecting the center in a column.

Puddle - This mode is different from the rest in that it does not change shape with audio input but rather changes opacity. The concentric circles will render according to the slider settings but remain still once defined. The audio then maps to the opacity of the color in each circle.

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