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HFL project for CS6203 course, author: Naibo Wang, Shiqi Zhang


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Federated Learning with secret sharing.

Implementation of the federated algorithm on PyTorch and conduct MPC with MP-SPDZ Secret sharing library.

Experiments are produced on 10 datasets such as MNIST, COVID19 and CIFAR10 (both IID and non-IID).

Environment Configuration

Download docker file from:

The docker file is round 19 GB, please download with patience. If you see a message Sorry, you can't view or download this file at this time. when downloading, you should first log in with your Google Account and then download, if you still cannot download after you download, you can contact me via email and I will copy the docker file to you.

Please deploy our docker file on Linux system.

Since we provide a docker file for you to run, so basically there is no library you need to install manually. I.e., you don't need to configure the environment manually.

Note that you should run the following commands on all the machines you want to use to conduct the distributed experiments.

CPU Version Environment Configuration

This part helps you to deploy our docker image on your machine to run our experiments on CPU, if you want to run them on NVIDIA GPU, you can follow the instructions in the next section.

Make sure you have installed docker, if not, you can install docker with the instructions from docker's official website:

To load and run our docker container, please execute following commands:

  1. Make sure you have installed docker and have sudo privilege.

  2. Copy hfl-naiboshiqi.tar to your machine, such as put it in /home/naibo/ and go to the directory.

  3. Load docker image:

    sudo docker load < hfl-naiboshiqi.tar
  4. Since the size of our docker file is around 23 GB, so the loading process may take about 4 to 5 minutes before you can see any output, please wait with patience. After loaded, you will see an image names hfl-naiboshiqi in the docker list image:

    sudo docker images

    and you will see one item like this:

    hfl-naiboshiqi   1.0   1c789cfa9c5a   2 hours ago   20.3GB
  5. Make sure that the following ports are not occupied by other processes: 8080 to 8280, 14000 to 14200, 50000 to 50200, in total 600 ports. For example, you can see whether port 8080 is occupied by:

    lsof -i:8080
  6. Then you can run our docker image:

    sudo docker run --ipc=host -p 8080-8280:8080-8280 -p 14000-14200:14000-14200 -p 50000-50200:50000-50200 -itd --name NaiboShiqi hfl-naiboshiqi:1.0  /bin/bash
  7. After about 20 seconds, you will see a container with name NaiboShiqi running on your machine by:

    sudo docker ps
  8. Our container will occupy 600 ports on your local machine to make sure this machine can support at most 200 clients as well as secret sharing backend. Then, you need to enter our container to run our commands by:

    sudo docker exec -it NaiboShiqi /bin/bash

After you entered our container, you need first compile the MP-SPDZ secret sharing library to make sure you can run the secret sharing backend on this machine. Of course, if are not going to run the secret sharing backend on this machine, you do not need to execute commands in the following steps. I.e., step 8 to 14 only needs to be run on the machine you want to run the MP-SPDZ secret sharing backend.

  1. Go to the root path of MP-SPDZ folder:

    cd /root/HFL_CS6203_NaiboWang_ShiqiZhang/MP-SPDZ
  2. Clean the compiled programs at first:

    make clean
  3. Compile the virtual machine for semi-honest additive secret sharing protocols:

    make -j 8 semi2k-party.x
  4. Compile the secret adding clients secret-add.cpp:

    make secret-add.x
  5. Create triple shares for three parties (SPDZ engines):

  6. Create SSL keys and certificates for 199 clients, which allows up to 199 clients:

    ./Scripts/ 199
  7. Compile the high-level program in SPDZ engines:

    ./ add_by_socket

You can then run our experiments with the commands in the Running the experiements section.

Again, if you want to deploy our docker image on different machines, you need to run the above commands on every machine.

GPU Version Environment Configuration

Note that above instructions are setting an environment for you to run experiments on CPU, if you want to run the experiments on your NVIDIA GPU, you can follow the following instructions.

First, run commands the same as step 1 to 4 at last section.

Then, you need to install nvidia drivers and nvidia-docker, you can install nvidia-docker by following the installation guide from their official website:

And you can see your CUDA version by:


Make sure your CUDA with version at least 10.1. After you installed nvidia drivers and nvidia-docker, you can then run our docker image by:

sudo docker run --gpus all --ipc=host -p 8080-8280:8080-8280 -p 14000-14200:14000-14200 -p 50000-50200:50000-50200 -itd --name NaiboShiqi hfl-naiboshiqi:1.0  /bin/bash

Then after you entered the container by:

sudo docker exec -it NaiboShiqi /bin/bash

you can run nvidia-smi to see if CUDA is supported by the container.

Then, you need to update PyTorch to match the CUDA version by following the instructions at the PyTorch official website (make sure you select PyTorch version as 1.7.0):

E.g., if your CUDA version is 11.0, then you can update your PyTorch version to match CUDA 11.0:

conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.0 -c pytorch

you can validate whether the PyTorch on the container support CUDA after you installed it by:


after you entered a python shell, you should run:

import torch

if you get 1.7.0 and True, that means you can use GPU to run PyTorch experiments on this container.

And also, if you want to run the MP-SPDZ secret sharing backend on this machine, you need to follow step 8 to 14 from the last section to compile the library.

Now you can run our experiments on your GPUs by setting the arguments gpu=0 with the commands in the Running the experiements section.

Running the experiments

You can use the Command Helper we designed to help you generate the command you want to run:

MP-SPDZ Secret sharing backend

You need to start different MP-SPDZ secret sharing backend based on different scenarios.

  • If you are running experiments on a single-machine simulation environment such as you are going to run which is the simulated version of federated averaging, you can start a session, enter the docker container and run the backend with 2 clients by:

    cd /root/HFL_CS6203_NaiboWang_ShiqiZhang/MP-SPDZ
    ./Scripts/ add_by_socket & python 2

Note that every time you want to start a new experiment, you should stop the past backend and run a new secret sharing backend.

And note you need to start another session to run experiments and keep the current session (i.e., the secret sharing backend session) alive.

  • If you are going to run the real distributed version of federated averaging algorithm with secret sharing, you should start specified command by the number of clients you are going to run. For example, if you want to run an experiment with in total 4 clients, you need to execute:

    cd /root/HFL_CS6203_NaiboWang_ShiqiZhang/MP-SPDZ
    ./Scripts/ add_by_socket & python 4

    I.e., just need to change the arguments <nclients> clients which communicate with SPDZ engines:

    ./Scripts/ add_by_socket & python <nclients>

Also, you need to start another session to run experiments and keep the current session (i.e., the secret sharing backend session) alive.

Federated Learning experiments

If you want to run federated learning experiments with secret sharing, you should make sure you started the MP-SPDZ secret sharing backend correctly, as mentioned in the last section.

First, you should know the DOCKER IP address IP_DOCKER, which is the ip address of the docker container, and the HOST IP address IP_HOST of the host machine which the docker container are running on.

Run ifconfig on your host machine (NOT run inside docker container) to get the HOST IP address, and run ifconfig inside docker to get the DOCKER IP address. Generally, the HOST IP address is like and the DOCKER IP address is like

Suppose the DOCKER IP address of the secret sharing backend is IP_DOCKER_A, and the HOST IP address of the secret sharing backend is IP_HOST_A.

Before you run any experiment, you should start a new session and keep the secret sharing backend session alive, and change folder to the source code of Federated Learning Experiments:

sudo docker exec -it NaiboShiqi /bin/bash
cd /root/HFL_CS6203_NaiboWang_ShiqiZhang/Federated-Learnining-PyTorch/src


The baseline experiment trains the model in the conventional way.

  • To run the baseline experiment with MNIST dataset on MLP using CPU:

    python --dataset=mnist --epochs=10
  • Or to run COVID19 dataset experiment on GPU (e.g.: if gpu:0 is available):

    python --dataset=COVID19 --gpu=0 --epochs=10

Federated averaging in a single-machine simulation environment.

Federated experiment involves training a global model using many local models.

  • To run the federated experiment with CIFAR10 dataset on CPU (IID) without secret sharing, simulated 100 users with 10 users selected every epoch:

    python --dataset=cifar --iid=1 --secret_share=0 --epochs=100 --num_users=100 --frac=0.1
  • To run the federated experiment with COVID19_twitter dataset on CPU with secret sharing under non-IID condition, simulated 100 users with 10 users selected every epoch.

    Make sure you have started the MP-SPDZ secret sharing backend with two clients, i.e., you have run the following command at another session first:

    ./Scripts/ add_by_socket & python 2

    Then you can conduct the experiment:

    Do remember to replace IP_HOST_A in the end of the following command to the real HOST IP address of the secret sharing backend, if you are running experiment and secret sharing backend on the same machine with the same IP address, you can skip --ss_address or set --ss_address=localhost.

    python --dataset=COVID19_twitter --iid=0 --epochs=100 --secret_share=1 --num_users=100 --frac=0.1 --ss_address=IP_HOST_A

Federated averaging in real distributed environment.

Suppose you want to run Federated averaging algorithm on heart_disease dataset with iid setting on 5 machines with 3 workers, 1 coordinator and 1 secret sharing backend, the details of the machines are shown below:

ID Role HOST IP Address DOCKER IP Address
A Secret-Share backend
B Worker 1
C Worker 2
D Worker 3
E Coordinator

To run federated averaging with secret sharing, you should load and run the docker container on all these five machines by the instructions at the Environment Configuration section.

Then, run the following commands:

  1. First, we should first start the MP-SPDZ secret sharing backend at Machine A's docker container, do compile the MP-SPDZ library first by the step 8 to 14 at the Environment Configuration section. Since we have 3 workers here, therefore the arguments should be set to 3:

    cd /root/HFL_CS6203_NaiboWang_ShiqiZhang/MP-SPDZ
    ./Scripts/ add_by_socket & python 3

    If successfully started, the last line of the output will be:

    Party 0 received external client connection from client id: 2
  2. Then we need to start the three workers in order, before that, we should split the dataset to three parts with non-iid setting for all workers.

    On Machine B, you should enter the docker container and run the following commands:

    cd /root/HFL_CS6203_NaiboWang_ShiqiZhang/Federated-Learnining-PyTorch/src
    python --dataset=heart_disease --num_users=3 --iid=1
    python --worker_number=0 --num_users=3 --secret_share=1 --dataset=heart_disease --ss_address=

    Note that the argument ss_address whose value is the HOST IP address of Machine A, which means the HOST IP address of the secret sharing backend, please replace this address with your own backend HOST IP address when you are running your experiments. And the argument worker_number is 0 which means the worker number for this machine is 0. Then you will see worker 0 has started, the worker will start to train after you have started the coordinator, now you just keep it here and wait.

    Then, you need to start worker 1 and 2 on Machine C and D by the almost same commands (just need to change the worker number).

    Run the following commands on Machine C:

    cd /root/HFL_CS6203_NaiboWang_ShiqiZhang/Federated-Learnining-PyTorch/src
    python --dataset=heart_disease --num_users=3 --iid=1
    python --worker_number=1 --num_users=3 --secret_share=1 --dataset=heart_disease --ss_address=

    Run the following commands on Machine D:

    cd /root/HFL_CS6203_NaiboWang_ShiqiZhang/Federated-Learnining-PyTorch/src
    python --dataset=heart_disease --num_users=3 --iid=1
    python --worker_number=2 --num_users=3 --secret_share=1 --dataset=heart_disease --ss_address=

    And you will see Worker 1 started and Worker 2 started.

  3. Now the secret sharing backend and three workers are all started, we can now start the coordinator to start training. Run the following command on Machine E after you entered the docker container.

    First, configure the workers' addresses use vim:

    cd /root/HFL_CS6203_NaiboWang_ShiqiZhang/Federated-Learnining-PyTorch/src
    vim ../configuration.json

    For this case, you should modify the configuration.json as follows:


    http is the communication protocol we are using, to are the HOST IP addresses of Worker 0 to 2. 50001 to 50003 are the ports three workers binding. If you want to add more workers, just add items follow http://HOST_IP:PORT, for which PORT is 50001+worker_number.

    And don't set the HOST_IP as localhost or even if the worker (client) and the coordinator are in the same machine, in this situation please set the HOST_IP as the DOCKER IP Address such as (Again, please use ifconfig in the docker container to check for the DOCKER IP Address).

    Save the configuration file by :wq at vim.

    And then, we also need to split the dataset first by:

    python --dataset=heart_disease --num_users=3 --iid=1

    Then, you can start the coordinator and wait for the results:

    python --epochs=100 --num_users=3 --frac=0.7 --secret_share=1 --dataset=heart_disease

    For this case, every round the coordinator will select 3x0.7, i.e., 2 workers to train.

If you want to run the distributed federated averaging algorithm without secret sharing, just set --secret_share=0 for all three workers and the coordinator. After the training, you can quit all workers by Ctrl+C one by one.

Federated brain and federated brain_v2 algorithm in a single-machine simulation environment

Distributed train models without a central server, averaging local models with new version. You can see details about federated_brain and federated_brain_v2 algorithm from the report.

  • To run the federated brain experiment with femnist dataset on CPU (IID) without secret sharing, simulated 100 users with 10 users selected every epoch:

    python --dataset=femnist --iid=1 --secret_share=0 --epochs=100 --num_users=100 --frac=0.1
  • To run the federated brain_v2 experiment with heartbeat dataset on CPU with secret sharing under IID condition, simulated 100 users with 10 users selected every epoch.

    Make sure you have started the MP-SPDZ secret sharing backend with two clients, i.e., you have run the following command at another session first:

    ./Scripts/ add_by_socket & python 2

    Then you can conduct the experiment:

    python --dataset=heartbeat --iid=1 --epochs=100 --secret_share=1 --num_users=100 --frac=0.1 --ss_address=IP_HOST_A

    Do remember to replace IP_HOST_A to the real HOST IP address of the secret sharing backend, if you are running experiment and secret sharing backend on the same machine with the same IP address, you can skip --ss_address or set --ss_address=localhost.

Federated distributed random algorithm in a single-machine simulation environment

Random select args.frac * args.num_users clients to train based on their local models in order, the i th model is initialized from the i-1 th model.

  • To run the federated distributed random experiment with malaria_cell_images dataset on CPU (IID) without secret sharing, simulated 100 users with 10 users selected every epoch:

    python --dataset=malaria_cell_images --iid=1 --secret_share=0 --epochs=100 --num_users=100 --frac=0.1
  • To run the federated distributed random experiment with chest_xray dataset on CPU with secret sharing under non-IID condition, simulated 100 users with 10 users selected every epoch.

    Make sure you have started the MP-SPDZ secret sharing backend with two clients, i.e., you have run the following command at another session first:

    ./Scripts/ add_by_socket & python 2

    Then you can conduct the experiment:

    python --dataset=chest_xray --iid=0 --epochs=100 --secret_share=1 --num_users=100 --frac=0.1 --ss_address=IP_HOST_A

    Do remember to replace IP_HOST_A to the real HOST IP address of the secret sharing backend, if you are running experiment and secret sharing backend on the same machine with the same IP address, you can skip --ss_address or set --ss_address=localhost.

Among all the experiments, you can change the default values of other parameters to simulate different conditions. Refer to the options section.


The default values for various parameters parsed to the experiment are given in Details are given for those parameters:

  • --dataset: Default: 'mnist'. Options: 'mnist', 'fmnist', 'cifar', 'COVID19', 'chest_xray', 'heart_disease', 'heartbeat', 'COVID19_twitter', 'malaria_cell_images', 'HAM10000'.
  • --secret_share: Default: 0. Set --secret_share=1 to run experiments with secret sharing.
  • --optimizer: Default: 'adam'. Options: 'sgd', 'adam'.
  • --gpu: Default: -1 (runs on CPU). Can also be set to the specific gpu id (if you have only 1 gpu, just set --gpu=0).
  • --parallel: you can set it to 1 if you have multiple GPUs on your machine.
  • --epochs: Number of rounds of training, default: 100.
  • --lr: Learning rate, set to 0.001 by default.
  • --iid: Distribution of data amongst users. Default set to IID. Set to 0 for non-IID.
  • --num_users:Number of users. Default is 3.
  • --frac: Fraction of users to be used for federated updates. Default is 0.7.
  • --local_ep: Number of local training epochs in each user. Default is 5.
  • --local_bs: Batch size of local updates in each user. Default is 50.
  • --worker_number: The worker number of a client.
  • --address: The IP address of a client, default:
  • --ss_address: The IP address of the address of secret sharing backend, default:


HFL project for CS6203 course, author: Naibo Wang, Shiqi Zhang







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