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Kotlin DSL for TamTam Bot API. Using this library you can simplify working with the Bot API. What this library helps with:

  • Subscribes to updates using LongPolling or WebHook
  • Coordinates updates to specific areas of responsibility that you describe. All updates are processed in parallel.
  • Handles commands
  • Provides a convenient interface for working with requests to the Bot API

The bot API documentation is here.

What you need to start

You should build your project with JDK 8.

To access the library, you must add the dependency on kotlinx


allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url '' }



You must also add a dependency.


dependencies {
    implementation "com.namazed.botsdk:library:0.4.0"




The example of a finished bot can be found here.


Below you find example of how start process sync longPolling on main thread:

fun main() {
  longPolling(LongPollingStartingParams("BOT_TOKEN")) {


Async longPolling on other single thread:

fun main() {
  longPolling(LongPollingStartingParams("BOT_TOKEN", async = true)) {


If you want disable parallel work with update:

fun main() {
  longPolling(LongPollingStartingParams("BOT_TOKEN", parallelWorkWithUpdates = false)) {


If you want disable http logs:

fun main() {
  longPolling(LongPollingStartingParams("BOT_TOKEN", httpLogsEnabled = false)) {


If you want use webhook:

val coordinator: Coordinator = webhook(WebhookStartingParams("BOT_TOKEN", subscription = Subscription(url = "https://your_url"))) {

// then you can call coordinator where you want and pass your json like String

All other methods are called from longPolling scope or webhook scope (lambda). In order to subscribe to the launch of the bot, just call the method:

onStartBot { startedBotState ->
    //some actions

If you want subscribe on specific command (for example, /actions):

commands {

    onCommand("/actions") { commandState ->
        //some actions

    onUnknownCommand { commandState ->
        //some actions


To work with Callbacks (i.e. when the user pushed a button on the keyboard that your bot sent him), need to create scope callbacks:

callbacks {

    defaultAnswer { callbackState ->
        //some actions

    answerOnCallback("test_button_one") { callbackState ->
        //some actions

    answerOnCallback("test_button_two") { callbackState ->
        //some actions

The update about click on button will fall into this lambda.

And last from main scopes is the scope of processing new messages from the user (which do not contain the command):

messages {

    answerOnMessage { messageState ->
        //some actions


Also have this methods:

  • onAddBotToChat
  • onRemoveBotFromChat
  • Users scope, in which there are necessary methods for processing updates associated with adding a user to the chat or deleting it

In all the lambdas that were mentioned above, there is a State parameter that contains all the necessary information about the current update. For example, a CommandState contains a timestamp when an event occurred (that is, the user sent you a command) and the Command class.


In most cases, requests can be sent using a convenient DSL, or by directly calling methods on the class RequestsManager, which is available in all Scopes. For example, if you need to send some text to the user, simply call the sendFor or sendText:

With DSL

"Two bananas" sendFor commandState.command.message.sender.userId

With RequestsManager

requestsManager.sendText(commandState.command.message.sender.userId, "Two bananas")

To create an InlineKeyboard, you can use the keyboard DSL. Below is an example of creating InlineKeyboard in three ways using: operator unaryPlus, via infix function add, or simply call the function add. The buttonRow creates a row with buttons.

keyboard {
    +buttonRow {
            "Create dreams",
            payload = "DREAMS"
            "Imagine that you are Dragon",
            payload = "DRAGON"

    this add buttonRow {
        this add Button(
            "Find new dreams",
	    url = ""

    add(buttonRow {
                "Find new dreams",
		url = ""



Pull requests are welcome. If you find any bugs or have a great idea, please create an issue for this.


This library uses a license Apache 2.0.