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Editing JavaScript Object using AngularJS

At times we encounter a situation when we need to edit a JavaScript object(JSON). By editing, I mean modifying the keys and values of the object, or dynamically adding a new key and value to the object.

Well, to make such a situation more clear, let us see a scenario:

Suppose there are two input fields and a button:

  1. In the first input field, we need to add the key of the object.
  2. Second input field takes the value that would be added to the corresponding key(i.e. the first input field).
  3. On clicking the 'Add' button, pair of input fields would get added, which can then take the key-value pair.

Here is the HTML and JavaScript code for it:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="myApp">
<head lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
<body ng-controller="ObjectController as objectController">
<div ng-repeat="oldKey in objectController.notSorted(objectController.student)">
    <label>Key {{$index+1}}</label>
    <input type="text" ng-model="newKey" ng-init="newKey=oldKey" ng-blur="objectController.updateKey(newKey, oldKey)">
    <label>Value {{$index+1}}</label>
    <input type="text" ng-model="newValue" ng-init="newValue=objectController.student[oldKey]"
<em>Click on 'Add' to add another key-value pair.</em>
<input type="button" value="Add" ng-click="objectController.addNewKey()"/>
<script src="angular.min.js"></script>
<script src="ObjectController.js"></script>


 * Created by Namita malik on 25/4/15.
(function (ng) {
    var myApp = ng.module('myApp', []);
    myApp.controller('ObjectController', [function () {
        var objectController = this;
        objectController.student = {name: "Namita", age: "16", class: "XII", school: "BBPS"};
        objectController.updateKey = function (newKey, oldKey) {
            if (newKey == "") {
                delete objectController.student[oldKey];
            } else if (newKey !== oldKey) {
                objectController.student[newKey] = objectController.student[oldKey];
                delete objectController.student[oldKey];
        objectController.updateValue = function (newValue, key) {
            objectController.student[key] = newValue;
        objectController.notSorted = function (object) {
            return object ? Object.keys(object) : [];
        objectController.addNewKey = function () {
            objectController.student[""] = "";

Before starting with the actual logic in the above code, please note that the above code is written in controller as syntax. Here are a few points for that:

  1. I have created an alias objectController for my controller ObjectController here <body ng-controller="ObjectController as objectController">.
  2. In the Controller, I have not passed $scope object to the function, instead created a variable named objectController and assigned this to it. Instead of hanging around with $scope, I have added model data and the behaviour to the controller instance.
  3. Instead of defining function with $scope, I have defined it on this (objectController).
  4. Using controller as syntax is a personal choice, but I am finding it more readable and consistent and also I am getting rid of the $scope.

Let's now come to the actual scope of this post, i.e. editing a JavaScript Object.

We have a student object whose keys and values are being displayed. We are modifying this student object.

If you look at the above demo, we can do two things there:

  1. Modify the existing keys/values.
  2. Add new key/value.

Here is explanation of both the cases:

####1 : Modify the existing keys/values.

  1. We have an updateKey function, which is called as soon as user modifies the key. updateKey() is called on the blur event of the key field.
  2. updateKey() takes two parameters i.e. newKey and oldKey, names of which are self explanatory.
  3. Now, let's move on to HTML for a while and see what is happening there. We need to investigate these two lines specifically: <div ng-repeat="oldKey in objectController.notSorted(objectController.student)"> and <input type="text" ng-model="newKey" ng-init="newKey=oldKey" ng-blur="objectController.updateKey(newKey, oldKey)">.
  4. We are iterating the object using the ng-repeat directive and hence we are using the oldKey, as an object can be iterated using the key.
  5. There is an ng-model on the key field. This model has been bind to the newKey. We are initializing the value of newKey with the oldKey.
  6. We know that blur event is fired when an element looses focus, so when a user ends updating the key and moves to the other field using keyboard or clicks anywhere, updateKey function would be called which would take both newKey and oldKey as its arguments.
  7. Now, coming back to our updateKey function, we check that if newKey is not equal to oldKey, I pass the value in the oldKey to the newKey and then delete the oldKey using the delete operator.
  8. In case user updates an existing key with an empty string, in that case, key would be deleted as empty key would not make sense.
  9. Now, let's check the updateValue function. This function is called when the blur event is fired on the the value field.
  10. On the HTML have a look at this code: <input type="text" ng-model="newValue" ng-init="newValue=objectController.student[oldKey]" ng-blur="objectController.updateValue(newValue,oldKey)">. The input field for value has model newValue. We initialize newValue with the value in the oldKey. Once user modifies the value and focus is lost, updateValue() function is called which takes newValue and oldKey along with it as its arguments.
  11. Let's see the definition part of updateValue function. In this function, we are simply passing the updated value(newValue) to the oldKey.

So this was all about updating key and value. Now let's take up the second case:

####2. Add new key/value.

  1. On clicking the "Add" button, addNewKey function is called.
  2. In the addNewKey function, we are simply adding an empty string as the key and assigning empty string as a value to it. Now, as soon as user enters a key in this newly added key field and the field looses the focus, our updateKey() function would be called, which would then do all the magic explained above.

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This repository contains a demo that shows how JavaScript objects can be edited using AngularJS.






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