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Data & Design, AI for Urban Data and Visualization

Web Site & Lab

Data, Design Computation, Artificial Intelligence, Visualization, Harvard GSD J Term 2023


Vector, Raster, Urban Data, GIS, Data Processing, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Visualization, Mapping, Design Decision-Making ...


This course contains several introductory lectures and hands-on workshops for those who want to use data as design materials to develop the design process.

We will gently visit the basic concepts and implementations of the topics: Code, Data and processing, Geometry data, Vector, Raster, and some machine learning models and their related technologies, such examples: Regression, Classification, Pattern, Data Representation, Dimensionality Reduction, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Implementation, Mapping, and Visualization Methodologies.

From the designer's perspective, students will better understand and implement the use of data and tools, finally, gain holistic high-level concepts to expand that knowledge and technology further. Therefore, the ideas and contents you will learn in this course could become a map for those who want to learn how to use data and digital media in design.

Each day, students will learn the individual topics listed below. Then, students will make a group to discuss, help, understand, and finish homework and examples. All code and examples will be online, and the instructor will be available before and after class for troubleshooting.

In addition, it is also possible for an individual or group to focus on one of the primary topics and revisit other topics after the course based on the student's ability and expectations. It is yours if you are interested in data as a design material.


Class materials and homework


Gund Hall Room 520


TUE(03), WED(04), THU(05), FRI(06), Mon(9), January 2023


3PM ~ 5PM(EST)

20% for lectures, 70% for workshops, and 10% for exercise and troubleshooting


Programming Language: Python(Anaconda), Typescript(Javascript)

Library: NJSCore, Numpy, Pandas, Tensorflow, TensorflowJS

Software: Visual Studio Code, NodeJS, Github Desktop


Up to 10 students


Experience with one of modern programming languages(Python, Java, Javascript, Typescript, C, C++, C#, or Swift)

1. Data & Design: Code for Design

Data in Design

LECTURE - Data in Design

The introduction to the key topic: Data in Design, helps you understand the meaning of using data in the design process through several examples.

2. Programming and data processing


Data processing, Data Type, Memory, Python, Numpy, Pandas library, ...

As a first step, We will learn the basic concept of programming, dealing with logical flows and data manipulation.

LAB 01 - Python Basic, Condition & Loop, Primitive Data Structure

LAB 02 - File format, Data Structure, object(class)

LAB 04 - Matrix, Numpy basic

LAB 05 - Pandas basic

3. Vector and Raster as design data


Understanding the tool for qualification and quantification is crucial for using data as design material. We will learn basic design and how to decompose design elements as vector and raster data. In addition, it can allow us to think and set up the design process.

4. Geometry Data


LAB 01 - Vector Data, Vector Point,

LAB 02 - Line, Polyline, Polygon,

LAB 03 - Mesh,

LAB 04 - Raster Data, Image, Matrix,

LAB 05 - Color, Pixel, Voxel

LAB 06 - Web implementation: Point, Line,Interactive Polyline, Polygon, Mesh, Geometry as data structure, Pixel map, Graph and Voxel map

5. Introduction to AI models and Implementations


Regression, Classification, Machine Learning, Deep Learning

We will gain a high-level understanding of AI in design: Supervised and Unsupervised Learning and related models. Students will go through several examples, enabling us to expand the use of models in design processes.

6. Problem, Data(Vector & Raster), Model, Train, Validation


Tensorflow, Keras, Numpy, Pandas, and other libraries

LAB 01 - Temperature conversion

LAB 02 - Multiplication table

LAB 03 - Smart Drawing

LAB 04 - Digital Texture prediction

LAB 05 - Map Classifier

LAB 06 - Data Reference(Vector & Raster) & Basic Models(Regression & Classification: Linear Regression, Ridge, Lasso, ElasticNet, Naive Bayes, Polynomial Regression, KNN, Logistic Regression, Decision Tree Classifier, SVM, ANN, CNN)

LAB 07 - Examples - Map classification, GAN ...

LAB 08 - Web implementation(TensorflowJS: Regression, Classification, SmartDrawing, t-SNE, Image, Video)

7. Introduction to Third Place Prediction Research

LECTURE : Reading

We will take look the Third Place research(Initial work, Paper, AI Model),

Network Analysis, Dimension Reduction, Cost function, Decay function ...

LAB 01 - Parsing data, Google Place API

LAB 02 - Parsing, Processing, Visualizing Data

LAB 03 - Processing Data For Train

LAB 04 - Training Models

LAB 05 - Network: Distance(Euclidean) and Decay model

LAB 06 - Fitting Network and Implementation

LAB 07 - Networks for Boston, LA, and Redlands

8. Third Place Prediction model and Implementation


LAB 01 - Visualization,

LAB 02 - Model implementation(Boston, LA, and Redlands)

9. Introduction to Data Visualization and Digital Mapping


Principles of Graphical Integrity, Visualization, Projection, Generalization

Pipeline for visualization, Mapping, Methodology, and Implementation

Implementing digital mapping and visualization on the web environment, Understanding boilerplate code and the pipeline

LAB 01 - Typescript Basic

LAB 02 - Boilerplate(2D, 3D) code and the pipeline

10. Interactive Visualization on Web


This part is about implementing interactive visualization with urban data and the results from Machine Learning on a web browser. We will examine practical digital mapping techniques such as Bin, Color Blending, and more.

ArcGIS JSAPI / MapboxGL / HTML Canvas / njsCore / Typescript ... Point, Line, Polygon, Interaction, Bin, Color Computation Blending mode using HTML Canvas

LAB 01 - Basic visualization

LAB 02 - Visualization Vector and Raster

LAB 03 - Visualization analysis methods(Bin) and tools(Graph, Network Analysis)

11. 3D Visualization for GIS on Web

We will learn how to visualize data: vector(Point, Line Polyline Polygon or Mesh) and raster(Image), as a form of geometries with colors on web environment.


LAB 01 - THREE JS basic and the pipeline

LAB 02 - Point, Line, Polyline, Mesh (Rhino Grasshopper)

LAB 03 - Slowzone project review

! This schedule could be revised based on the student's expectations and time.





Introduction to Computational Design: Data, Geometry, and Visualization Using Digital Media:

Computational Design Thinking for Designers:

Install React, Typescript, and Dependencies

yarn or npm install

Run the app

yarn dev or npm run dev

Install Conda(Python) and Libraries

Conda(Minicoda env)

conda create -n tf tensorflow with CPU or conda install -c anaconda tensorflow-gpu for the GPU version

conda env list

conda activate tf

conda install -n tf ipykernel --update-deps --force-reinstall

conda install pandas

conda install opencv

conda install matplotlib

conda install scikit-learn

conda install Pillow or conda install -c anaconda Pillow


NJ Namju Lee /

MDes;Harvard, MArch;UCB, B.S;SNUST, Research Fellow; MIT Architecture design, Computation, Visualization specialist, Director and founder of NJSTUDIO and NJSLab Software Engineer and Research and Developer at ESRI

NJ Namju Lee is an architectural designer, researcher, and lecturer. He has been the principal of NJSTUDIO since 2004, specializing in architecture, computational design, and visualization. He graduated from Seoul National University of Science and Technology(B.S), later, UC Berkeley(MArch), and Harvard Graduate School of Design(MDes).

As a researcher, he worked both at UrbanAid Lab at University of Technology, Sydney(UTS), at SENSEable City Lab and Media Lab(Changing Places Group) at Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT), and at College of Environmental Design, UC Berkeley. He was invited to workshops and seminars as a lecturer in several universities including Harvard, MIT, Ministry of Labor Korea, and Autodesk Korea, and he taught Digital Design Studio I, II at Sejong University, Seoul, Korea. He published ‘Simulation & Visualization of Architecture’, and contributed some architectural and graphic magazines and tutorials. He has participated in multi-disciplinary exhibitions, the digital film works, and architectural group works in Seoul and Sydney. As a visualization specialist, His collaborators include KPF, HYUNDAI, SAMSUNG, SK, and posco E&C for architectural 3D animation and simulation projects.

He works in the integrative and interdisciplinary domain of built environment and technology, with a particular interest in computational design and visualization. Central to his practice is the use of data as the primary methodology in shaping a design process by integrated computation and visualization.

!This material is for the education and research purpose only, DO NOT use for commercial use or production.


Vector, Raster, Urban Data, GIS, Data Processing, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Visualization, Mapping, Design Decision-Making ...






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