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IDE Enviroment (Windows)

Nandaka edited this page Oct 9, 2021 · 5 revisions

General Preparation

  1. Download and install latest Python 3.9 (or latest version) from
    • XMP support require 64-bit due to library limitation
  2. Download the source code and extract it on some folder (e.g. c:\pixivutil)
  3. Open cmd window and navigate to where you install the python, and go to the script folder (e.g. C:\Python\Scripts).
  4. Run: pip install -r c:\pixivutil\requirements.txt to download the required library.
  5. Run the by double clicking it or from cmd using python.exe c:\pixivutil\

Visual Studio Code

  1. Get Visual Studio Code here:
  2. Install the required Extensions:
    1. ms-python.python
  3. Install flake8 and/or pycodestyle as the linter.
    1. Configure to ignore E501,E128,E127
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