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NanoVNA-Saver, Friday Edition

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@mihtjel mihtjel released this 13 Sep 15:55

This edition has focused a lot on the markers: You can now pick which marker to control using the mouse by radio buttons; and if you hold shift, you can drag around the nearest marker on the charts. The markers have their own data readout panel, which can be hidden, if you want more room to marvel at the charts. They also now have more data display options, including Q and parallel equivalent R and C/L. Additionally, when you enter a marker frequency manually, the markers are updated immediately, without needing to press enter.

Sweep controls now include a center/span option, and both start/end and center/span update the other fields as you update them.

Some of the TDR functionality has been moved to a separate window (selecting cable types), and now also shows a graph of response vs distance.

An icon was added, and in the true tradition of VNA software, it features a Smith chart. Of course.

Lastly, support for high-resolution monitors was improved.

Feedback, suggestions and bug reports welcome as always!