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Releases: NanoVNA-Saver/nanovna-saver

Delta shows the difference!

26 Jul 10:02
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  • Added a delta marker
  • Segments can now have exponential different step widths
    (see logarithmic sweeping)
  • More different data points selectable
    (shorter are useful on logarithmic sweeping)
  • Scrollable marker column
  • Markers initialize on start, middle, end
  • Frequency input is now more "lazy"
    10m, 50K and 1g are now valid for 10MHz, 50kHz and 1GHz
  • Added a wavelength field to Markers
  • 32 bit windows binaries build in actions
  • Stability improvements due to better exception handling
  • Workaround for wrong first S21mag value on V2 devices

Known Issues

  • Can have some new bugs.
  • Spurious spikes in data with older firmwares
  • Don't know if AVNA or Nanovna-F still working

Installation Hint

  • If using binaries on Mac or Linux you have to chmod +x nanovna-saver after
    unzipping as executable flags get lost with zip.
  • For Darwin with library validation a xattr -rd .
    in the unzip directory is necessary.
  • Windows binary for 64Bit systems in
  • Windows binary for 32Bit systems in



Sweeps don't jump with bandwidths

17 Jul 10:04
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  • implemented bandwidth setting in device management
  • sweep worker now initializes full dataset on setting changes
    Therefore no resize of charts when doing multi segment sweeps
  • changing datapoints in DeviceSettings are reflected in SweepSettings widget step size
  • simplified Calibration code by just using scipy.interp1d with fill_value
  • established Interface class to ease locking and allow non USB connections in future
  • cleaned up VNA code. Added some pause statements to get more robust readings
  • added MagLoopAnalysis
  • Touchstone class can now generate interpolated Datapoints for a given frequency
    Will be useful in future analysis code
  • fixed a bug in Version comparison
  • deny more illegal input values in sweep control
  • debug log now records exceptions in sweep worker thread
  • try close and open serial in initial vna connection

Known Issues

  • Can have some new bugs.
  • Spurious spikes in data with older firmwares

Installation Hint

If using binaries on Mac or Linux you have to chmod +x nanovna-saver after
unzipping as executable flags get lost with zip.

For Darwin with library validation a xattr -rd .
in the unzip directory is necessary.



Interpol Bug Hunting Edition

03 Jul 17:28
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  • Refactored Analysis
  • Add Antenna Analysis
  • Fixed bug in Through Calibration
  • Fixed bug in s2p saving
  • Fixed crash when clicking connect with no device connected
  • Fixed module error with source installation if
    pkg_resources missing

Known Issues

  • Can have some new bugs.
  • -H support not on newest firmwares

Installation Hint

If using binaries on Mac or Linux you have to chmod +x nanovna-saver after
unzipping as executable flags get lost with zip.



Interpol Edition (Supports S-A-A-2 / V2)

30 Jun 11:29
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  • Refactored calibration code

  • Calibration data between known datapoints in now
    interpolated by spline interpolation

  • S-A-A-2 / NanoVNA V2 calibration is now working

  • Fixed through calibration

  • Code moved to a github organization to enable faster updates and responses.

  • Support for S-A-A-2 / NanoVNA V2

  • Support for 202 Datapoints/scan with NanoVNA-H

  • Support for attenuator at S11

  • Massive code separation to easy aditon of
    Hardware, Charts, Analysis ...

  • Binary releases based on python 3.8 now / just 64 bit binaries available!

  • Average sweep discard measurement by geometrical distance now

  • Nearly all code changes by @zarath and @MZachmann, so please no complaints to @mihtjel.

  • Testers are welcome, also documentation upgrades are fine!

Known Issues

  • Can have some new bugs.
  • Still having a through calibration bug
  • -H / -H4 support depends on Firmware

Installation Hint

If using binaries on Mac or Linux you have to chmod +x nanovna-saver after
unzipping as executable flags get lost with zip.



Back From Christmas Update

11 Jan 15:35
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Update 17/01/2020: New .exe for 0.2.2-1 uploaded, which fixes a crash when running a continuous sweep after calibration is done.

Finally time for a little update to NanoVNA-Saver - my Christmas and New Year holiday was busier than anticipated, and I haven't done much to the software during that period! None the less, here is an update.

New feature: Device management and screenshots
There is now a "Manage" button next to the "Connect to NanoVNA" button, which will let you see a few more details about the connected device, as well as - if supported by the firmware - grab screenshots of the device screen. This is a work in progress.

New marker values: Polar coordinates.
You can now set the markers to display S11/S21 polar coordinates.

New feature: Sweep names
You can put in a sweep name (find it under Sweep Settings) which is displayed in the charts. This was requested by some users.

New feature: Zoom in TDR charts
This is fairly self-explanatory: You can zoom in on the TDR charts. :-)

Bug fix: Through calibration value
The through calibration was apparently set up to expect a reflected value, not a transmitted value - which skewed the calibration values. This has been changed - I will be happy to hear if it's working for you!

Code cleanup:
Holger has helped me a lot by cleaning up the marker code, and is working on even more changes. The code looks less like a prototype as each day passes. ;-)

As ever, I welcome all feedback!

Advent update

04 Dec 11:23
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This release is a minor update to the 0.2.0 release:
New feature: Capacitance and Inductance charts
These new charts display the calculated series equivalent Capacitance and Inductance against frequency.

New feature: Panning and modified zooming
You can now hold the middle mouse button to pan a zoomed chart, or hold shift or control to only zoom the value or frequency axis when zooming using the mouse wheel.

Moving markers using the arrow keys
After placing a marker on a chart by clicking with the mouse, it's now possible to move the marker immediately using the arrow keys.

Experimental feature: Port extension/Offset delay
The calibration window has a new experimental feature. You can set an offset delay, which I'm told is useful for compensating for cables used when measuring without doing a full calibration. The value is applied immediately when changed, and is not connected to the other calibration features. Feedback on this feature is specifically requested.

Additionally, a number of bugfixes have been made, based on your feedback - Thank you! A lot of tidying has happened on the back end of the code, as well as the introduction of some automatic testing - thanks to Holger Müller and David Hunt!

As ever, I look forward to hearing all your feedback and suggestions!

Zoom, zoom, zoom!

12 Nov 11:03
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New feature: Zooming
This release adds the ability to "zoom" on the frequency-based charts: Use your mouse's scroll wheel to zoom in and out - or hold the control button and drag a box on the chart to zoom into.

New chart type: Group Delay
Group delay can now be displayed as a chart, and can also be enabled for the marker data display for both S11 and S21.

New chart type: Permeability
A new chart, R/ω & X/ω, is available for determining permeability characteristics of toroids. Thanks to David, F4HTQ, for requesting and helping out with this.

Logarithmic Y-scale:
The VSWR and Permeability charts now have the option of having the Y-scale shown as Linear or Logarithmic.

Changes to markers:

  • Now able to display Group Delay for S11 and S21
  • Markers can be filled or "hollow"
  • Markers can be shown centered, or with the point at the tip
  • Markers can be locked from mouse control by selecting the radio button next to "Show/Hide data"

Time-delay reflectometry:

  • Min/max impedance values can be manually set
  • There's a movable marker to measure distance in the TDR chart

New scaling function for values:
Holger Müller, DG5DBH, contributed new code to show values more correctly, using SI-prefixes. David Hunt provided further changes to avoid losing precision when displaying frequencies for sweep settings.

Also included: Several bug fixes!

As ever, I look forward to hearing about any feedback, suggestions and bugs!

Configurable markers and impedance analysis

05 Nov 09:07
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This release, after a short break in the release schedule, offers a few new features and improvements:

Configurable Markers
There are a number of new configuration options for markers:

  • The size of the markers can be changed under Display Setup,
  • Marker numbers can be displayed in the charts,
  • Marker data box headings can be coloured or not, depending on user preference,
  • The data displayed for markers is now configurable

Impedance Analysis
The Time Domain Reflectometry window now has a display of an impedance transform, showing the calculated impedance of the transmission line the NanoVNA is looking at from the calibration plane onwards.

New analyses - and automatic running
The Analysis window has two new analysis options, peak search and VSWR analysis. It also adds the option to run the analysis automatically whenever new data is acquired, for example for adjusting filters.

Frequency display changed
DG5DBH kindly sent me updated functions to display frequencies on GitHub. You can still enter frequencies in the manner you are used to, as Hz, kHz or MHz, but now calculated or read frequencies should more consistently be displayed in a nicely formatted way.

For those running from the Python source, "scipy" is now a required library! Running "pip install ." should fetch it automatically.

Feedback and bug reports are very welcome!

All the markers you need!

23 Oct 07:44
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This release adds a number of new features, some bug fixes, and some internal reorganisation:

Adding markers:
You can now add or remove markers, allowing you as many as you can fit on your screen. In fact, the software does not stop there: You can even add markers which you can't fit on your screen!

New charts:
A number of new chart types have been added, allowing you to plot |Z|, |S11| and |S21| in linear format, S11 and S21 logarithmic on the same chart at the same time, and the raw S11 and S21 real/imaginary S-parameter values.

Calibration updates:
The calibration assistant has become more talkative, and should be better at telling you what has gone wrong when it won't apply a calibration. When applying a new calibration, or applying after changing to a different calibration standard set, the previous sweep is immediately updated to show the effect of the new values. This should be useful for finding the right values for calibration standard sets.

Line thickness and point size should now load correctly and apply to charts after you restart the software.
SWR marker colours should similarly also load correctly.
The software should now be able to run and attempt to check for updates, and not crash when you don't have an internet connection.

I hope these features and updates are useful to the community!

Popout charts and VSWR markers

16 Oct 12:35
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This release adds a couple of much requested features:

Popout charts
All charts can now be popped out as separate windows: Right click them, and select "Popout chart" to get a copy of it. As a side effect of implementing this, the main window can now also contain multiple charts of the same type. Want a zoomed in version of an existing chart next to it? Now you can.

VSWR markers
Under Display setup, you now have the option of adding a number of VSWR markers, to be shown on both the S11 Smith chart, the S11 Return Loss chart, and obviously the S11 VSWR chart. The colour can be selected, and you can add however many you need. The markers are saved between startups.

Logarithmic frequency span
All frequency-dependent charts can now be changed to show logarithmic frequency span instead of linear. Right click, select Frequency axis, and choose linear or logarithmic.

You can now start a new sweep by pressing Ctrl-W, or stop a sweep by pressing Escape while within the main window.

Line thickness and point size
Line thickness and point size can now be configured within the Display setup window. Default values are 1 pixel for lines, 2 pixels for data points.

Additionally, there are minor changes, such as -60 dB points being automatically estimated from -10 dB and -20 dB points when doing filter analysis, and a number of bugfixes and stability improvements.

I look forward to hearing your feedback on the software, and I hope you enjoy using it!