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Firefox userContent.css

  • Open Firefox and press Alt to show the top menu, then click on Help → Troubleshooting Information
  • Click the Show Folder button beside the Profile Folder entry
  • Create a folder named chrome in the directory that opens
  • In the chrome folder create a css file with the name userContent.css
  • Copy the following code to userContent.css, replacing “” with the website you want to modify and your own custom CSS, and restart Firefox:

example code

@-moz-document domain( {
    img { opacity: 0.05 !important; }


copy the user.js file to your firefox profile directory, the user.js will set firefox to use use style sheets, so you dont have to enable the option using firefoxs about config page

// ** Theme Related Options ****************************************************
// userchrome.css usercontent.css activate
user_pref("toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets", true);

// Fill SVG Color
user_pref("svg.context-properties.content.enabled", true);

// CSS Blur Filter - 88 Above
user_pref("layout.css.backdrop-filter.enabled", true);

// Restore Compact Mode - 89 Above
user_pref("", true);


copy the userChrome.css file to the chrome directory in your firefox profile directory

the code below set tabs to be attached to the url bar instead of floating

/*** Proton Tabs Tweaks ***/

/* Adjust tab corner shape, optionally remove space below tabs */

#tabbrowser-tabs {
    --user-tab-rounding: 6px;

@media (-moz-proton) {
    .tab-background {
        border-radius: var(--user-tab-rounding) var(--user-tab-rounding) 0px 0px !important;
        margin-block: 1px 0 !important;
    #scrollbutton-up, #scrollbutton-down { /* 6/10/2021 */
        border-top-width: 1px !important;
        border-bottom-width: 0 !important;
    /* Container color bar visibility */
    .tabbrowser-tab[usercontextid] > .tab-stack > .tab-background > .tab-context-line {
        margin: 0px max(calc(var(--user-tab-rounding) - 3px), 0px) !important;

/* Tweak Options as of 6/12/2021; Generated Fri Jun 25 2021 19:21:39 GMT+0100 (British Summer Time) */

Firefox blank page

The userContent.css will also apply the theme to Firefox’s newtab, blank page and home page

Open Firefox’s preference and change the Homepage and new windows to use Firefox Home (default), and newtabs to Blank page.

We have to set the Homepage to Firefox Home and not blank page because it doesnt seem to pick up the colour scheme on the homepage otherwise


firefox userContent.css






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