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Narochno.Slack Build status NuGet

A simple Slack client for posting messages with fields and attachments, narochno.

Example Usage

var config = new SlackConfig
    WebHookUrl = "your webhook URL"

var message = new IncomingWebHookRequest
    Text = "test",
    Channel = "#test",
    UserName = "a user",
    IconEmoji = ":ghost:",
    Attachments = new List<Attachment>
        new Attachment
            Title = "tite",
            Color = "#993",
            Fallback = "fallback"

# Optionally dispose
using (var slackClient = new SlackClient(config))
    await slackClient.IncomingWebHook(message);

ASP.NET Core DI setup

var services  = new ServiceCollection();
services.AddSlack(new SlackConfig{ ... });
var provider = services.BuildServiceProvider();

Or completely manually to control building of HTTP client:

var services = new ServiceCollection();

services.AddSingleton(new SlackConfig{ ... })
services.AddHttpClient<ISlackClient, SlackClient>()
            .AddPolicyHandler(GetRetryPolicy()); // defined in the consumer's code

var provider = services.BuildServiceProvider();

var slackClient = provider.GetRequiredService<ISlackClient>();