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Federico Peinado edited this page Nov 7, 2017 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the TRPGMaker wiki!

TRPGMaker is an extension of IsoUnity to create tactical video-games.

The idea of creating a game with TRPGMaker is that many narrative/generic features can be done using IsoUnity (dialogues and also exploration of tile-based scenarios), but specific RPG features for tactic combat, estrategic character & inventory management, trading, crafting, role-playing dialogs, exploration special skills... The specific RPG features can be used independently, not necessarily implementing all modules in the same game.

Here you will learn what is the connection of this project with IsoUnity (and maybe other related projects such as Puppeteer).

  1. IsoUnity creates maps with many cells, TRPGMaker uses a selector to analyzing the cells around the layer character to paint the map with different color, thereby the player could know where he can move. The class where TRPGMaker and IsoUnity join is called Painter.

  2. Game is used in IsoUnity to join a map with IsoUnity's tools, with TRPGMaker must include turn into Game to analyzing all the playable characters in the map.

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