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Cookie Clicker TAS Player

Made for v. 2.022

Set up

  1. Go to official version (or clone/archive) of Cookie Clicker.
  2. Open the JavaScript console at the game. If bolding the capital "S" was not clear enough, it's the real one on browser, not the in-game building.
  3. Copy the contents of index.js, and paste and run it.
  4. Follow the instructions.

Spreadsheet Syntax

Spreadsheets must have a header row as the first row. In each subsequent rows, put the play.

The rows must be in chronological order.

If the first row has time (ms) set to -1, then it will set various settings.

Rows must be separated by a \n or \r\n.

Columns of General Row

Columns must be separated by a tab character (\t).

These columns must be present:

  • time (ms) - a number. Time this row finishes execution

These columns may be present:

  • clicks more - a number. Number of clicks
  • lag? - y/n. Whether or not to have pseudo-lag this row.
  • u - text. Upgrades to buy. Multiple lines to buy multiple upgrades.
  • GC buff - text. Name of the golden cookie buff.
  • cookies baked - a number. Expected cookies baked stat. For debug utility.
  • adelayl - a number. Expected accumulatedDelay. For debug utility.
  • Buildings (will attempt to buy/sell to the amount given as a number, or will not buy/sell if set to X):
    • c - Cursor
    • g - Grandma
    • f - Farm
    • m - Mine
    • F - Factory
    • b - Bank
    • t - Temple
    • wt - Wizard tower
    • s - Shipment
    • al - Alchemy lab
    • p - Portal
    • tm - Time machine
    • ac - Antimatter condenser
    • P - Prism
    • C - Chancemaker
    • fe - Fractal engine
    • jc - Javascript console
  • utilcodebefore, utilcodeafter - Executes a specified code as JavaScript. This should be build on provided utilities as much as possible. utilcodebefore will be executed just before running Game.Loop, while utilcodeafter will be executed just after. You can find the list of utility functions and which column to use below.

Any column headers not specified here are ignored.

Setter Row

Signify that the first row is setter row by setting time (ms) to -1.

Place settings in utilcodebefore column. Each item must be in form key:value, separated by a comma.


  • seed - Sets Game.seed. Defaults to "" (not set; set randomly on each run).
  • season - Starting season. Defaults to "" (no season).
  • startTime - Sets internal start time. Defaults to the time TAS.setup was called.

Utility functions


These should be put in utilcodebefore column.

  • TAS.util.ShowMenu(s) - s is a string. If s=="close", then it will close any menu open. Else it will open any menu, such as "stats".
  • TAS.util.ChangeBakeryName(s) - Changes the bakery name to s.
  • TAS.util.ClickNews() - Clicks news.
  • TAS.util.MakeNextNewsFortuneWhenPossible(fortune) - Request a fortune (green news ticker) specified when possible. fortune may be "fortuneGC", "fortuneCPS", or id within fortune upgrade list, upgrade id, name, or object representing a fortune upgrade.
  • TAS.util.Buy(building,amount) - Buys specified building by specified amount.
  • TAS.util.Sell(building,amount) - Sells specified building by specified amount.
  • TAS.util.SpawnWrinkler(id) - Requests a wrinkler to be spawned at id. The wrinkler will always be shiny.
  • TAS.util.SelectWrinkler(id) - Requests to select the wrinkler at id.
  • TAS.util.HurtWrinkler() - Requests to hurt the wrinkler selected until TAS.util.LeaveWrinkler() is called.
  • TAS.util.LeaveWrinkler() - Requests to not hurt the wrinkler.
  • TAS.util.Ascend() - Ascends.
  • TAS.util.PurchaceHeavenlyUpgrade(a) - If a specifies a heavenly upgrade by id, name, or object, it will attempt to buy it. If a is an array that specifies heavenly upgrades by ids, names, or objects, it will attempt to buy them.
  • TAS.util.PickAscensionMode(mode) - Changes ascension mode to the specified mode. mode must be either 0 or 1.
  • TAS.util.Reincarnate() - Reincarnates (exits heavenly upgrade tree).
  • TAS.util.ToggleSantaTab(on) - Toggles on or off the Santa menu.
  • TAS.util.UpgradeSanta(drop) - Upgrades Santa with specified gift drop.
  • TAS.util.ToggleDragonTab(on) - Toggles on or off the dragon menu.
  • TAS.util.UpgradeDragon() - Upgrades dragon.
  • TAS.util.clickLump() - Clicks sugar lump.
  • TAS.util.ToggleMute(building) - Mute/unmutes a building.
  • TAS.util.ToggleMinigameMenu(building) - Toggles minigame menu if available.
  • TAS.util.LevelUp(building) - Levels up a building using sugar lump.
  • TAS.util.RefillGarden() - Refills garden cool down.
  • TAS.util.Garden.ToggleMenu() - Toggles garden minigame menu.
  • TAS.util.Garden.Refill() - Refills garden cool down.
  • TAS.util.Garden.HarvestAll() - Harvests all plants.
  • TAS.util.Garden.HarvestAllMature() - Harvests all mature plants.
  • TAS.util.Garden.ToggleFreeze() - Freezes/unfreezes the garden.
  • TAS.util.Garden.Convert() - Converts plant seeds to sugar lumps if all plants seeds are unlocked.
  • TAS.util.Garden.SelectSeed(plant) - Selects the specified plant.
  • TAS.util.Garden.UnselectSeed() - Unselects plants.
  • TAS.util.Garden.PlantAtTile(plant,x,y) - Plants a specified plant at specified garden plot.
  • TAS.util.Garden.HarvestTile(x,y) - Harvests the plant at specified garden plot.
  • TAS.util.Garden.ChangeSoil(soil) - Changes soil.
  • TAS.util.RefillPantheon() - Refills pantheon swaps.
  • TAS.util.Pantheon.ToggleMenu() - Toggles pantheon minigame menu.
  • TAS.util.Pantheon.Refill() - Refills pantheon swaps.
  • TAS.util.Pantheon.SlotGod(god,slot) - Places specified god to specified slot.
  • TAS.util.RefillGrimoire() - Refills grimoire magic.
  • TAS.util.Grimoire.ToggleMenu() - Toggles pantheon minigame menu.
  • TAS.util.Grimoire.CastSpell(spell) - Casts specified spell.


These should be put in utilcodeafter column.

  • TAS.util.SpawnGoldenCookie(force) - Spawns a golden cookie of specified effect.
  • TAS.util.SpawnReindeer(cookie) - Spawns a reindeer of specified cookie drop.
  • TAS.util.PopShimmers - Pops shimmers (golden cookies and reindeers). This will be automatically be ran without specifying.

Non-strategy functions

These should not be used in a strategy.

  • TAS.util.searchSeed(criterias) - Searches for a seed meeting all criterias.

Things note when making a TAS

  • Game will only register big cookie clicks every 4ms.
  • Game will only handle maximum lag of 5000ms.
  • Game.Loop will be ran every 33ms with absolutely no lag.
  • Some achievements and upgrades may not appear instantly after meeting the condition.
  • It takes a frame between Santa appearing and being able to open and upgrade them after buying the upgrade that unlock them.
  • It takes a frame to open Dragon menu before upgrading them.
  • It takes a frame between button appears to open minigames after leveling up the building.
  • After clicking ascend, it takes at least a frame to move to upgrade tree.
  • Following are based on Game.seed and can not be arbitrarily manipulated:
    • Lump type uses Game.seed+'/'+Game.lumpT, dependent on seed and time.
    • FortuneCPS fortune's lucky number displayed uses Game.seed+'-fortune', dependent on seed.
    • Deviations in positions of buildings except cursors and grandmas shown in the center uses Game.seed+' '+[Building type's id]+' '+[Ordinal of currently calculated building], dependent on seed.
    • Deviations in positions, age, and name of grandmas shown in the center uses Game.seed+' '+[Grandma's id], dependent on seed.
    • Whether or not "Reinforced membrane" takes effect is based on Game.seed+'/'+Game.cookieClicks for big cookie clicks and Game.seed+'/'+Game.goldenClicks for golden clicks.
    • Whether or not "Mice clicking mice" upgrade will show blasphemouse or blasphemous in the description uses Game.seed+'-blasphemouse', dependent on seed.
    • Description of "Tombola computing" uses Game.seed+'-tombolacomputing', dependent on seed.
    • Outcomes of spells are based on Game.seed+'/'+[Total number of spells casted], dependent on seed.


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