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GCP CI/CD Pipeline

Competency Insights

Developing a user-friendly Nashar-Insights platform capable of gathering social insights from platforms such as LinkedIn, as well as internal activities like blogs, Knolex, and certifications.

Key technical benefits

  • Scalability is ensured through GCP Kubernetes, supporting varying workloads.
  • Flexibility in data handling is achieved using MongoDB and Snowflake.
  • Real-time data ingestion is facilitated by Snowpipe streaming in Snowflake.
  • Efficient data retrieval, processing, and storage with Snowflake contribute to improved performance.
  • Modern user interface experiences are provided through NextJs.

System functionality

Competency Insights system provides the following functionality:

  • Report Service- Retrieves data from the Snowflake GOLD table and presents it on the user interface (UI). This service is responsible for fetching information from a designated Snowflake table and displaying it in a user-friendly manner.

  • Contribute Service- Receives user input regarding competency contributions. It stores this information in both MongoDB and the Snowflake RAW table. This service handles the interaction where users provide input related to competency contributions, and it ensures that the data is stored in the appropriate databases.

  • Feed Service- Processes an Excel file containing Nasher information, such as names and relationship manager details, from the UI. It then saves this data to the Snowflake RAW table. This service manages the import of Nasher-related data from an Excel file, handling the extraction and storage process in the designated Snowflake table.



GCP Deployment Flow


Get the source code:

Clone the repository:

 $ git clone

Getting Started for Local

Let's execute the application using the default local settings, which include a separate .env file for each service, and configurations. In the root of the competency-insights, there is a local-dev/docker-compose.yml file that enables us to launch necessary resource such as MongoDb and competency-insights service [repost-service,contribution-service, master-service]. The following steps outline the setup and launch process for the applications.

1) Run docker-compose

Resource Launches
$ docker-compose up -d

Resource Down
$ docker-compose down

CP Infrastructure and Deployment

GCP Infrastructure by using Terraform

To deploy the GCP infrastructure required, follow the steps in deployment readme: deployment/gcpresources/

Deploy Services via Github Action

Artifact Registry Administrator
Artifact Registry Reader
Artifact Registry Writer
Cloud Build Logging Service Agent
Cloud Trace Admin
Compute Admin
Container Registry Service Agent
Create Service Accounts
DNS Administrator
Firebase Admin
Kubernetes Engine Admin
Logging Admin
Monitoring Admin
Monitoring Metric Writer
Monitoring Metrics Scopes Admin
Monitoring Metrics Scopes Viewer
Project IAM Admin
Pub/Sub Admin
Secret Manager Admin
Secret Manager Secret Accessor
Security Reviewer
Service Account Admin
Service Account User
Service Usage Admin
Stackdriver Accounts Editor
Stackdriver Accounts Viewer
Storage Admin
Storage Object Admin
Storage Object Viewer
View service accounts

When a commit push to main branch it will start the deployment of the services/project mentioned in file projects-changes-deploy.txt. deployments steps for each project are mentioned in

Obtain a GCP Service Account json key

The process to obtain a JSON key for a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) service account involves the following steps:

1. Open the Google Cloud Console: Navigate to the Google Cloud Console at

2. Access the IAM & Admin Section: In the console, locate and click on the "IAM & Admin" section.

3. Choose the Project: Select the project for which you want to create a service account or ensure that you are working within the correct project.

4. Navigate to Service Accounts: In the IAM & Admin section, find and click on "Service accounts" to view the existing service accounts for the selected project.

5. Create a New Service Account: Click on the "Create Service Account" button to initiate the process of creating a new service account.

6. Provide Details: Enter a name for your service account, add a description (optional), and choose the appropriate role(s) for the service account based on your project's needs.

7. Generate a Key: After creating the service account, click on the "Create Key" button. Choose the key type as JSON, and a JSON key file will be generated and downloaded to your device.

Keep the JSON Key Secure: Ensure that you securely store the downloaded JSON key file, as it contains sensitive information and grants access to your GCP resources.

CI/CD Pipeline for GCP

The file contains the steps for deploying the system.

Check Deployment of Kubernetes on GCP

To verify the deployment of Kubernetes on Google Cloud Platform (GCP), follow these steps:

1. Access GCP Console:
   Log in to the Google Cloud Console at

2. Navigate to Kubernetes Engine:
   In the console, go to the "Kubernetes Engine" section.

3. Select Cluster:
   Choose the Kubernetes cluster you want to check.

4. Review Cluster Details:
   Examine the cluster details, including the status, version, and other relevant information.

5. Verify Nodes:
   Confirm that the nodes in your cluster are in the "RUNNING" state.

6. Check Workloads:
   Examine the workloads running on the cluster to ensure that your applications and services are deployed as expected.

7. Inspect Pods:
   Review the status of individual pods within the cluster to ensure they are running without errors.

8. Examine Services:
   Confirm that the Kubernetes services associated with your applications are accessible and running correctly.

9. Monitor Events:
   Check the cluster events for any warnings or errors that might indicate deployment issues.

10. Test Connectivity:
    Verify that you can connect to your deployed applications and services from external sources if applicable.

11. Check External Access:
    If your applications are supposed to be externally accessible, confirm that external access is properly configured.

12. Review Logs:
    Examine logs for applications and services to identify any issues or error messages.

How to merge a feature

  • Create a branch from main branch and name it based on the feature to be implemented
  • Implement feature in new feature branch
  • Raise a PR against the main branch
  • Get it approved from Approver and merge the feature branch to master