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This activator project describes a basic example to render UI using ReactJS with Play 2.4.x, Scala and Anorm. It also demonstrates the use of evolution in Play 2.4.x


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A [Giter8][g8] template for ...!


This repository describes a basic example to render UI using ReactJS with Play 2.4.x, Scala and Anorm. It also demonstrates the use of evolution in Play 2.4.x

This is a classic CRUD application, backed by a JDBC database. It demonstrates:

  • Handling asynchronous results, Handling time-outs
  • Achieving, Futures to use more idiomatic error handling.
  • Accessing a JDBC database, using Anorm.
  • Replaced the embedded JS & CSS libraries with WebJars.
  • Play and Scala-based template engine implementation
  • Integrating with a CSS framework (Twitter Bootstrap). Twitter Bootstrap requires a different form layout to the default one that the Play form helper generates, so this application also provides an example of integrating a custom form input constructor.
  • Flat-UI with Twitter Bootstrap to improve the look and feel of the application

###Instructions :-

  • Clone the project into local system
  • To run the Play framework 2.4.x, you need JDK 8 or later
  • Install Typesafe Activator if you do not have it already. You can get it from here
  • Execute activator clean compile to build the product
  • Execute activator run to execute the product
  • playing-reactjs should now be accessible at localhost:9000

All the screens:

Play Evolution

alt tag

alt tag

alt tag

###References :-

Template license

Written in ​ 2017​ by ​ Knoldus Software LLP

To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this template to the public domain worldwide. This template is distributed without any warranty. See [g8]:


This activator project describes a basic example to render UI using ReactJS with Play 2.4.x, Scala and Anorm. It also demonstrates the use of evolution in Play 2.4.x







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