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Planned economy

Capitalists, Aristocrats and Artisans loose all their properties. No inner market allowed, instead all producers send their products to common government storage. Than consumers takes products from common storage in next order: first - bureaucrats, than factories, than soldiers, workers, farmers. Tribesmen will feed themselves (yet government oppress them with taxes, forcing Tribesmen to become "working class"). Capitalists, Aristocrats and Artisans gains nothing and starve to death (and transfer to other population types).

Government can sell excess products or buy needed in common market.

Since there is no salaries in that type of economics factories would hire people in order of factory priority. Military factories have highest priority, then industrial, then rest (priority could be changed in UI). Planned economy in game based on something like historical War communism

Doesn't allows foreign investments, and can't do foreign investments itself.

Natural economy

Market plays minimal role, salary paid in natural products. Poor strata pays corvee. Not implemented yet.

State capitalism

Government can build and manage enterprises, but free market and capitalists are functional. Tax limit is not less than 20%. Doesn't allow foreign investments.

Limited interventionism

Limited interventionism is intermediate economic type between State capitalism and Laissez faire. Government can intervene in enterprise management but can't build and nationalize enterprises. AI will sell enterprise shares if has 50%+ or if shares give low profit. Allows foreign investments. Requires Individual Rights invented.

Laissez faire

Gives huge bonus to production, but government has to sell all enterprises. Requires Individual Rights invented. Allows foreign investments.


  • Can't have taxes higher than 50%
  • Can't subsidize factories
  • Gives production 50% bonus
  • Can't build/destroy or manage any enterprises