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Install the package via composer:

composer require nh/translatable

Publish the config files for the translatable: You can define the available languages in this config file

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=translatable

To make a model translatable, add the Translatable trait to your model:

use Nh\Translatable\Traits\Translatable;

use Translatable;

If you need to customize the insertion for the translation you can add to your model:

  * Default translatable option.
  * @var array
protected $translatable = [
    'automatic' => false

And simply set the translations with the function $model->setTranslations(['en' => ['name' => 'English'],'de' => ['name' => 'Deutsch']]).


To make a route translatable, add the middleware localization and the prefixe {locale} to your route:

Route::middleware('localization')->prefix('{locale}')->get('/', function () {
    return view('welcome');

And for redirect if url is to

Route::middleware('localization')->get('/', function () {
  return redirect()->route('welcome');

Change the language

You can change the language of the website by using the localization route:

@foreach (config('translatable.languages') as $key => $value)
  <a href="{{ route('localization', ['lang' => $key]) }}">
    {{ $value }}


If you need to display/hide elements by lang you can use the JS file: This is a global change in the current page, not for a specific zone !


Then in your html add the links with the class .lang-toggle and the data attribute data-lang: To display a different value than the abbreviation of the language, you can add the attribute data-lang-value

The current language is: <span class="lang-toggle-current">Français</span>

  <a href="#" class="lang-toggle" data-lang="fr" data-lang-value="Français">FR</a>
  <a href="#" class="lang-toggle" data-lang="en" data-lang-value="Anglais">EN</a>

And add the data attribute data-lang to the content to filter by lang:

<div data-lang="fr">
  Uniquement en Français
<div data-lang="en">
  Only in english
<div data-lang="en|fr">
  Multiple languages


Exemple for a form with multiple translations to insert.

Add Somewhere the language toggle with all the available languages:

<div id="myLangToggle" class="dropdown">
  <button class="btn dropdown-toggle lang-toggle-current" type="button" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false">{{ config('translatable.default') }}</button>
  <div class="dropdown-menu">
    @foreach (config('translatable.languages') as $key => $value)
      <a class="dropdown-item lang-toggle {{ $key == config('translatable.default') ? 'active' : '' }}" href="#" data-lang="{{ $key }}">{{ $value }}</a>

And the inputs for all the available languages:

<input class="form-control" name="title" type="text" value="{{ $page->title }}" data-lang="{{ config('translatable.default') }}"/>

@foreach (Arr::except(config('translatable.languages'), config('translatable.default')) as $key => $value)
  <input class="form-control d-none" name="translations[{{ $key }}][title]" type="text" value="{{ $page->getTranslation('title',$key) }}" data-lang="{{ $key }}"/>


You can use the TranslationEvent for dispatch events that happen to the addresses. You can pass a name, the parent model, the translation model (or null) and the number of translations affected

TranslationEvent::dispatch('my-event', $model, $translation, 1);