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Repo for tracking my thesis' conversion to jupyter book.


To build html: jupyter-book build book

For interactive images: Replace the img tags with an iframe tag pointing to the standalone html (which must be copied into _build/html/_images). (Not ideal. Hopefully they will fix.). I.e. Copy in the following:

<a class="reference internal image-reference" href="../_images/combining_funnel_interactive.html"><img alt="../_images/combining_funnel_interactive.html" src="../_images/combining_funnel_interactive.html" style="height: 150px;" /></a> -->
<iframe src="../_images/combining_funnel_interactive.html" width="600px" height="300px" style="border:none;"></iframe>

To view/check: open book/_build/html/index.html

To build PDF

jupyter-book build . --builder pdfhtml