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Almond Bakery

Almond Bakery is a fictional bakery, which provides service of baking and delivering cakes. The app is a designed provide customers with a simple, easy to use system where they can view different cakes, order them and edit or delete their reservations. In addition, it allows the administrator to manage the menu and bookings through admin panel.

app mockapp

To see the live app please follow this link to the web app



Site Goals

  1. For admin: Manage the menu displayed on the website, keep track of upcoming orders, edit, mark complete and delete if necessary.
  2. For customers: Make reservations in a simple way without the need to call or come to the bakery, to update or cancel their orders.

Agile Planning

This project was developed using agile methodology by delivering small features in incremental sprints. The user stories were assigned to epics, prioritized under the labels: Must have, should have, could have. "Must have" stories were completed first to ensure that core features were completed first to make the project ready to use.

There was created a Kanban board using GitHub projects. It can be found here: link to the project

Epics (Milestones):

There are 4 Epics (Milestones):

project milestones

  • Menu:

    • As a user, I'd like to view the menu so that I can make up my mind.
    • As an owner, I'd like to be able to edit the menu so that it is always up to date.
    • As an owner, I'd like to have a nice menu on the home page with beautiful pictures so that customers want to order my cakes.
    • As an owner, I'd like to be able to add menu items so that I can offer new options to my customers when available.
    • As an owner, I'd like to be able to delete menu items so that the menu is always up to date.
  • Bookings:

    • As a user, I'd like to be able to place my order easily through the site so that I can order a cake quickly and easily.
    • As a user, I'd like to be able to view my orders so that I can check them.
    • As a user, I'd like to be able to delete my order so that I can save my time and not phone to cancel my booking.
    • As a user, I'd like to be able to edit my booking so that I can keep it relevant.
    • As an owner, I'd like to be able to mark the orders if I have already sent them so that I can track my delivery process.
    • As an owner, I'd like to see all the information required from a customer so that I can deliver the right order.
  • Basic Setup:

    • As an owner, I'd like to have the same navigation and footer for all my site pages so that users feel more comfortable.
    • As an owner, I'd like to have a home page with a menu and navigation, a button to place an order so that site is convenient to use and gives an opportunity to order straight away.
    • As an owner, I'd like to have access to menu items and bookings, all data so that I can view and manage them.
    • As an owner, I'd like to have links to my social media accounts so that I have more connections with my audience.
    • As a developer, I'd need to make a custom 404 page so that users can easily get back to the main page if they went to a broken link.
  • Deployment:

    • As an owner, I'd like to have my site up and running so that customers can utilise it.
    • As an owner, I'd like the app to be tested so that I can be sure that everything works properly.
    • As a developer, I must write a README file and fill it with all details so that it gives all information about the website.


• Home page with bakery menu and button to order

• Drop-down navigation menu for mobile devices

• Ability to perform CRUD functionality on Bookings

• Responsive Design - Site should be fully functional on all devices from 320px up




As an owner, I'd like to have a home page with a menu and navigation, a button to place an order so that site is convenient to use and gives an opportunity to order straight away.


Home page:

  1. Navigation Menu

The Navigation contains links for:

Home, Order Cake, My Orders and has allauth options.

nav menu

The following navigation items are available on all pages:

• Home -> index.html - Visible to all

• Login -> login.html - Visible to logged out users

• Register -> signup.html - Visible to logged out users

• Logout -> logout.html - Visible to logged in users

• Order Cake -> booking.html - Visible to all

• My orders -> all_bookings.html – Visible to logged in users

The navigation menu is the same for all pages and displayed fully on big screens and drops down as a hamburger menu on smaller devices. It makes web application comfortably viewable on any device without taking up too much space on mobile devices.

nav bar on mobiles

  1. Menu

The home page contains the menu of the bakery. This makes it clear from the first glance, what the purpose of the website is.

Under the cards with cakes there is a button 'Order cake'. This button allows the user to order a cake quickly without browsing the website.


USER STORY - As an owner, I'd like to have links to my social media accounts so that I have more connections with my audience.


  1. Footer

A footer at the bottom of the site contains social media links: Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. The links open in new tabs because they lead users away from the site. Users can follow the bakery on social media to see special offers.


  1. Toasts

Custom toasts were added on successful login and logout which display messages to the user to enable them to see that the action completed successfully.

toast message


As a user, I would like to be able to order a cake, edit or delete my bookings.


  1. Order cake page

A booking page was implemented with a form that takes in the customer details and enables the user to easily make a booking through the UI.

Extensive logic was added to the form validation to ensure that only only a future date can be selected.


  1. My orders page

My orders page was implemented to enable the user with ability to view their bookings and easily manage them.


  1. Edit order page

This page was implemented to enable the user with ability to edit their bookings.

Edit order page

  1. Delete confirmation page

This page was implemented to enable the user with ability to delete their bookings and ensure that they cannot delete an order by mistake.

Delete confirmation page

Error Pages

404 Page

A 404 page has been implemented to display a custom Error page if a user navigates to a broken link.

The 404 page will allow the user to easily navigate back to the main website if they direct to a broken link / missing page, without the need of the browsers back button.

Error page




The main color scheme of the web app is brown (rgb(168, 79, 6)) and white navbar, menu cards and form fields.


The Lato font is used throughout the site. This font is from google fonts and was imported into the style sheet.


The images were taken from Unsplash and Freepic which are royalty free image sites.



The app was developed using templates with HTML as the main language.

CSS & Bootstrap

The app was styled using an external CSS file and Bootstrap framework.


JavaScript was used to set timeout for message alerts and redirect after deletion of an order.


The app was developed using Gitpod IDE


The source code is hosted on GitHub


Used to commit and push code during the development of the web app

Font Awesome

Used for icons throughout the site


favicon files were created at


Python was the main programming language used for the application using the Django Framework.

Python Modules:

Django Class based views 

External Python Modules:



Validator Testing

The application was tested to ensure that the code passes the official validators.


The website was run through the w3 HTML Validator. Initially there were some errors found because of a few stray tags, skipped level of headings, anchor tags inside button elements. All of these issues were solved and finaly the website passed validation.

html validation


The website was run through the w3 CSS Validator. The website passed validation.

css validation


JavaScript code was run through JSHINT javascript validator. There is very little JavaScript used so the website passed the validation without any errors.

js validation


The web app pages were run through the official Pep8 validator to ensure all code was pep8 compliant. Some errors were shown due to too many empty lines (2 instead of 1), trailing space and too long lines. All the errors were resolved and code passed through validators.

Only file didn't pass because of AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS being too long as they were auto generated by django. I did not split these lines because the code is django auto generated.

python validation

Accessibility Testing

To test Accessibility the Wave tool was used.

Testing was focused to ensure the following criteria were met:

  • All forms have associated labels or aria-labels so that this is read out on a screen reader to users who tab to form inputs.
  • Color contrasts meet a minimum ratio as specified in WCAG 2.1 Contrast Guidelines.
  • Heading levels are not missed or skipped to ensure the importance of content is relayed correctly to the end user.
  • All content is contained within landmarks to ensure ease of use for assistive technology, allowing the user to navigate by page regions.
  • All not textual content had alternative text or titles so descriptions are read out to screen readers.
  • HTML page lang attribute has been set.
  • Aria properties have been implemented correctly.
  • WCAG 2.1 Coding best practices being followed.

There were a few issues:

missing language in the head section, missing aria-labels for the footer links presented by icons of social media. The issues were solved.

Lighthouse Testing

Meta descriptions and keywords were added to boost the SEO to 100.

lighthouse validation


All pages were tested to ensure responsiveness on screen sizes from 320px and upwards as defined in WCAG 2.1 Reflow criteria for responsive design on Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Opera browsers.

Testing Steps:

Open browser and navigate to Almond Bakery
Open the developer tools (right click and select "inspect")
Set to responsive and decrease width to 320px
Set the zoom to 50%
Click and drag the responsive window to maximum width

Expected: Website is responsive on all screen sizes and no images are pixelated or stretched. No horizontal scroll is present. No elements overlap.

Actual Result: As Expected

Result: Pass

Website was also tested for the following devices and no responsive issues were seen:

Pixel 4A, Samsung Galaxy A51/71, iPhone Pro Max 14

Functional Testing


Description: Ensure a user can sign up to the website


    Navigate to Almond Bakery and click Register
    Enter email, username and password
    Click Sign up

Expected: Registration is successful, a user can log in.

Actual: As expected

Result: Pass

Description: Ensure a user can log in once signed up


    Navigate to Almond Bakery
    Enter login details from previous test case
    Click login

Expected: User is logged in successfully and can view My orders page which is restricted.

Actual: As expected

Result: Pass

Description: Ensure a user can sign out


    Login to the website
    Click the logout button
    Click confirm on the logout confirmation page

Expected: User is logged out successfully

Actual: As expected

Result: Pass

Booking Forms

Description: Ensure a new booking can be created.


    Navigate to page Order a cake.
    Enter the following:
        Name: Natie
        Contact number: A phone number
        Cake: Select any from drop down menu
        Number items: 1
        Adress: Any address
        Date: Any future date
    Click Create

Expected: Form successfully submits and redirects to My orders page.

Actual: As expected

Result: Pass

Description: Ensure a booking can be edited.


    Navigate to My orders page - Login if prompted.
    Enter updated info
    Click Create

Expected: Form successfully submits and redirects to My orders page.

Actual: As expected

Result: Pass

Description: Ensure user can successfully delete a booking.


    Login as a user with a booking or create a new booking
    Click the My orders nav link
    Click the delete button on a booking
    Click the confirm button on the delete confirmation page

Expected: Booking is successfully deleted and redirects to My orders page

Actual: As expected

Result: Pass


Description: Ensure an admin have access to create menu items


    Add /admin to the website url
    Login using admin details
    Navigate to Menu items
    Click on Add menu item
    Enter the following details:
        Name: Test Cake
        Description: Test
        Price: 20.00
        Checkbox: Vegan
    Click Create

Expected: A new menu item is sucessfully added and can be viewed on home page.

Actual: As expected

Result: Pass

Description: Ensure a menu can be updated

Steps: Add /admin to the website url Login using admin details Navigate to Menu items Click on the menu item to be updated Change the information Click Save

Expected: Menu item has been updated and new info is displayed on the home page.

Actual: As expected

Result: Pass

Description: Ensure a menu item can be deleted


    Add /admin to the website url
    Login using admin details
    Navigate to Menu items
    Click on the menu item to be deleted
    Click Delete

Expected: Menu item has been deleted and cannot be seen on the home page

Actual: As expected

Result: Pass

Navigation Links

Testing was performed to ensure all navigation links on the respective pages, navigated to the correct pages as per design. This was done by clicking on the navigation links on each page.

Home -> index.html
Login -> login.html
Register -> signup.html
Logout -> logout.html
Order Cake -> booking.html
My orders -> all_bookings.html

All navigation links directed to the corect pages as expected.


Testing was performed on the footer links by clicking the font awesome icons and ensuring that the twitter, facebook and instagram icons opened websites in new tabs. Actual: As expected

Result: Pass

Negative Testing

Tests were performed on the booking page to ensure that:

A customer cannot book a date in the past or today
A customer cannot create a booking entering letters or symbols in phone number field
A customer cannot edit a booking or delete a booking if not logged in
Forms cannot be submitted when required fields are empty


There was a bug with using classes for buttons and anchor tags due to Bootstrap, some of them do not work unless changed into ids, I tried to specify them more precisely mentioning there parent element but it didn't work either. So I added style attribute to a few anchor tags to avoid using an id multiple times.

There was a bug with not displaying an error message if the form wasn't valid. Fixed by adding error varible to the context when rendering.

In some browsers Deletion wasn't cancelled when the cancel button was clicked. Fixed by adding onclick event handler to the "Cancel" button so that it cancels the default form submission action.


Version Control

The Almond Bakery website was created using Gitpod and pushed to the remote Github repository.

There were used such git commands throughout the development process to push the code to the remote repository on Github:

  • git add . - This command was used to add all files to the staging area before they are committed.

  • git commit -m “a commit message” - This command was used to commit the changes to the local repository prepare for the final step.

  • git push - This command was used to push all committed code to Github remote repository.

Heroku Deployment

Finally the site was deployed to Heroku to be used by users. The deployment steps are following:

  1. Go to Heroku and create a new app clicking "New".

  2. Choose a name and region for an app, click "Create app".

  3. Go to "Settings" and navigate to Config Vars. Add the following config variables:

    • SECRET_KEY: (Your secret key)
    • DATABASE_URL: (This should already exist with add on of postgres)
    • EMAIL_HOST_USER: (email address)
    • EMAIL_HOST_PASS: (email app password)
    • CLOUNDINARY_URL: (cloudinary api url)
  4. Open "Deploy" tab, select Github as the deployment method, authorize and search for repository by its name and connect.

  5. Choose Enable Automatic Deploys, main branch. This will update the site if there are any changes made in the repository.

  6. Click Deploy a GitHub branch (main).

  7. The app was successfully deployed. Click View to see it.

The live link can be found here: Link to the deployed project


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