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HYii Starter App

Starter project which uses the scaffolding of the Hyii Core Class to provide ready-made user management and templates.


composer create-project harvest-media/hyii-starter

Then, go to the root project:

cd hyii-starter

or whatever directory name you created.

Next, create your environment file:

cp .env.example .env

Open up that file in your editor of choice. Fill in the site address, site name, and the database information.

Then you need to run the installation program.

./console install

Next, run npm install.

npm install

Adding your own Install Migration

If you want to create other tables during the installation, go to migrations/install.php and add functions for each table you want to create and them call those functions in the safeUp function. Also, an uninstall feature is offered just for during developmemnt. Make sure to add the drop table line in the safeDown function as well.


There are some core classes and templates that are provided already for you in the base-web-app project. An example of the login form and the dashboard page are already placed in the controllers\web\ folder for you.

The UserController will be added soon which will provide basic user management.

Currently, when you use one of the base-web-app controllers, it would use the corresponding template in the base-web-app project. Soon, you will have the ability to specifiy to use your own template in the templates folder of this project.

All new pages you add to this project will be done through the controllers, models, and templates folders at the root of this project. An example is at the controller/web/HelloController.php

Core Concepts

Yii2 PHP Framework

In order to successfully use this starter project, a basic understanding of the Yii2 framework is needed

Twig Templating

For all of the views (html code), this project uses the /templates folder and the twig templating language

Foundation CSS and Tailwind CSS

Both Foundation CSS and Tailwind are already included in the project.

SCSS File Location


Javascript File Location


Tailwind Config File Location

This file is at the root of the project


Laravel Mix

Laravel Mix is used for the styling and css processing.

Laravel Mix Config File Location

This is at the root of the project


To develop with hot reloading:

npm run watch

To build for production:

npm run build