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A sweet frameowrk for building web apps πŸš€

License: MIT


Package Version
honey-js-core npm
create-honey-app npm
honey-scripts npm
babel-preset-honey npm
babel-plugin-transform-honey--jsx npm

Roadmap Progress

This roadmap is subject to change at any time. This roadmap is not a guarantee of delivery and is only a representation of the current progress of the project.

❌ - Not Started | πŸ› οΈ - In Progress | βœ… - Complete

Feature Status
Data As A First Class Citizen βœ…
Honey Reports ❌
Honey Workers ❌
Honey DevTools ❌
Local And Global State Management βœ…
Built-in Router βœ…
Incremental Virtual DOM βœ…
Honey Scripts βœ…
Create Honey App βœ…
JSX βœ…
TypeScript βœ…

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What Is Honey? 🍯

Honey is a sweet and simple frontend framework opinionated on making developers lives easier. Built for TypeScript developers at the forefront and type safety as a priority. Honey uses JSX as its templating language and takes heavy inspiration from popular frameworks like React, Qwik, Angular, and more. Honey aims to be an out-of-the box solution for developers who want to get up and running quickly with a framework that is easy to learn in addition to their core framework or for developers who want to use Honey as their core framework.

Why Honey?

Although there are plenty of well-built and highly popular frameworks out there, I felt I was missing a bridge between middle of the road frameworks like React, very lightweight frameworks like preact and qwik, and more heavy duty frameworks focusing on PWA's or SSR like NextJS. What I thought of was honey, a framework that not only was lightweight and fast, but the barrier to entry was light, and it comes with a handful of tools and features that make it easy to get up and running quickly.


Data As A First Class Citizen

We know data has a hand in almost everything on the web today. In almost every conversation data plays a part and so honey is built with data and API manipulation as a first class citizen. Honey comes with built-in tools for data fetching, request cache diffing, distribution, and error handling.

Honey Reports

Built-in, you are able to see different reports provided by honey to aid you in improving the quality of your craft. Although reports can be generated by other tools, honey provides a simple and easy to use interface to see these reports, as well as potential solutions for the issues that are found.

  • Performance Report - See how your application is performing and what you can do to improve it.
  • Accessibility Report - See how your application is performing in terms of accessibility and what you can do to improve it.
  • Best Practices Report - See how your application is performing in terms of best practices and what you can do to improve it.
  • SEO Report - See how your application is performing in terms of SEO and what you can do to improve it.

Honey Workers

Honey comes with built-in workers that allows you to easily create web workers in your application. Unlike traditional service worker implementations, Honey workers are easy to create and easy to use.

Honey DevTools

Honey comes with built-in devtools that can be that allows you to easily debug your application.

Honey CUI

WUI stands for Web User Interface

Honey development tools from the browser-side allow you to easily debug your application from the browser using a chrome extension to quickly see component state, application configuration, and more.

Honey GUI

GUI stands for Graphical User Interface

Honey development tools when working locally, optionally, allow you to easily debug your application from a locally hosted GUI page, inspired by the GraphiQL interface.

Local And Global State Management

Honey comes with a built-in state management system that allows you to easily manage state in your application. You can create jars to manage state locally in your components or you can create hives to manage state globally in your application.

Built-in Router

Honey comes with a built-in router that allows you to easily create routes for your application in your components with a single line, unlike other frameworks routing is a first class citizen in Honey. Honey's router is also very lightweight and fast as it's logic is built into the core of Honey and not a third party library.

Incremental Virtual DOM

Honey uses an incremental virtual DOM to render its components. This is a huge performance boost over other frameworks that render the entire component tree on every render.

Honey Scripts

Honey comes with a CLI tool that allows you to run Honey scripts. Honey scripts are a set of scripts that allow you to run common tasks like starting and building honey configurations.

Create Honey App

Honey comes with a CLI tool that allows you to create a new Honey app with a single command. The CLI tool will create a new Honey app with all of the necessary files and folders to get you up and running quickly.


Honey uses JSX as its templating language. JSX is a popular templating language that is used in frameworks like React, Preact, and Qwik. JSX is a great templating language because it is easy to learn, easy to read, and easy to write. JSX is also very powerful and allows for a lot of flexibility when it comes to templating.


Honey is built for TypeScript developers. TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds type safety to JavaScript. TypeScript is a great language because it allows for developers to write code that is more maintainable, easier to read, and easier to write. TypeScript is also a great language because it allows for developers to catch bugs before they happen and allows for developers to write code that is more robust.


A sweet framework for building web apps 🍯








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