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Milestone 2

Closed Nov 27, 2023 100% complete

Milestone 2: Alpha Release. Give a 10-15 minute demo during the lab on November 27th.
For the alpha release your system should be somewhat usable, although not feature-complete. This
means that a user should be able to use several related features of the app and do something reasonably
useful. The README on GitHub must be updated with a plan for the next …

Milestone 2: Alpha Release. Give a 10-15 minute demo during the lab on November 27th.
For the alpha release your system should be somewhat usable, although not feature-complete. This
means that a user should be able to use several related features of the app and do something reasonably
useful. The README on GitHub must be updated with a plan for the next sprint.

This milestone is closed.

No open issues remain. View closed issues or see open milestones in this repository.