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REST Resources

Sebastien Dubois edited this page Dec 9, 2016 · 1 revision

A key principle of REST involves separating your API into logical resources. These resources are manipulated using HTTP requests where the method (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE) has specific meaning.

A REST resource is anything that can be referenced through the REST API.


  • are concrete concepts (e.g., cars, payments, articles, bills, ...)
  • are coarse grained (i.e., high level)
  • use nouns rather than verbs
  • are associated with a specific URI (e.g., /api/v1/employees)
  • URI should be descriptive and well structured

The goal of REST resources is to expose a uniform interface as described in the previous section.

Although the internal models of your application may map neatly to resources, it isn't necessarily a one-to-one mapping. Avoid leaking implementation details out to your API.




REST API Design Goals

REST Constraints

REST Resources

REST Resources Design Workflow

REST Resources Naming

REST Resources URIs

REST Resources Parameters

REST Resources Single items and collections

REST Resources Relations

REST Resources Many to many Relations

REST Resources Relations expansion

REST Resources Actions

REST API Versioning

REST API Documentation


HTTP Methods

HTTP Status Codes

HTTP Status Codes Success (2xx)

HTTP Status Codes Redirection (3xx)

HTTP Status Codes Client Error (4xx)

HTTP Status Codes Server Error (5xx)

Media types

CRUD Operations

CRUD About

CRUD Create Single item

CRUD Retrieve Single item

CRUD Retrieve Collection

CRUD Update Single item

CRUD Delete Single item


Pagination About

Pagination Rules and metadata

Pagination Example

Pagination Out of range/bounds


Filtering About

Filtering Using styles

Filtering Using includes

Filtering Using excludes


Sorting About

Sorting Metadata

Sorting Example


Searching About

Searching Local search

Searching Scoped search

Searching Global search

Searching Advanced search

Searching Wildcards

Searching Formatting

Long-running operations

Long-running Operations About

Long-running Operations Flow

Long-running Operations Rules

Long-running Operations Example

Concurrency control

Concurrency About

Concurrency Headers to use

Concurrency vs Delete operation

Concurrency vs Pagination

Caching and conditional requests

Caching and conditional requests About

Caching and conditional requests Rules

Caching and conditional requests HTTP headers

Conditional requests

Cache control

Error handling

Error handling About

Error handling Expectations

Error handling Status codes

Error handling Error details

Error handling Example with a single error

Error handling Example with multiple errors

Error handling Example with parameters

Error handling Example with additional metadata

Error handling Warnings


Compression About

Bulk operations

Bulk operations About

Bulk operations Types

Bulk operations Atomic

Bulk operations Non-atomic

Bulk operations Asynchronous

Bulk operations HTTP status codes

Bulk operations Resources naming convention

Bulk operations Errors

Bulk operations Creation example

Bulk operations Update example

Bulk operations Create and update example

File upload

File upload About

File upload File sizes

File upload Simple file upload

File upload Simple file upload example

File upload Complex file upload

File upload Complex file upload example

Security recommendations

REST Security General recommendations

REST Security Transport layer

REST Security Error handling

REST Security Insecure direct object references

REST Security CORS

REST Security Updates and consistency

REST Security API keys


Data formats


Rate limiting

Null values

Dates and times



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