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Timur Chikichev edited this page Nov 8, 2021 · 6 revisions


This wiki project highlights the key parts of Navigine core positioning library. The application scope of Navigine positioning library includes (and is not limited to) cases of indoor navigation in airports, shopping malls, universities, and so on.

Wiki structure

Algorithms section includes a reference documents for the set of different algorithms combined in Navigine core positioning library.

Examples section includes some implementation examples, that covers the most popular scenarios of Navigine positioning library usage.

Useful Links

  • Refer to the Navigine official website for complete list of downloads, useful materials, information about the company, and so on.
  • Get started with Navigine to get full access to Navigation services, SDKs, and applications.
  • Refer to the Navigine User Manual for complete product usage guidelines.
  • Find company contact information at the official website under Contacts tab.
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