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Overwatch players statistics parser


Can be used to collect statistics on players who have registered for an OW2 tournament and save it in JSON or xlsx formats. The entry repository is a Google SpreadSheet, from which a list of battletags players can be obtained. So far, only the ability to collect data on the main player accounts has been implemented

Setup instructions

  1. Create and activate venv
  2. pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
  4. pip install -e .
  5. At this stage you can test that all setup is fine by running something like flake8
  6. pre-commit install and test it with pre-commit run --all-files
  7. Create API credentials by this guide
  8. Move your credentials file to /user_configs directory and rename it to gspread_config.json

Run Instructions

  1. Share your Google Sheet with bot account. Example
  2. Paste url of your sheet in /user_configs/config.ini in sheet_url
  3. Specify other settings in /user_configs/config.ini if you need
  4. Run python

Commits instructions

To create commit use commitizen with cz commit or cz c commands.

Commit format:

TypeOfChange(filenameOrSpaceOfChanges): short descriptions of changes

Example of commit:

feat(users): added api endpoints for players profiles

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