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Releases: Nebo15/eloquent-changelog

PHP7: Typo, MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId instead MongoId

15 Jun 14:16
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PHP7: Typo, MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId instead MongoId

PHP7: MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId instead MongoId

15 Jun 13:46
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PHP7: MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId instead MongoId

PHP7: Migrated to jenssegers/laravel-mongodb 3.*

15 Jun 12:36
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PHP7: Migrated to jenssegers/laravel-mongodb 3.*

Set ISO:8601 date format for created_at and update_at fields

12 Apr 10:03
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Set ISO:8601 date format for created_at and update_at fields

Added Validation Exception catcher for Controller

24 Mar 13:48
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Added Validation Exception catcher for Controller

Changed route for rollback to POST method

24 Mar 11:23
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Changed route for rollback to POST method

Alpha version of the Eloquent Changelog

14 Mar 15:23
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Alpha version of the Eloquent Changelog