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The guardian utilize Gradle as build tool and manage the multi-module project. Use this commands to build and clean the project.

# build the project
./gradlew build

# clean the project
./gradlew clean

There are two artifacts, client and server. They will be output to following directories.

# Android apk

# Server


Guardian use postgres:10 from docker hub as data source. You could use this command to fetch the docker image.

docker pull postgres:10

The DDL is stored in this file. Execute the SQL under schema guardian .


Here is the database configuration file. You can modify the port the server will bind. And change the username and password to your personal setting.


The default profile is dev, thus you should modify the database url under dev profile to your own database.

Run Server

Under directory Guardian execute the following command. This is a standalone server. We could deploy it by just run it.

java -jar server/build/libs/guardian-server-1.0.0.jar 

Setup Client

Since we do not have a uniform domain name, we need to adjust we hard-coded IP address every time when we re-deploy the server. The IP address is coded in this file.


It's a static variable, you also need to configure it.

public final static String HOST = "";

Although, the application would work just fine without server support. But it's necessary for some feature like uploading tag and inquiring the phone number.


Main functions

After downloading Guardian and opening the application in the first time, users need to grant all permissions for the application to use all functions, including permitting in reading the phone book and allowing it to receive phone calls.

After opening the application, the application would run in the background. The default alert mode is all unknown call. Once users receive an unknown call, the warning image contained information of tags would pop-up on the screen to alert users. Users can touch screen to dismiss it and return to the interface of incoming calls.

After answering an unknown call, users can open application in the page of incoming calls to tag the number as Fraud, Promotion or Delivery or to add this number into contact list.

Optional functions

In the configuration page of application, users can choose different level of alert mode and block mode in preference. Alert mode includes all unknown call and high frequency call, which are mutual exclusion. Block mode contains all unknown call, high frequency call and repeated call.

When block mode opens, the application would automatically block the proper number which would not reach to users. Users can find the blocked number in the page of incoming calls and manage it.


The project is composed of three modules, client, common and server.

  • client is responsible for interacting with user and visualizing the data.
  • server collects the data from the client and persist them into database.
  • common define a TCP protocol between Client and Server allowing more performance than HTTP protocol.


The client is the most complex module in this project. from perspective of functionality, we have three major demand, blocking, config and tag. User need a screen to browse all incoming calls to tag them as malicious calls. And another screen is necessary to configure the metadata of block and alert. We need to upload tag information to server and download them according to phone number to alert user or block incoming phone.

Guardian use one MainActivity to manage two functional components BlockFragment and ConfigFragment.

  • BlockFragment visualizes all incoming calls as a ListView. It retrieve data from database and content-provider asynchronously. And it insert the tag into local database.
  • ConfigFragment is a PreferenceFragment, it would maintain shared preference in local flash.

TagDatabase persist all tag information the user generate. It utilize a ORM framework Room.

We use PhoneBlocker to intercept all incoming calls. It's a BrocastReciver actually. The PhoneBlocker will read the data from database, preference and network, then decided whether alert, block or just let it go.

An UploadService is running background. It would read the data from TagDatabase and upload them to the server.

ContactsHelper provide a interface to retrieve data from contacts information.

AlertActivity will popup when we need to alert the user. It use Volley's NetworkImageView to download the image. And poll data from sever to render a pie chart using HelloCharts.


This module adopt Netty framework to implement NIO server and client. All data flow with this module is wrapped with RxJava.

Protocol is pretty simple, only two operation is needed.

  • Tag: TagRequest and TagResponse. This protocol upload tag information to server.

  • Inquiry: InquiryRequest and InquiryResponse. Thi protocol send a phone number to server and retrieve all tag information of this number.

  • MessageDecoder would convert the binary stream into object.

  • MessageHandler push this message to the processor flow.

  • MessageEncoder encode the response into binary stream.


server is most simple module. It utilize Spring framework to assemble components.

CallService implement two simple method.

  • tag would invoke the stored function defined in database, this stored function would guarantee the atomicity of tag transaction in concurrent scenario.
  • Inquiry is just a select, it utilize JDBCTemplate to de-serialize data.


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