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Repository files navigation



Fourth project of CodersCamp2021. Scallable web applications (Typescript).

Repository structure

Repository is divided into frontend and backend part.

  • Root directory contains basic configuration of prettier, vscode and husky.
  • React code and setup of client side is keept in frontend directory.


  1. Clone repository using git clone {URL} in the console.
  2. Install node modules in root and frontend directory.

Frontend - React

How to run app on your local device?

Prerequisites: Node.js >=16 (

  1. Navigate to the frontend directory using cd frontend.
  2. Start development server with: npm run dev in the terminal.

By default server should be running here: localhost:3000

To stop local press Ctrl+C

npm scripts

following scripts works in frontend directory

  • npm run dev: starts vite development server;
  • npm run build: builds for production;
  • npm run start: starts preview of production build;
  • npm run test: runs all tests;
  • npm run format: formats all source files with prettier;

Frontend structure

  • index.jsx - entry point of React app;
  • src/views - directory with views and containers used in the app;
  • src/components - directory with components;
  • src/model - directory with frontend model (eg. classes, maps);
  • src/api - directory with code related to communication with APIs;
  • src/common - directory with shared code (eg. formatters);
  • src/constants - directory with project constants (eg. paths, labels);
  • src/sass - directory with global scss styles;
  • src/__test__ - directory with tests;

Components and Views should be placed in the sub-directory with all related files eg.: src/components/SuccessMessage/SuccessMessage.jsx src/components/SuccessMessage/SuccessMessage.scss

Keep tests in the same manner but inside __test__ directory eg.: src/__test__/api/dateFormatters.test.js src/__test__/components/Button.test.js

Naming convention

  • PascalCase - components, views, classes (eg. MainPage, Medication);
  • camelCase - functions, variables, files not related to ones above (eg. changeMedicationFilter, isSelected);


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