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CodeClan - JavaScript Group Project

Atlas Wealth Logo

Atlas Wealth is a full-stack web application intended to help the client to record the held shares and track the market value changes.

This project was built using:

  • React JS
  • Express.js
  • MongoDB
  • Styled with MaterialUI
  • TDD - Mocha | Cypress
  • Finnhub API



A local trader has come to you with a portfolio of shares. She wants to be able to analyse it more effectively. She has a small sample data set to give you and would like you to build a Minimum Viable Product that uses the data to display her portfolio so that she can make better decisions.


A user should be able to:

  • View total current value.
  • View individual and total performance trends.
  • Retrieve a list of share prices from an external API and allow the user to add shares to her portfolio.
  • View a chart of the current values in her portfolio.

Project Setup

Inside Server Folder:

Install required node modules:

npm i

Run seed file to populate app with template data:

npm run seeds

Create .env file in the server folder, add the following code and insert the API key from Finnhub:

API_KEY="api key"

Start the server:

npm run server:dev

Inside Client Folder:

Install required node modules:

npm i

Start the app:

npm start


Tim Henderson | Chris Barclay | Neil Burgoyne | Ross Condie