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ChargeMateNouns 46

Empowering Eco-Friendly Driving Practices. Project Submisson for EthGlobal Sydney, May 2024, Sydney Australia

Technology Stack

Worldcoin, Mantle, Base, Chainlink, and NounsDAO

ChargeMateNouns ($CMN) Tokens (Testnet)

The deployment informatipn of the $CMN token on testnet can be found in /contracts directory.

Eco-Friendly Driving Practices

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Promoting eco-friendly driving practices is crucial for mitigating the impact of transportation on the environment:

  • Mitigating Climate Impact: Poor driving practices contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions, which are a primary driver of climate change. By empowering individuals with knowledge and incentives to adopt eco-friendly driving habits, we can collectively reduce the carbon footprint of transportation and contribute to climate mitigation efforts.

  • Reducing Air Pollution: Vehicles emit pollutants such as nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, and volatile organic compounds, which contribute to poor air quality and respiratory health issues. Eco-friendly driving practices, such as avoiding idling, maintaining proper tire pressure, and driving smoothly, can help reduce emissions and improve air quality in urban areas.

  • Improving Energy Efficiency: Eco-friendly driving practices focus on maximizing energy efficiency by optimizing fuel consumption and reducing waste. This not only reduces greenhouse gas emissions but also saves money on fuel costs for drivers. By promoting techniques such as eco-driving and vehicle maintenance, we can enhance the energy efficiency of the transportation sector.

  • Encouraging Adoption of Electric Vehicles: Eco-friendly driving practices are closely linked to the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) and other alternative fuel vehicles. By promoting these practices, we can create a supportive environment for EV adoption, which further reduces greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuels. Empowerment in this context involves education, awareness campaigns, incentives, and infrastructure development to support eco-friendly driving practices. This can include providing information on eco-driving techniques, offering incentives for fuel-efficient driving behaviour, expanding public transportation options, and investing in EV charging infrastructure.

The ChargeMateNouns 46 Project

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ChargeMateNouns 46 is a community to Reward for Eco-Friendly Driving, powered by the NounsDAO. The project also uses additional blockchain technologies (including Worldcoin, Mantle, Base, Chainlink) to enroll driver, and to empower Eco-Friendly driving. This project uses multiple blockchains to Empowering Eco-Friendly Driving Practices:

  • Worldcoin ID: to enroll Drivers, and verify their identity.
  • Mantle: to reward for Drivers in $CMN
  • Base: to reward for Drivers in$CMN, and to enable conversion in ChainLink
  • ChainLink: to convert $CMN from Base into $USDT
  • NounsDAO: to empower community, as Nounish Public Goods.

Smart Contracts to Empower Driver/Community - Mantle & Base Deployment (Testnet)

Two include:

  • Reward.sol: Caculate the reward, based on recorded Eco-Friendly driving
  • Convert.sol: Convert the token into USDT

Both Solidity files have been deployed into Testnet:

Mantle & Base Reward Calculator Smart Contract

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Mantle Sepolia Contract: 0x204a54bb22d55cfd12230a4e7c70f9886050405e Base Moonbase Sepolia Contract: 0x1779b47139eb26e437c3fdcc91168e24a447a645

ChainLink to USDT Convert Smart Contract

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Pricefeed: ETH/USD 0x694AA1769357215DE4FAC081bf1f309aDC325306 (mock) Mantle Sepolia Contract: 0x1635be11135481c33bf290bd1486a293c134e017 Base Sepolia Contract: 0x7ac399c52e2dc4b89478247b767cb6f70bf2e9e9

Demo Application (Testnet)

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A working in progress demo has been deployed onto Testnet, and available at: Note: the project is under development and testing - therefore, further improvement is need to fix any issues.

Worldcoin ID Integration (Testnet)

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Worldcoin ID is used to verify driver and vehicle ownership, and also to avoid cheating (multiple concurrent Apps), ensure accountability and safety. Due to the scope of work, and the complexity of integration, the project plans to continue integrating Worldcoin ID in Q3 2024.

Team - ChargeMateNouns 46

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Meeting the team ! Please get in touch for collaborations.


Project for 2024 EthGloabl Sydney Hackathon






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