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Developer Area

Author: Jacek Dziedzic, University of Southampton
Author: James C. Womack, University of Southampton
Author: Nicholas Hine, University of Warwick

Advice for Contributors

Pre-pull-request checks

The ONETEP source code is distributed with a number of useful scripts for checking some aspects of the correctness of source code. Before creating a pull request, you should ensure that these tests all pass for the branch you want to merge in your private fork:

  1. Check module dependencies and a few other common issues. Run

    make checkdeps

    or, equivalently,


    in the root directory of the repository. If any errors are found, fix them.

  2. Check whitespace. Run


    in the root directory of the repository. This script can automatically fix whitespace issues -- see the output of ./utils/check_whitespace -h for details.

  3. Check use clauses. Run

    ./utils/check_use_clauses src/yourmodule_mod.F90

    in the root directory of the repository, replacing yourmodule with the module you worked on. If there was more than one, do this for every module separately. This script checks for unnecessary use clauses and will help point them out. You are only responsible for the use clauses in the code you touched.

  4. You must also run the full QC test suite before creating a pull request. Instructions for that can be found here: :ref:`starting_compiling`.

Key points about running the QC test suite before creating a pull request:
  • Never run the QC tests in the actual repository. Create a copy of your ONETEP installation directory (e.g. cp -a onetep_jd onetep_jd_qc) and run the tests in the directory of the copy. Much of the stuff in the install is not needed to run the tests (e.g. all of src/), but it's just less hassle to copy the entire thing than pick out the necessary subdirectories.

    Why not run the QC tests in the actual repository? Because they produce outputs, which can become messy to clean up back to pristine state, polluting your repository with spurious changes. This becomes more problematic because symbolic links are used in the QC test suite. Trying to update your repository via git pull or git fetch may be tricky when you have unfinished or improperly cleaned up QC tests. Just don't run them straight in the repository.

  • You should run the test suite with ONETEP compiled with a recent version of a widely used Fortran compiler, e.g. GNU Fortran, Intel Fortran Classic, Cray Fortran.
  • The tests should be run in a parallel environment (ONETEP must be compiled with MPI support), ideally also making use of OpenMP threading (set the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS to a value >1, or use the -t argument to onetep_launcher).
  • No tests should fail, though warnings are acceptable.
If tests fail, please investigate this further before creating your pull request:
  • If you updated your local copy (git merge or git pull) rather than cloning it from scratch (git clone), did you remember to make cleanall before compiling?
  • Check out the master branch from the official repository (ensuring that it is fully updated by fetching from it and merging) and run the failing tests on this.
  • If the relevant tests do not fail upstream (i.e. for the master branch on the official repository), you should fix the code in your fork before creating your pull request.
  • If the relevant tests also fail upstream, please check the list of issues in the official repository (, soon to move to there should be an open issue with relevant information. If such an issue has not been reported, please create a new issue explaining which tests are failing and any details about how the failures occur.

If the tests are not failing upstream, the problem is likely to be part of the changes you have implemented and you will be the best person to find it and fix it. If you need help, and want to discuss the issue with other developers, you may create an issue in your fork (not in the official repository) and draw their attention to it via email or on the ONETEP development Slack at

If your tests fail in a way in which the official master branch is known to fail, your pull request may be acceptable -- you can go ahead creating the pull request, but make sure that the text of the pull request includes a list of the tests that fail and why you think that this is not a problem.

Ensure that the ONETEP version number in your src/onetep.F90 file is updated appropriately (see :ref:`dev_version_numbering` for a description of ONETEP's version numbering system). If multiple pull requests are open, or it takes time to merge your pull request, it may be necessary to update the version number again during the pull request code review. This is to ensure that the version number increments linearly in the official repository's master branch.

Read the next subsection on style conventions to ensure your code adheres to them.

Style conventions

In order to keep the ONETEP codebase relatively consistent and readable, we have adopted the following conventions:

  • Each line of code should be 80 columns or fewer in length, as this makes comparison of two versions of code side-by-side easier (some older code does not adhere to this, but all new code should).
  • If a line exceeds 80 columns in length, use continuation characters (&) to break it into chunks of <=80 characters (remember to include an extra & at the beginning of the following line when breaking in the middle of a string literal). Do not add & in the next line otherwise, it's unnecessary.
  • Always use spaces for indentation, never tabs.
  • The blocks in the do loop, select case (also select type) and if constructs should be indented by 3 spaces.
  • The contents of subroutines and functions should be indented by 2 spaces. Use further 2 spaces for internals.
  • Line continuations should be indented by 5 spaces for continued lines.
  • Ensure there is no trailing whitespace before you commit (you can use the ./utils/check_whitespace script described in :ref:`dev_pre_pull` to check this).
  • In general, adding or removing blank lines should be avoided in core modules, as these changes will appear in the commit history.

New functionality

If you add new procedures or significantly change existing procedures, you must create or update the documentation in the source code. Examples of how to document procedures can be found in the template module template_mod.F90 in the documentation repository. The key components of the documentation of procedures are:

  • A human-readable description of the new functionality.
  • A list of the arguments and a description of their meaning.
  • The author(s) and a changelog describing significant modifications.

When adding new functionality which does not fit into other modules, it may be necessary to create a new source file containing a new module. Note that procedures and variables should always be encapsulated in modules, not 'bare' in a source file.

Before creating a new module, you should consider carefully whether your new functionality fits within the framework of an existing module, or is generic enough to be part of a multi-purpose module, such as utils or services. If a new module is needed to encapsulate some new functionality, then you should follow the following guidelines:

  • Give your module a name which indicates the functionality it contains. If unsure, consult a more experienced developer to discuss an appropriate name.
  • The filename for the module should have the form <module_name>_mod.F90, where <module_name> is the name you have given the module.
  • By default, variables and procedures in your module should be private (i.e. they should have the private attribute).
  • Global module-wide variables (private or public variables declared at the level of the module itself rather than within its routines) constitute "hidden state", which tends to make the behaviour of a routine undesirably dependent on more than just the arguments it is called with. Sometimes these are unavoidable, and there are instances of them in the code. However, they should be minimised as much as possible. Think carefully before declaring any module-level global variables. More experienced developers may be able to suggest ways to encapsulate data inside arguments to routines such that they do not constitute "hidden state".
  • Variables and procedures which do have to be public (accessible outside the module) should be explicitly specified (i.e. they should have the public a ttribute).
  • In general, public variable and procedure names should be prepended by a standard prefix (typically the module name, or a shortened version of the name).

It is recommended that you make a copy of ./doc/template_mod.F90 and use this as a starting point for your new module, as this will make following the above guidelines easier.

Version numbering

There are three parts to the version number, both for development versions and release versions. The first version number is only very rarely incremented by a collective decision of the main authors of the code (ODG). New major versions are released around every 6-12 months and are indicated by incrementing the second number in the full version number (e.g. "2" in "4.2").

The major version number (second number in full version number) indicates whether the associated source code is a release version or a development version:

  • Release versions (which are distributed to users) have an even second number.
  • Development versions (which are under active development) have an odd second number.

Within a series with the same second version number, successive versions (indicated by the third number in the full version number) should be compilable and complete with respect to a given new feature.

For minor changes in development versions (e.g. a bugfix or minor change to existing code), we no longer increment the fourth number (which is now absent altogether) to avoid merge conflicts when this is done by multiple people. The script utils/embed_version_info_in_banner ensures that pertinent details of the local repository (branch, remote, last commit ID, list of locally modified files) are included in the ONETEP banner during compilation, but they do not go into the repository. Major changes (e.g. a new module or overhaul of existing functionality) should increment the third number.

Bugfixes to a release version (merged into the corresponding release branch on the official repository, e.g. academic_release_v5.0) should increment the last (third) number in the full release version number.

At any given time, there is a development version and a release version differing in their second version number by 1.

  • 4.0.0 <-- first release of v4
  • 4.0.1 <-- bugfix to v4 in git branch for release
  • 4.1.0 <-- first development version of v4 (initially same as 4.0.0)
  • 4.1.0 <-- minor development work (changes will be summarised in banner)
  • 4.1.1 <-- significant development work
  • 4.2 RC3 <-- release candidate 3 for v4.2
  • 4.2.0 <-- next release version
  • 4.3.0 <-- next development version (initially same as 4.2.0).
  • 5.0.0 <-- first release of v5

Preventing accidental pushes to the official repository

  • GitHub users in the Owner role of the ONETEP repository have write access to the official repository.

  • Owners may want to take steps to avoid accidentally pushing work to the official repository if they have added this as a remote to their private fork.

  • This can be achieved by setting the push address for the remote to an unresolvable URL, e.g.:

    git remote set-url --push github_official DISABLE

Fast density calculation (for developers)

This section describes the "fast density" approach introduced in ONETEP 7.1.8 in January 2024. This is developer-oriented material -- for a user manual, see :ref:`user_fast_density`.

We focus on the calculation on the double grid. If fine_grid_scale is different from 2.0, the density gets interpolated from the double to the fine grid, regardless of the approach for calculating the density on the double grid.

A denotes atoms local to a process. B denotes atoms that S-overlap with atoms A, they are, in general, not local. NGWFs on A are indexed with a, NGWFs on B are indexed with b, and so Aa and Bb can be used to index NGWFs globally. NGWFs Aa are local, NGWFs Bb are, in general, not. Depending on who you ask, Aa NGWFs are sometimes termed "col", "ket" or "right"; Bb NGWFs are sometimes termed "row", "bra" or "left".

The usual ("slow") method for calculating electronic density in ONETEP proceeds as follows:

// slow density
for all local atoms A {
  dens_A = 0
  for all NGWFs a on A {
    (1) Transfer \phi_Aa to FFT-box.
    (2) Calculate \rowsum_Aa = sum_\Bb K^Aa,Bb \phi_Bb in FFT-box.
    (3) FFT-interpolate \phi_Aa and \rowsum_Aa to a double FFT-box.
    (4) Multiply dens_Aa = \phi_Aa * \rowsum_Aa in double FFT-box.
    (5) dens_A += dens_Aa.
  (6) Deposit box containing dens_A to double grid.

All \phi_Aa are local, so are K^Aa,Bb. Stage (2) involves comms of \phi_Bb in PPDs via function_ops. Stage (6) involves comms of atom-densities dens_A via cell_grid_deposit_box(). The algorithm proceeds in batches (to conserve memory), and is OMP-parallelised. Comms must those be perofmed carefully, are done from $OMP MASTER regions in function_ops_sum_fftbox_batch() and $OMP CRITICAL in density_batch_interp_deposit().

The number of FFTs done is 2 N_{\textrm{NGWF}} N_{\textrm{outer}} N_{\textrm{inner}}, where N_{\textrm{NGWF}} is the number of NGWFs in the system, N_{\textrm{outer}} is the number of outer (NGWF) loop iterations, N_{\textrm{inner}} is the number of inner (LNV, EDFT) iterations. We ignore line searches in this estimate for simplicity. In practice real FFTs are done in pairs throught a complex FFT, but we ignore this for simplicity.

The main drawbacks of this approach are:
  1. Having to repeat FFTs on \phi_Aa in the inner loop, even though they do not change.
  2. Having to repeat FFTs on \rowsum_Aa in the inner loop, because K^Aa,Bb changes.
  3. Interspersing comms with calculation in function_ops_sum_fftbox_batch(), which makes GPU-porting difficult, and comms tricky.
  4. Having to calculate products of \phi_Aa and \phi_Bb in double FFT-boxes, even though "what matters" is almost exclusively contained in the double tight-box of \phi_Aa. We need to do the whole double FFT-boxes because of Fourier ringing from the interpolation.
  5. Multiple depositions (and comms) to the same points in (6), because boxes of nearby A overlap.

(1) cannot be addressed directly by storing the interpolated \phi_Aa for the duration of the inner loop, because we cannot afford to store full double FFT-boxes.

The fast density approach hinges on the fact that we can get sufficient accuracy even if we restrict ourselves to a subset of the interpolated points in the double FFT-boxes. It turns out that only ~1-5% of the points in the double FFT-box are needed to recover 99.9999-99.999999% of the charge of the NGWF (which is one electron). This approach is, thus, an approximation, but it is well-controllable.

By using only a fraction of the points in the double FFT-boxes, we are able to store the interpolated NGWFs. This lets us address (1) directly -- we only interpolate \phi_Aa at the beginning of the inner loop, and can now afford to store the interpolated versions.

We address (2) and (3) by first interpolating only \phi_Aa, and then communicating them to where they are needed (and where they become \phi_Bb). We use remote_mod for that, which separates the comms from the FFTs. Of course we only communicate the relevant points, not the entire double FFT-boxes. Thus, we longer have to interpolate sum_\Bb K^Aa,Bb \phi_Bb, and we avoid doing FFTs in the inner loop entirely. The number of FFTs is now N_{\textrm{NGWF}} N_{\textrm{outer}} (we interpolate all NGWFs every time they change), which saves 1-2 orders of magnitude in the number of FFTs. There is a price to pay, though: we need memory to store the interpolated NGWFs, we have to communicate interpolated NGWFs rather than coarse-grid PPDs, and we need to do sum_Bb K^Aa,B phi_Bb on the new representation somehow. If the latter can be done efficiently, we are addressing (4) above, too.

Fast density -- NGWF "spilling" from interpolation.

"Spilling" of an NGWF due to Fourier interpolation. Left panel -- NGWF (red) in an FFT-box (blue) on the coarse grid in the simulation cell (black). Right panel -- NGWF (red) in a double FFT-box (blue) on the double grid in the simulation cell (black). The grid on the right is twice as fine (not shown). The orange dashed line shows the original shape of the NGWF.

The main question is how to store and manipulate interpolated NGWFs accurately and efficiently, that is, how to store and manipulate the points encompassed by a chosen isoline (red) in :numref:`Figure fig:fast_density_spill`, right panel. The region of interest does not have to be contiguous.

Naive attempt to store only the points in the double tight-box.

Storing only the points in the double tight-box (shown in orange) is not sufficiently accurate. Some points that matter are contained in the Fourier ringing that is outside the tight-box.

The naive approach of storing just the points in the "double tight-box" of the NGWF (as shown :numref:`Figure fig:fast_density_tightbox`) turns out to be almost sufficiently accurate, but not quite, to get convergence to default RMS thresholds. It's also not controllable.

Naive attempt to store all the points in a box that encompasses the isoline.

Storing all the points in a box that covers an isoline is impractical, because the Fourier ringing extends far along the box axes, and we wind up storing points that are irrelevant (shown in green and not in red).

An alternative is to choose a threshold for the values of the NGWF and to construct the smallest cuboid (or actually a parallelepiped) that encompasses all those points, as shown :numref:`Figure fig:fast_density_geombox`. This is controllable (via the threshold), but not very economical, because we store many more points than are necessary. This is because the ringing extends almost exclusively along the axes of the cell, practically to the faces of the double FFT-box. We'd like to keep this ringing, but not the points in the bulk of the double FFT-box.

Naive attempt to store "just the points we need".

Storing "just the points we need", in a naive fashion, by storing where (linear indices on the double grid), and what (values). This automatically takes care of the non-contiguity of the data we want to store.

We can find which points we need (all points whose value is below a chosen threshold), and then remember their positions and values, like shown in :numref:`Figure fig:fast_density_trimmed_uncompressed`. For positions it is convenient to use a linear index on the double grid -- this makes them absolute (rather than relative to the double FFT-box), and permits handling PBCs at this stage.

Of course, such indexed approach is inefficient. Manipulating this representation is slow, and it takes more space than needed -- we need to store an integer index in addition to every double precision value. However, we can exploit the fact that much of the region of interest is contiguous. This lets us proceed with a run-length encoding, as shown in :numref:`Figure fig:fast_density_trimmed_compressed` -- we can store starting positions, run lengths (counts), and values.

An RLE-compressed data structure to store "just the points we need".

Storing "just the points we need", using RLE compression, by storing where (linear indices on the double grid), how many (run lengths) and what (values). This automatically takes care of the non-contiguity of the data we want to store, but is efficient. Note that there are, in general, multiple values (red) for every run (shown in green).

For typical thresholds, the average run length is about 30. That means we only have to store two integers for every 30 double precision real values, so the overhead is minimal. Recall that we only keep 1-5% of the points in the double FFT-box, which means we can afford storing and communicating such compressed trimmed NGWFs. As will be shown later, manipulating them can also be done efficiently.

Recall that we are interested in calculating products of such NGWFs, and this has to be done in the inner loop, because even if we can afford to store interpolated NGWFs, we cannot afford to store entire products, there's just too many of these. However, we can store information on which parts of the NGWFs overlap, which boils down to determining which runs in \phi_Aa overlap where with which runs in \phi_Bb and by how much. These overlaps are the bursts in which we will calculate sums and products later.

Overlaps of runs of two NGWFs give rise to bursts.

To calculate the product between two compressed trimmed NGWFs, we first determine bursts, i.e. the overlaps between runs of NGWF Aa (green) and runs of NGWF Bb (magenta). Bursts are shown as green-magenta dashes.

The bursts can be determined outside of the inner loop and stored. Bursts do not store any information on the values, only start and end indices to the values in \phi_Aa and \phi_Bb. Using this information we can calculate \sum_\Bb K^Aa,B \phi_Bb more efficiently in the inner loop.

The fast density approach thus proceeds in two stages -- one that is performed every time NGWFs change, and one that is performed in the inner loop. In pseudocode they look as follows:

// density_fast_new_ngwfs():
OMP for all local NGWFs Aa {
  (1) FFT-interpolate \phi_Aa to a double FFT-box.   } Happens in
  (2) Trim the data in double FFT-box, RLE-compress. } density_fast_interp_ngwfs().
  (3) Pack the result in an array of doubles.        }
(4) Communicate the necessary trimmed Bb NGWFs from remote ranks
    via remote_comm_trimmed_ngwfs_of_neighbours().
(5) Determine product bursts via trimmed_ngwfs_prepare_bursts():
    for all local NGWFs Aa {
      OMP for all atoms B that overlap with A {
         for all NGWFs b on B {
           Determine bursts between Aa and Bb.

Only stage (4) involves MPI comms.

The density-kernel-dependent stage that needs to be done inside the inner loop looks like this:

// density_on_dbl_grid_fast():
for all local NGWFs Aa {
  accum_Aa = 0
  (1) OMP for all Bb that overlap Aa {
        (2) Accumulate rowsum_A = K^AaBb \phi_Bb using bursts.
  (3) Deposit \phi_Aa * rowsum_A to a proc-local double grid.
(4) Flatten proc-local double grids to usual distributed representation.

Only stage (4) involves MPI comms.

Typical speed-ups obtained using this approach range from 2x to 6x for the total time spent calculating the density, and between 10% and 50% can be shaved off the total calculation walltime.

The main drawback of this approach is increased memory consumption. There are two main components:
  1. The trimmed NGWF data itself, which is, to a large extent, replicated. A single trimmed NGWF can be needed on many processes, because it could be a \phi_Bb to many NGWFs Aa. Moreover, this memory requirement does not scale inverse-linearly with the number of processes. That is, increasing the node count by a factor of two doesn't reduce the memory requirement by a factor of two, because there is more replication.
  2. The burst data.

Both (A) and (B) depend on the trimming threshold, and the shape of the NGWFs. Both tend to increase during the NGWF optimisation as the NGWFs delocalise somewhat.

A typical plot of the memory used by both approaches is shown in :numref:`Figure fig:fast_density_mem_use`. For this calculation the slow approach took 1893s (33.3% of the total walltime), and the fast approach took 727s (14.8% of total walltime), for a speed-up of 2.6x. One-eighth of the total walltime was shaved off. Of the 727s only 66s were spent doing FFTs.

Typical plot of memory use for fast density and slow density.

Memory used by the slow approach (magenta) and the new approach (cyan) for a calculation on ethylene carbonate (4000 atoms) on 32 nodes of Archer2. 9 a0 NGWFs, 829 eV, EDFT. 117x117x117 FFT-box, 140x140x140 cell. 16 OMP threads were used.

The accuracy of the fast density approach can be demonstrated on an example -- we consider the binding energy of mannitol to 300 water molecules. The system is shown in :numref:`Figure fig:fast_density_mannitol`.

Testcase: mannitol bound to 300 water molecules.

Our testcase: mannitol bound to 300 water molecules (926 atoms). 811 eV KE cutoff, 9 a0 NGWFs, 8 LNV iterations.

I ran this testcase on 16 nodes of HSUper (8 processes on a node, with 9 threads each, saturating all 72 CPU cores on a node) -- both the complex and the water shell. The mannitol itself was ran on 1 node, because it's small. I used the default settings, only specifying fast_density T.

Quantity Slow density Fast density
Binding energy (kcal/mol) -79.9027 -79.9014
Total walltime 1016s 718s (-29%)
Time to calculate density 520s 239s
Time spent doing FFTs 160s 23s
High-mem watermark on a node 55.6 GiB 69.7 GiB

As seen from the above table, we are accurate to ~0.001 kcal/mol, while shaving off 29% from the total walltime. The density calculation itself was faster by a factor of 2.2.

I also performed scaling tests, using a 701-atom protein scoop at 827 eV, 9a0 NGWFs, 8 LNV iterations. I only ran it for 4 NGWF iterations because it's not properly terminated, which leads to a zero band-gap, meaning it cannot be reliably converged to default thresholds (with either density method). These were run on different numbers of nodes of HSUper, with 8 processes and 9 OMP threads per node.

Time to calculate the density for 4 NGWF iterations of a 701-atom protein scoop.

Time to calculate density in 4 NGWF iterations of a 701-atom protein scoop.

Strong scaling of the density calculation for a 701-atom protein scoop.

Strong parallel scaling of the two methods of calculating the density in for a 701-atom protein scoop.

:numref:`Figure fig:fast_density_scoop_walltime` shows the walltime of the density calculation for the slow and fast approaches, while :numref:`Figure fig:fast_density_scoop_scaling` shows the strong scaling with respect to one node. It is clear that the fast approach is quite a bit faster than the original approach, although it does not scale that well to high core counts. Keep in mind that we pushed this system quite far by running 701 atoms on over 1600 CPU cores.

Directions for improvement

This approach could be improved in a number of ways:
  1. Setting up an allowance for used RAM, similarly to what is done in HFx. This would enable graceful performance degradation in low-memory scenarios. This could be achieved by not storing all the bursts, only those that fit within the allowance. The remaining bursts would have to be recalculated on the fly in the inner loop.
  2. Making it compatible with EMFT, complex NGWFs and mixed bases.
  3. Adding an $OMP SCHEDULE toggle between STATIC and DYNAMIC in density_on_dbl_grid_fast() for more control over determinism vs efficiency. Currently we use SCHEDULE(STATIC) to get more deterministic results, but SCHEDULE(DYNAMIC) offers better efficiency. Toggling this at runtime is not trivial (omp_set_schedule()).
  4. Having a dynamic fast_density_trim_threshold -- we could probably start the NGWF optimisation with a cruder approximation, tightening it as we go along.
  5. Dynamically selecting MAX_TNGWF_SIZE. It's currently a constant, and persistent_packed_tngwf is not an allocatable.
  6. A smarter way to flatten the computed density. Currently each process has their own density that spans the entire cell and only contains contributions from the Aa NGWF it owns. We flatten it by a series of reduce operations over all nodes. This is the main killer of parallel performance.
  7. We should also consider a more FFT-heavy approach in which we only FFT-interpolate local (Aa) NGWFs, but communicate Bb on the coarse grid, in PPDs. Then we'd use the latter to build rowsum_Aa in FFT-boxes, just like in the old scheme (except with the comms done in advance) in the kernel-dependent stage. These would be then FFT-interpolated like in the old scheme, but then trimmed and the rest would proceed like in the fast scheme. This approach would conserve memory (no storing of individual trimmed Bb's, only rowsum_Aa's, ditto for bursts), and do fewer comms (communicating NGWFs in PPDs via remote_comm_ngwfs_of_neighbours()). There would fewer burst ops, because we'd be dealing with entire rowsums instead of individual Bb. But we would be repeating FFTs in the inner loop.


The earliest versions of the code, dating back to before 2005, were committed to a revision control system based on CVS. These files are still available on the TCM filesystem at /u/fs1/onestep/CVS_REPOSITORY. In around 2009 we moved to Subversion, using a repository still hosted on the TCM filesystem in Cambridge. The SVN history was migrated to Bitbucket, and subsequently to GitHub (2023) and can still be browsed within the current Git repository (though attribution to authors is often not correctly recorded).

In June 2018, the ONETEP project was migrated from a Subversion repository to a Git repository. The hosting of source code was simultaneously moved from to Bitbucket.

In July 2023, the ONETEP project was migrated from Bitbucket to GitHub.