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Jake Gordon edited this page Apr 3, 2015 · 2 revisions

POST /api/v1/UserSessions

Description: Gets an authentication token from the given userName and password. This authentication token should be sent in the X-Auth-Token header on subsequent calls to the API that require authorization.

Supported Versions: This service is consistent through all version of the API.


Parameter Description
userName Username of the User being authenticated.
password Password of the User being authenticated.

Example Request

  "userName" : "myUsername",
  "password" : "l33tp@assword!"


Parameter Description
authenticationToken Authentication token that should be sent on subsequent requests to API calls that require authorization.

Example Response

  "authenticationToken" : "42A5DFB0-0FD6-4C6F-9C12-0B5F3F14473B"

Possible Errors Returns an HTTP 401 status code with a descriptive message if the userName/password combination was not valid.

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