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What is it?

EventsNow is a full stack web application inspired by Eventbrite. This application will allow users to create events with a ticketing system. The following technologies were used to create this application: Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Redux, JQuery, Javascript and React.

EventsNow Link

Home page view


The back-end of this application was created with Ruby on Rails, Jbuilder, and PostgreSQL. AJAX requests are used to send data from the back-end to the front-end and permit only provided methods.

Ruby on rails allows an implementation that will prevent Cross-Site-Request-Forgery (CSRF) attack. To do this a session token must be issued using in the models and controllers of the back-end. In addition, an another security layer using BCrypt was added for the user's accounts. The database never stores a user's raw password. The passwords are highly encrypted through hashing and salting. Even I cannot decrypt what your raw password is.


EventsNow front-end is written with the latest technology of React, Redux and Javascript. With the use of these technologies, it allows a smooth, lag-free functionality. The reason being is that it can fetch data in the backend while the user is using the website and will load without refreshing the page. In relation, React allows the page to only load/render what is necessary to reload on the page. This greatly reduces performance times and does not stop the user's interaction.


One of my features that I admire is my category function. It is incorporated through the home page and event show as a interactive link that will show all events relating to that category. The biggest obstacle was to make it dynamic in various places and reveal the associating events with that location. The biggest obstacle was plan how to get the correlations between bookmarks and the events. I had to reconfigure my back-end, which consisted of the database tables and id number associations. After that, it was possible to pull all the data and show the events that correlated to each category. Also, I am very proud of my CSS skills on displaying the categories.



One of my other features that I admire is my Bookmarking feature. It was difficult to get the all the associations to work since it was very user specific to their own bookmark of the event. The biggest obstacle to to make a dynamic button of it being unbookmarked or ready to be bookmarked. I resolved this by fetching the current user's bookmarks and identifying if the current event I.D was included on that bookmark. In addition, creating a helper method that implemented that logic. Simple yet difficult approach. A code snippet below to render the changing bookmark button.

 { this.bookmarked() ?
   <button onClick={() => this.props.deleteBookmark(this.bookmarked())} className="show-bar-button">
   <button onClick={() => this.handleBookmark()} className="show-bar-button">

Future implementations

Google maps integration

A current feature on Eventbrite is that you are able to search for events by locations. This is very convenient and feature I will implement next.

Search bar

Upon utilizing the Google maps, the search bar should be able search for locations and keywords. A very must to have a better user experience.

Ticketing analytics

Another feature to be added is more ticketing analysis for the event creators. This will bring more hosts to continue to use the site and see which events were a big hit.


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