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SJ-201 Interface

Contains Python bindings for released versions of the SJ201 using Mycroft testing code for reference.

CLI Usage

sj201 get-revision

Get a string representation of the detected SJ201 board (6 or 10) or 0

sj201 reset-led <color>

Chase the specified color and then chase off LED ring. Valid colors are:

  • white
  • yellow
  • red
  • green
  • blue
  • magenta
  • burnt_orange
  • mycroft_red
  • mycroft_green
  • mycroft_blue

NOTE: On the SJ201R10, this command must be run as root

sj201 set-fan-speed <percent>

Set the fan speed to the specified speed as a percentage.

NOTE: On the SJ201R10, changing the fan speed is currently not persistent and the fan will default to 100% after momentarily setting the requested speed. Setting speed to 0 will turn off the fan until the Raspberry Pi is shut down, at which point the fan will resume 100%.

sj201 init-ti-amp

Perform boot time initialization of the TAS5806 Audio Amplifier

sj201 patch-config-txt

Perform one-time update of config.txt for detected SJ201 hardware.

NOTE: Applying this could cause damage or unexpected behavior for connected HATs/GPIO components.

NOTE: reboot will cause kernel panics unless power is physically disconnected