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Plugin Setup

totemo edited this page Nov 11, 2020 · 4 revisions


Setting Description
debug.config If true, log configuration settings on start up. If true, show extra debug messages in event handlers.
debug.saves If true, enable debug logging in database saves.
debug.purges If true, log actions taken to purge old backups.
debug.scans If true, log the time taken to scan worlds for horses.
debug.finds If true, log the time taken to find horses.
database.implementation The database implementation type to choose. Currently only "yaml" is supported.
eject-on-logoff If true, eject the rider from the horse when he logs off.
allow-pvp If true, allow players to harm owned horses that are being ridden by a player.
look-angle-workaround If true, /hgps does not set the player's look angles when the player is riding a vehicle, to work around a Mojang vanilla client bug described in the discussion of SPIGOT-5891 and demonstrated by the PassengerBug plugin attached as demonstration of SPIGOT-6187.
speed-limit The ratio of distance travelled in one tick to the current speed of a horse for its level. Used mainly as a sanity check on computed distance in movement events. But it also controls a message to players if they attempt to piston a horse way above maximum speed.
dehydration-distance Distance a horse can travel horizontally before it is fully dehydrated.
bucket-hydration Amount of hydration from one water bucket; 1.0 is full hydration.
abandoned-days Number of consecutive days a horse must not be ridden or interacted with by its owner to be considered abandoned.
abilities.<ability>.max-level The integer maximum level attainable by training.
abilities.<ability>.max-effort The maximum amount of training effort that will be counted towards levelling up. The units of effort depend on the ability. For speed and jump, they are metres travelled horizontally on the ground or in the air, respectively. For health, the units are equivalent mass of gold nuggets consumed.
abilities.<ability>.effort-scale The scale factor that converts the effort base, raised to the level, into required effort.
abilities.<ability>.min-value The minimum ability value on the internal (Bukkit API) scale.
abilities.<ability>.max-value The maximum ability value on the internal (Bukkit API) scale.
  • In the above table, <ability> is each of speed, jump and health, in turn.


  • easyrider.admin - Permission to administer the plugin (run /easyrider reload).
  • easyrider.debug - Players with this permission receive debug messages.
  • easyrider.setappearance - Permission to use /horse-set-appearance.
  • easyrider.setlevel - Permission to use /horse-set-level.
  • easyrider.setname - Permission to use /horse-set-name.
  • easyrider.swap - Permission to use /horse-swap.
  • - Permission to use /horse-tp.
  • easyrider.tphere - Permission to use /horse-tphere.
  • easyrider.bypass - Permission to use /horse-bypass.
  • easyrider.tame - Permission to use /horse-tame.
  • - Permission to use /horse-free.
  • - Permission to use /horse-info.
  • easyrider.upgrades - Permission to use /horse-upgrades.
  • - Permission to use /horse-top.
  • easyrider.speedlimit - Permission to use /horse-speed-limit.
  • easyrider.gps - Permission to use /horse-gps.
  • easyrider.gps-player - Permission to specify a player name when using /horse-gps.
  • easyrider.access - Permission to use /horse-access.
  • easyrider.list - Permission to use /horse-list.
  • easyrider.list-player - Permission to specify a player name other than one's own when using /horse-list.
  • easyrider.disguise-self - Permission to use /horse-disguise-self.
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