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Laurent Nicolas edited this page Sep 16, 2022 · 6 revisions

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Handling sensitive input variables in Terraform

Please see

In a nutshell

  1. declare sensitive variables in a files, and reference them in other resources files
  2. initialize the variables by using a .tfvars file or by environment variables of the form: TF_VARS_<var_name>

For instance, in

variable "cvo_svm_admin_password" {
  type      = string
  sensitive = true                 // NOTE: requires Terraform 0.14 or above

access the variable in other .tf files as

svm_password = var.cvo_svm_admin_password

and then initialize the value with


export TF_VAR_cvo_svm_admin_password=my_password

or use a protected .tfvars file with

cvo_svm_admin_password = "my_password"

Not exposing passwords in the Terraform state file

Terraform acknowledges this is an issue, and recommends to encrypt the state file

If this is not satisfactory, a manual solution is to use a temporary password, that is still exposed in the state file, and then update the password post deployment.

You may also use the lifecycle meta-argument to make sure that Terraform will not update a resource because the password is different in the state file.

  lifecycle {
    ignore_changes = [
  svm_password = var.cloudmanager_cvo_azure_svm_password

If you need to update the password, just comment out the variable name from the ignore_changes list:

  lifecycle {
    ignore_changes = [
      # svm_password,
  svm_password = var.cloudmanager_cvo_azure_svm_password