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Parse SemVer 2 versions

Use this action to derive a SemVer version from git ref or parse an input string as a SemVer version. Internally, this uses pcre2grep and the official RegEx to match values.

SemVer Version

In this document, any reference to "SemVer" should be assumed to reference SemVer v2.0.0.

Relaxed "major.minor" detection

In some cases it can be useful to detect a "major.minor" format version in the input, even if the input doesn't have a valid SemVer version. Imagine a scenario where you may want to use the branch release/v2.2 during development of an upcoming release. The detected "major.minor" version "2.2" is not a SemVer version but can be used by the consuming job to construct a valid SemVer version for pre-release testing and deployment to non-production environments. Given a GitHub run ID of 7522504873 you could construct a NuGet package "MyProject.2.2.7522504873-prerelease.nupkg".

Note that this functionality will detect any "number.number" form. Given this, major_minor_version should only be used to inform non-production products. Production products should use a conforming SemVer version.


For normal operations, there is a single input, value_to_parse. It defaults to using gitlab.ref to automatically try to parse the branch or tag.

For debugging you can also input specific values for GitHub action metadata that would normally be defaulted from the in-progress action:

  • run_id
  • run_number
  • run_attempt


  • These outputs provide a value as long as the input value contains a "major.minor" version:
    • major_version - The major version
    • minor_version - The minor version
    • major_minor_version - Convenience value containing the "major.minor" version in that form
  • These outputs provide values only if the input contains a valid SemVer version:
    • semver_version - The full SemVer version
    • patch_version - The patch version
    • pre_release_version - The pre-release version
    • build_metadata - The build metadata
  • Remaining outputs provide values in all cases:
    • fallback_version provides a best-effort at a version, choosing the first possible value from:
      • If matched, semver_version
      • If major_minor_version is available, that value with a patch version from the GitHub run_id and a prerelease constructed from run_number and run_attempt
        • (e.g. 1.2.123456789-fallback-2-3 assuming major_minor_version is 1.2)
      • If all fails, assume major and minor version of 0 and the same patch and prerelease construction
        • e.g. 0.0.123456789-fallback-2-3
    • dotnet_assembly_version - A version compatible with .NET assembly versions (Major.Minor.Build.Revision)
      • dotnet_assembly_version will not use run_id which is bound to exceed the version component numeric limitations.
    • nuget_version - A version compatible with NuGet package versions
      • While NuGet versions are supposedly SemVer adherent, it is still limited by the dotnet pack command, which has limitations related to .NET assemblies. So the same version component limitations as dotnet_assembly_version exist for nuget_version.
    • value_to_parse echoes back the value_to_parse input, useful for debugging the calling action

Input/Output Examples

Input Value value_to_parse semver_version major_version minor_version major_minor_version patch_version pre_release_version build_metadata fallback_version
"1.2.3" 1.2.3 1.2.3 1 2 1.2 3 1.2.3
"5.12.23-alpha+001" 5.12.23-alpha+001 5.12.23-alpha+001 5 12 5.12 23 alpha 001 5.12.23-alpha+001
"v2.3" v2.3 2 3 2.3 ` 2.3.123456789-fallback-2-3 (sample GH run metadata)
"v7" v7 ` 0.0.123456789-fallback-2-3 (sample GH run metadata)

Usage Examples

Allow the action to pull the value from gitlab.ref itself

name: parse-semver test - use default

on: [push]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Parse GITHUB_REF_NAME for SemVer
      - name: Output github.ref
        run: echo "${{ github.ref }}"
      - name: Parse GitHub ref
        id: parse
        uses: NetChris/parse-semver@v0
      - name: Output value_to_parse
        run: echo "${{ steps.parse.outputs.value_to_parse }}"
      - name: Has semver_version?
        if: ${{ steps.parse.outputs.semver_version != '' }}
        run: echo "${{ steps.parse.outputs.semver_version }}"
      - name: Major/Minor detected?
        if: ${{ steps.parse.outputs.major_minor_version != '' }}
        run: echo "${{ steps.parse.outputs.major_minor_version }}"
      - name: Output major version
        run: echo ${{ steps.parse.outputs.major_version }}
      - name: Output minor version
        run: echo ${{ steps.parse.outputs.minor_version }}
      - name: Output SemVer patch component
        run: echo ${{ steps.parse.outputs.patch_version }}
      - name: Output SemVer prerelease component
        run: echo ${{ steps.parse.outputs.pre_release_version }}
      - name: Output SemVer buildmetadata component
        run: echo ${{ steps.parse.outputs.build_metadata }}
      - name: fallback_version
        run: echo ${{ steps.parse.outputs.fallback_version }}

This is the recommended style of use to allow the action to "derive" the version and make a best effort. This reduces the amount of logic you have to use to construct a version for building and deploying artifacts.

Pass in a value to value_to_parse

name: parse-semver test - passed value "v1.2.3"

on: [push]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Parse GITHUB_REF_NAME for SemVer
      - name: Parse GitHub ref
        id: parse
        uses: NetChris/parse-semver@v0
          value_to_parse: 'v1.2.3'
      - name: Output value_to_parse
        run: echo "${{ steps.parse.outputs.value_to_parse }}"
      - name: Has semver_version?
        if: ${{ steps.parse.outputs.semver_version != '' }}
        run: echo "${{ steps.parse.outputs.semver_version }}"
      - name: Major/Minor detected?
        if: ${{ steps.parse.outputs.major_minor_version != '' }}
        run: echo "${{ steps.parse.outputs.major_minor_version }}"
      - name: Output major version
        run: echo ${{ steps.parse.outputs.major_version }}
      - name: Output minor version
        run: echo ${{ steps.parse.outputs.minor_version }}
      - name: Output SemVer patch component
        run: echo ${{ steps.parse.outputs.patch_version }}
      - name: Output SemVer prerelease component
        run: echo ${{ steps.parse.outputs.pre_release_version }}
      - name: Output SemVer buildmetadata component
        run: echo ${{ steps.parse.outputs.build_metadata }}
      - name: fallback_version
        run: echo ${{ steps.parse.outputs.fallback_version }}