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more plural/singular (trunk only)
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     Extend makeplural/makesingular case-insensitivity to vtense() and to
wizard mode wishing for dungeon features.  And the previous set of fixes
missed one:  makesingular("zombies") was producing "zomby".  Plus a bit of
groundwork for a likely second overhaul of makeplural/makesingular.
  • Loading branch information
nethack.rankin committed May 3, 2007
1 parent 894e7f0 commit 15e79e9
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Showing 3 changed files with 74 additions and 74 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion include/extern.h
Expand Up @@ -812,7 +812,8 @@ E char *FDECL(mungspaces, (char *));
E char *FDECL(eos, (char *));
E char *FDECL(strkitten, (char *,CHAR_P));
E void FDECL(copynchars, (char *,const char *,int));
E void FDECL(Strcasecpy, (char *,const char *));
E char FDECL(chrcasecpy, (int,int));
E char *FDECL(strcasecpy, (char *,const char *));
E char *FDECL(s_suffix, (const char *));
E char *FDECL(xcrypt, (const char *,char *));
E boolean FDECL(onlyspace, (const char *));
Expand Down
51 changes: 27 additions & 24 deletions src/hacklib.c
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ NetHack, except that rounddiv may call panic().
char * eos (char *)
char * strkitten (char *,char)
void copynchars (char *,const char *,int)
void Strcasecpy (char *,const char *)
char chrcasecpy (int,int)
char * strcasecpy (char *,const char *)
char * s_suffix (const char *)
char * xcrypt (const char *, char *)
boolean onlyspace (const char *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -157,47 +158,49 @@ copynchars(dst, src, n) /* truncating string copy */
*dst = '\0';

/* this assumes ASCII; someday we'll have to switch over to <ctype.h> */
#define nh_islower(c) ((c) >= 'a' && (c) <= 'z')
#define nh_isupper(c) ((c) >= 'A' && (c) <= 'Z')
#define nh_tolower(c) lowc(c)
#define nh_toupper(c) highc(c)
/* mostly used by strcasecpy */
chrcasecpy(oc, nc) /* convert char nc into oc's case */
int oc, nc;
#if 0 /* this will be necessary if we switch to <ctype.h> */
oc = (int)(unsigned char)oc;
nc = (int)(unsigned char)nc;
if ('a' <= oc && oc <= 'z') {
/* old char is lower case; if new char is upper case, downcase it */
if ('A' <= nc && nc <= 'Z') nc += 'a' - 'A'; /* lowc(nc) */
} else if ('A' <= oc && oc <= 'Z') {
/* old char is upper case; if new char is lower case, upcase it */
if ('a' <= nc && nc <= 'z') nc += 'A' - 'a'; /* highc(nc) */
return (char)nc;

/* for case-insensitive editions of makeplural() and makesingular();
src might be shorter, same length, or longer than dst */
Strcasecpy(dst, src) /* overwrite string, preserving old chars' case */
char *
strcasecpy(dst, src) /* overwrite string, preserving old chars' case */
char *dst;
const char *src;
char *result = dst;
int ic, oc, dst_exhausted = 0;

/* while dst has characters, replace each one with corresponding
character from src, converting case in the process if they differ;
once dst runs out, propagate the case of its last character to any
remaining src; if dst starts empty, it must be a pointer to the
tail of some other string because we examine the char at dst[-1] */
while ((ic = (int)(unsigned char)*src++) != '\0') {
while ((ic = (int)*src++) != '\0') {
if (!dst_exhausted && !*dst) dst_exhausted = 1;
/* fetch old character */
oc = (int)(unsigned char)*(dst - dst_exhausted);
/* possibly convert new character */
if (nh_islower(oc)) { /* the usual case... */
if (nh_isupper(ic)) ic = nh_tolower(ic);
} else if (nh_isupper(oc)) {
if (nh_islower(ic)) ic = nh_toupper(ic);
/* store new character */
*dst++ = (char)ic;
oc = (int)*(dst - dst_exhausted);
*dst++ = chrcasecpy(oc, ic);
*dst = '\0';
return result;

#undef nh_islower
#undef nh_isupper
#undef nh_tolower
#undef nh_toupper

char *
s_suffix(s) /* return a name converted to possessive */
const char *s;
Expand Down
94 changes: 45 additions & 49 deletions src/objnam.c
Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,10 @@ struct Jitem {
const char *name;

#define BSTRCMPI(base,ptr,str) ((ptr) < base || strcmpi((ptr),str))
#define BSTRNCMPI(base,ptr,str,num) ((ptr) < base || strncmpi((ptr),str,num))
#define Strcasecpy(dst,src) (void)strcasecpy(dst,src)

/* true for gems/rocks that should have " stone" appended to their names */
#define GemStone(typ) (typ == FLINT || \
(objects[typ].oc_material == GEMSTONE && \
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1386,7 +1390,7 @@ vtense(subj, verb)
register const char *subj;
register const char *verb;
char *buf = nextobuf();
char *buf = nextobuf(), *bspot;
int len, ltmp;
const char *sp, *spot;
const char * const *spec;
Expand All @@ -1406,11 +1410,11 @@ register const char *verb;
goto sing;
spot = (const char *)0;
for (sp = subj; (sp = index(sp, ' ')) != 0; ++sp) {
if (!strncmp(sp, " of ", 4) ||
!strncmp(sp, " from ", 6) ||
!strncmp(sp, " called ", 8) ||
!strncmp(sp, " named ", 7) ||
!strncmp(sp, " labeled ", 9)) {
if (!strncmpi(sp, " of ", 4) ||
!strncmpi(sp, " from ", 6) ||
!strncmpi(sp, " called ", 8) ||
!strncmpi(sp, " named ", 7) ||
!strncmpi(sp, " labeled ", 9)) {
if (sp != subj) spot = sp - 1;
Expand All @@ -1422,12 +1426,12 @@ register const char *verb;
* plural: anything that ends in 's', but not '*us' or '*ss'.
* Guess at a few other special cases that makeplural creates.
if ((*spot == 's' && spot != subj &&
(*(spot-1) != 'u' && *(spot-1) != 's')) ||
((spot - subj) >= 4 && !strncmp(spot-3, "eeth", 4)) ||
((spot - subj) >= 3 && !strncmp(spot-3, "feet", 4)) ||
((spot - subj) >= 2 && !strncmp(spot-1, "ia", 2)) ||
((spot - subj) >= 2 && !strncmp(spot-1, "ae", 2))) {
if ((lowc(*spot) == 's' && spot != subj &&
!index("us", lowc(*(spot-1)))) ||
BSTRNCMPI(subj, spot-3, "eeth", 4) ||
BSTRNCMPI(subj, spot-3, "feet", 4) ||
BSTRNCMPI(subj, spot-1, "ia", 2) ||
BSTRNCMPI(subj, spot-1, "ae", 2)) {
/* check for special cases to avoid false matches */
len = (int)(spot - subj) + 1;
for (spec = special_subjs; *spec; spec++) {
Expand All @@ -1450,26 +1454,25 @@ register const char *verb;

len = strlen(verb);
spot = verb + len - 1;

if (!strcmp(verb, "are"))
Strcpy(buf, "is");
else if (!strcmp(verb, "have"))
Strcpy(buf, "has");
else if (index("zxs", *spot) ||
(len >= 2 && *spot=='h' && index("cs", *(spot-1))) ||
(len == 2 && *spot == 'o')) {
Strcpy(buf, verb);
len = (int)strlen(buf);
bspot = buf + len - 1;

if (!strcmpi(buf, "are")) {
Strcasecpy(buf, "is");
} else if (!strcmpi(buf, "have")) {
Strcasecpy(bspot-1, "s");
} else if (index("zxs", lowc(*bspot)) ||
(len >= 2 && lowc(*bspot) == 'h' &&
index("cs", lowc(*(bspot-1)))) ||
(len == 2 && lowc(*bspot) == 'o')) {
/* Ends in z, x, s, ch, sh; add an "es" */
Strcpy(buf, verb);
Strcat(buf, "es");
} else if (*spot == 'y' && (!index(vowels, *(spot-1)))) {
Strcasecpy(bspot+1, "es");
} else if (lowc(*bspot) == 'y' && !index(vowels, lowc(*(bspot-1)))) {
/* like "y" case in makeplural */
Strcpy(buf, verb);
Strcpy(buf + len - 1, "ies");
Strcasecpy(bspot, "ies");
} else {
Strcpy(buf, verb);
Strcat(buf, "s");
Strcasecpy(bspot+1, "s");

return buf;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1895,11 +1898,6 @@ STATIC_OVL NEARDATA const struct o_range o_ranges[] = {
{ "grey stone", GEM_CLASS, LUCKSTONE, FLINT },

#define BSTRCMP(base,ptr,string) ((ptr) < base || strcmp((ptr),string))
#define BSTRCMPI(base,ptr,string) ((ptr) < base || strcmpi((ptr),string))
#define BSTRNCMP(base,ptr,string,num) ((ptr)<base || strncmp((ptr),string,num))
#define BSTRNCMPI(base,ptr,string,num) ((ptr)<base||strncmpi((ptr),string,num))

* Singularize a string the user typed in; this helps reduce the complexity
* of readobjnam, and is also used in pager.c to singularize the string
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1936,11 +1934,7 @@ const char *oldstr;
(p = strstri(bp, "-in-")) != 0 ||
(p = strstri(bp, "-at-")) != 0) {
/* [wo]men-at-arms -> [wo]man-at-arms; takes "not end in s" exit */
if (!BSTRNCMPI(bp, p-3, "men", 3)) {
char c = *p; /* Strcasecpy will clobber *p with '\0' */
Strcasecpy(p-2, "an");
*p = c;
if (!BSTRNCMPI(bp, p-3, "men", 3)) p[-2] = chrcasecpy(p[-2], 'a');
if (BSTRNCMPI(bp, p-1, "s", 1)) return bp; /* wasn't plural */

--p; /* back up to the 's' */
Expand All @@ -1959,6 +1953,7 @@ const char *oldstr;
if (p >= bp+3 && lowc(p[-3]) == 'i') { /* "ies" */
if (!BSTRCMPI(bp, p-7, "cookies") ||
!BSTRCMPI(bp, p-4, "pies") ||
!BSTRCMPI(bp, p-5, "mbies") || /* zombie */
!BSTRCMPI(bp, p-5, "yries")) /* valkyrie */
goto mins;
Strcasecpy(p-3, "y"); /* ies -> y */
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2826,22 +2821,22 @@ struct obj *no_wish;
/* furniture and terrain */
lev = &levl[x][y];
p = eos(bp);
if(!BSTRCMP(bp, p-8, "fountain")) {
if (!BSTRCMPI(bp, p-8, "fountain")) {
lev->typ = FOUNTAIN;
if(!strncmpi(bp, "magic ", 6)) lev->blessedftn = 1;
pline("A %sfountain.", lev->blessedftn ? "magic " : "");
newsym(x, y);
if(!BSTRCMP(bp, p-6, "throne")) {
if (!BSTRCMPI(bp, p-6, "throne")) {
lev->typ = THRONE;
pline("A throne.");
newsym(x, y);
# ifdef SINKS
if(!BSTRCMP(bp, p-4, "sink")) {
if (!BSTRCMPI(bp, p-4, "sink")) {
lev->typ = SINK;
pline("A sink.");
Expand All @@ -2850,16 +2845,16 @@ struct obj *no_wish;
# endif
/* ("water" matches "potion of water" rather than terrain) */
if (!BSTRCMP(bp, p-4, "pool") || !BSTRCMP(bp, p-4, "moat")) {
lev->typ = !BSTRCMP(bp, p-4, "pool") ? POOL : MOAT;
if (!BSTRCMPI(bp, p-4, "pool") || !BSTRCMPI(bp, p-4, "moat")) {
lev->typ = !BSTRCMPI(bp, p-4, "pool") ? POOL : MOAT;
del_engr_at(x, y);
pline("A %s.", (lev->typ == POOL) ? "pool" : "moat");
/* Must manually make kelp! */
water_damage(&level.objects[x][y], FALSE, TRUE);
newsym(x, y);
return &zeroobj;
if (!BSTRCMP(bp, p-4, "lava")) { /* also matches "molten lava" */
if (!BSTRCMPI(bp, p-4, "lava")) { /* also matches "molten lava" */
lev->typ = LAVAPOOL;
del_engr_at(x, y);
pline("A pool of molten lava.");
Expand All @@ -2868,7 +2863,7 @@ struct obj *no_wish;
return &zeroobj;

if(!BSTRCMP(bp, p-5, "altar")) {
if (!BSTRCMPI(bp, p-5, "altar")) {
aligntyp al;

lev->typ = ALTAR;
Expand All @@ -2888,23 +2883,24 @@ struct obj *no_wish;

if(!BSTRCMP(bp, p-5, "grave") || !BSTRCMP(bp, p-9, "headstone")) {
if (!BSTRCMPI(bp, p-5, "grave") ||
!BSTRCMPI(bp, p-9, "headstone")) {
make_grave(x, y, (char *)0);
pline("%s.", IS_GRAVE(lev->typ) ? "A grave" :
"Can't place a grave here");
newsym(x, y);

if(!BSTRCMP(bp, p-4, "tree")) {
if (!BSTRCMPI(bp, p-4, "tree")) {
lev->typ = TREE;
pline("A tree.");
newsym(x, y);
block_point(x, y);
return &zeroobj;

if(!BSTRCMP(bp, p-4, "bars")) {
if (!BSTRCMPI(bp, p-4, "bars")) {
lev->typ = IRONBARS;
pline("Iron bars.");
newsym(x, y);
Expand Down

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