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NetLogo Extension Documenter

What is this tool?

sbt plugin for generating documentation. Takes a documentation.conf file in the root of an sbt project and turns it into a delicious README. Uses HOCON (although other markup formats may supported in the future) for data and mustache for document rendering.


Get started by adding the following to your project/plugins.sbt

resolvers += "netlogo-extension-documentation" at ""

addSbtPlugin("org.nlogo" % "netlogo-extension-documentation" % "0.8.2")

Or for sbt 0.13.x

resolvers += Resolver.url(

addSbtPlugin("org.nlogo" % "netlogo-extension-documentation" % "0.7.2")

Then add the following to your build.sbt


Finally, add a simple documentation.conf

extensionName = "my-ext"
markdownTemplate = """
# Your NetLogo Extension

This extension contains NetLogo primitives


## Primitives

{{> primTemplate}}
primTemplate = """
### `{{name}}`

{{{#isOptional}}({{/isOptional}}{{primitive.fullName}}{{#args}} *{{argumentPlaceholder}}*{{/args}}{{#isOptional}}){{/isOptional}}

primitives = [
    name: a-command,
    type: command,
    arguments: [ { name: my-turtle, type: turtle } ],
    description: "does thing to turtle"
    name: a-reporter,
    type: reporter,
    returns: anything,
    arguments: [ { name: list-of-stuff, type: list } ],
    description: "returns a thing from the list"

Then run the extensionDocument sbt command and you'll see a shiny new README!

Data Format

These are the recognized top-level keys in documentation.conf.

  • markdownTemplate: Template for the Required to use extensionDocument.

  • primTemplate: Template for rendering primitives in the This produces a list of strings, accessible within the markdownTemplate as allPrimitives.

  • primitives: Array of primitive objects. Required to use extensionDocument.

  • tableOfContents: Optional object mapping tags to ToC sections. Looks like { "tag1": "Full Section Name 1", "tag2": "Full Section Name 2" }

  • additionalVariables: Optional object with keys will be available to markdownTemplate.

  • filesToIncludeInManual: Optional array of strings. If present, tells the NetLogo manual which files to include when building. It is recommended that instructions on how to build the extension, as well as licensing information be ommitted from the NetLogo manual.

  • extensionName: Optional string. If present all prims will have the string, along with a colon, prefixed to their name.

Primitive Objects

Primitives have the following keys:

  • name: Required. Primitive will be ommitted if name is not present.
  • type: Strongly Recommended. Must be either command or reporter. Defaults to command if not present.
  • returns: Strongly Recommended for reporters. Specifies the return type of the primitive. Defaults to wildcard / anything if not present.
  • arguments: Optional. List of arguments to the primitive. If the primitive accepts no arguments, this key may be omitted.
  • alternateArguments: Optional. List of arguments to the primitive. Use this if the primitive accepts a different set of arguments than under arguments. An argument is an object type key and an optional name key. the type key should be one of the types listed below.
  • description: Strongly recommended. Description of the primitive, in Markdown.


The following types are recognized. All other types are assumed to be a custom type.

  • "" or "anything": wildcard type / any type
  • "list"
  • "string"
  • "boolean"
  • "number"
  • "patchset"
  • "turtleset"
  • "linkset"
  • "turtle"
  • "patch"
  • "symbol"
  • "command block"
  • "optional command block"
  • "reporter block"
  • "command": anonymous command or name of command
  • "reporter": anonymous reporter or name of reporter
  • "reference"
  • "code block"
  • "repeatable x": Repeatable of x
  • all others: custom type with specified name

Rendering schema

Markdown Template

  • Use mustache partials to include files from extensionDocumentationIncludePath. This defauls to the project root, but may be changed. Usage: {{> }}. Note that the same variables will be available to as are available in the markdown template, if you would like to include mustached in those files.
  • contents is a list of table of contents objects that look like the following:
    fullCategoryName: "Full Name here",
    shortCategoryName: "tagName",
    prims: <List of prims as described in Primitives template below>
  • primitives is a decorated list of primitive objects. You can use this in conjunction with primTemplate, which is available as a partial. This looks like: {{#primitives}}{{> primTemplate}}{{/primitives}}`
  • any variables from additionalConfig will be available. For instance, if you had additionalConfig: { netlogoUrl = "" }, you could use the following in the markdown template: [The NetLogo Website]({{netlogoUrl}}).

Primitives Template

  • name: The name of the primitive
  • _name_: The name of the primitive, lowercased.
  • argumentPlaceholder: The name of the primitive with spaces replaced by underscores so it is a single word.
  • description: (remember to use {{{, }}}, as this is in markdown)
  • primitive: a Primitive object (see PrimitiveData.scala)
  • isInfix: boolean value, true only if primitive is infix prim
  • examples: a list of objects encapsulating argument sets. There will always be one element in examples, even if the arguments key wasn't specified. Examples contains the following:
    • name: The name of the primitive call, including the extension prefix
    • _name_: The name of the primitive call, lowercased
    • primitive: The Primitive object this example belongs to (see PrimitiveData.scala)
    • args: a list of argument values from above (NamedType in PrimitiveData.scala). Each argument has the following keys:
      • name: the name given to the argument
      • typeName: The TypeName of the argument. Use {{}} to get the human-readable name of the type
    • leftArg: a single argument value (infix primitives only)
    • rightArgs: a list of argument values, omitting left argument (infix primitives only)
    • isOptional: boolean value, true if this example is for an alternative set of arguments whose length is different than the primary example.
  • All variables defined in additionalConfig are also available.

Deprecated (but still-supported features)

The following are top-level keys which were superseded in 0.7.0 but are still available for convenience.

  • allPrimitives was a list of strings created by running each primitive through the primTemplate. Use primitives and the primTemplate partial instead. The extension documentation plugin will automatically convert the typically-used {{#allPrimitives}}{{{.}}}{{/allPrimitives}} to {{#primitives}}{{> primTemplate }}{{/allPrimitives}}, but this conversion will likely be removed in future versions.
  • include is a lambda that includes files from extensionDocumentationIncludePath. This defauls to the project root, but may be changed. Use like: {{#include}}{{/include}}. include will likely be phased out in a future version - it is recommended to use partials instead ({{>}}).

Terms of Use


The netlogo-extension-documentation plugin is in the public domain. To the extent possible under law, Uri Wilensky has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights.

Hosted By: Cloudsmith

Package repository hosting is graciously provided by Cloudsmith.


SBT plugin for NetLogo Extension Documentation






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