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Releases: NetNerd/MB_VocaDbLyrics

Beta 10 (v0.9.3)

15 Dec 07:32
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Turns out I accidentally broke the automatic update detection (would always say there's an update even if there isn't) with the last release, so this just changes the code to somewhat understand this format.

Beta 9 (v0.9.2)

14 Dec 06:24
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I'm not entirely sure what was causing it, but I noticed that the build for 0.9.1 was failing to get lyrics for no obvious reason sometimes. v0.9.2 should hopefully fix that.

Betas 7 and 8 (v0.9+v0.9.1)

05 Dec 11:43
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This version adds untested support for TouhouDB. It also has an expanded default artist whitelist compared to the last release (details are in the readme).

Make sure you read the release notes for all prior versions.


v0.9.1 is the same as v0.9, but has an improved readme and a slight change to default displayed languages. ("Romaji"->"Romanized")

Beta 6 (v0.8)

05 Dec 11:06
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I already have another new update ready. This changes some things to ensure the plugin behaves as users should expect in more cases, and allows users to restrict the amount of data sent to the databases.


An artist whitelist has now been added -- if a song doesn't contain at least one artist from it, lyrics won't be retrieved. You can revert to the old behaviour by simply deleting its contents in the config panel.
If you use the plugin for Utaite tags or don't use Japanese tags you should make sure you configure this appropriately. A Romanised equivalent to the default setting is included in readme.txt, and you will probably want to expand it yourself.


Additionally, the plugin now properly handles songs tagged with multiple artist tags (previously only the first was used)

Plugin Revival - Beta 5

05 Dec 05:19
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It's been a loooong time since I updated the plugin, so it's been non-functional for a while, but I've finally decided to revive the project.
Due to some fairly big changes, I'm still calling it a beta for now.


The language selection system has been considerably changed, but fortunately old settings will be migrated (if all goes well) and the default setting should help new users get started.
If you have any trouble with it, please open an issue.


The behaviour of the 'Force Artist Matching' option has also changed. Previously only the first artist in the tag would need to exist in the db and match the song, but now all artists must exist and match.
Unchecked behaviour is unmodified (only artists that are found in the database need to match).


I also improved the Japanese translation.

Beta 4 (v0.5)

12 Oct 07:17
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Hey guys, here's a new version of the plugin.

This release adds support for UtaiteDB to the plugin. There's no new settings for this; just enable it from 'Tags (2)' if you want to use it.

Also changed is parts of the update checker (which is hopefully working properly) to make it behave better when multiple instances run at once. This shouldn't have any significant effects on you, but let me know if you notice anything unusual.


This will probably be the last version before I stop calling it a beta. So far, I've still had no issues reported to me by users of the plugin (I know that twenty or so downloads isn't a lot, but it's still enough for me to think that everything's working fine) and the feature set seems to be pretty complete for a simple plugin now. A next version would probably just be some final polish on everything and some tweaks to algorithms.

Also, if anyone with a reasonable amount of Japanese knowledge is reading this, please contact me to discuss the translations used in the plugin.

Beta 3 (v0.4)

27 Sep 12:32
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This release brings some interesting changes to the plugin.
While I'm still calling it a beta and things are subject to change, I think it's actually working pretty well at the moment.


An automatic update checker is now included. It hasn't really been fully tested, but hopefully it works fine in the real world (although I'd need to make another release to see if that's actually the case).


There's also a change to the 'Force Artist Matching' option which was made in the library I'm using for the lyrics. Now it is a strict the first artist the plugin sees in the string it gets has to be in the database and be listed as an artist for the song.
Previously any artist in the string would be okay to match, so tracks with the same Vocaloid could still be mixed up.
Standard behaviour is still that if an artist in the string is in the database, the first one of these has to match. Otherwise only the title is used. I can't really retrieve the VocaDB artist IDs for multiple artists at the same time without multithreading, so what seems to have worked so far is to iterate through the artists until one matches. This will probably be my next improvement to the library (and by extension the plugin), but development can be expected to slow down now that it all seems good enough.



And for those still with me, there's a couple of easter eggs hidden in the plugin too (because why not). They're actually very similar (much of the code is shared) and if you find one you'll probably find the other one.
The source code isn't hidden at all, so if you want a challenge you'll wanna find them by poking around (hint: try holding down keys when doing stuff... you'll also need to do something else first though).
If enough people want spoilers I'll probably give them away, but you aren't really missing out on much guys.

Beta 2 (v0.3)

19 Aug 22:35
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Hi there.
This is the second released version of the plugin.

I'm no longer the only person making use of it, but it's still fairly untested. Once I get it out to a wider audience and have some more testing done I'll think about removing the beta from the release names.

Beta 1 (v0.2)

13 Jun 12:44
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I think this is ready for it's first proper distribution now, so yeah... beta.

So far I'm actually the only person I know of who has used this, so try not to be surprised if you have issues.