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dkoszewnik edited this page Mar 8, 2013 · 1 revision

NetflixGraph is a compact in-memory data structure used to represent directed graph data. You can use NetflixGraph to vastly reduce the size of your application’s memory footprint, potentially by an order of magnitude or more. If your application is I/O bound, you may be able to remove that bottleneck by holding your entire dataset in RAM. This may be possible with NetflixGraph; you’ll likely be very surprised by how little memory is actually required to represent your data.

NetflixGraph provides an API to translate your data into a graph format, compress that data in memory, then serialize the compressed in-memory representation of the data so that it may be easily transported across your infrastructure.

NetflixGraph can be used to maintain any data, so long as it is “phrased” in the form of a directed graph. To learn more about representing data sets as directed graphs, see Directed Graph Representation.

Support for NetflixGraph can be obtained through the NetflixGraph google group.


  1. Usage
  2. Compact Representations
  3. Connection Models
  4. Directed Graph Representation
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