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Running the RSS Reader Recipes application

pprasanna edited this page Jul 16, 2013 · 21 revisions

Running the RSS Reader Recipes application is a 3 step process. Run each of these steps sequentially. Each of these components can either be deployed in multiple machines or in a single machine. The default configurations make all these components run in a single machine.

Run Eureka Server

Please follow the instruction here to first build Eureka. Note: Make sure your tomcat listens on port 80 (in server.xml) as Eureka server, by default, is configured to run on port 80. You will need to start tomcat as sudo for running on port 80.

After a successful build, copy the WAR artifact to your tomcat deployment directory under _$TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/

cp ./eureka-server/build/libs/eureka-server-XXX-SNAPSHOT.war $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/eureka.war

Start your tomcat server. At the end of this step, http://localhost/eureka should be up and showing the registered sample client. You might have to wait for a few minutes to get the eureka server running.

Run Middle Tier Service

By now, you should have successfully built the RSS Reader application. Set the APP environment:

export APP_ENV=dev

Run the following command from the home directory of the RSS Recipes app:

java -jar rss-middletier/build/libs/rss-middletier-*SNAPSHOT.jar

At the end of this step, http://localhost/eureka should be showing the registered Middle tier client as well. You might have to wait for a minute to get the Middle tier registered.

Run Edge Service

Set the APP environment:

export APP_ENV=dev

Run the following command from the home directory of the RSS Recipes app:

java -jar rss-edge/build/libs/rss-edge-*SNAPSHOT.jar

You are all set to play with the RSS Reader Page. Here are a few RSS feeds that you can add to the Reader: